
Apple iPhone costs 6 times the US Price in Australia! WHY?

This is my latest email, just sent to Apple's USA Apple Shop feedback link.

Why is an iPhone 3Gs US$99 in the USA, but AUS$719 in Australia?
Where does the difference in price go?
Australians are being ripped-off excessively, not only in your excellent products, but in all imported products.
Surely the difference in price mentioned here is not absorbed by Aust import duties and shipping?
Sorry, but it is disgusting. Apple would capture the Aust market of phones and computers were price parity enabled. As we here are owned by the IMF, is Apple party to their global corruption and theft of our incomes?
A rhetorical qvestion, yes, but a sad reality for we here who want Apple type Quality, Mr Jobs.
Quality only for the rich, aye?
You know who I am Steve Jobs, and that I want the best for all of us, here there and everywhere.
Damn Gatesie, albeit that I salute his advancing global comms as MS has done.
ANOTHER KEY REASON for a Revolution here, and, All Things Considered, globally.
Keep up the Good Work Apple. I wish I could afford an Apple laptop and iPhone, as do a few billion elsewhere, aye, Jobsie?
But our governments here are the worst thieves, methinks.... especially in Customs and Duties....
But Aussies are lame-brains, as-a-rule....
All the Best....
Max Earth
PS: This is being blogged at www.maxearth.blogspot.com

"What did the fella say as he lay on top of a custard tart?"


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