
ABC Radio National's racist extremism writ-large

I listened to ABC's Counterpoint this arvo, and was offended by the interview and the people involved, for their delusional and blinkered attitude to THEIR oh-so-superior WHITE standards of living.

So I composed and flung-off this e-ssay to their "Have Your Say" email link.

Re: Matt Ridley, author “The Rational Optimist” interview.

This fellow, Matt Ridley, is a “blinkered dreamer” when he says that Humans' standard of living has improved markedly with the modern world. (My paraphrasing.)

This is classic upper class western private church-school white fella perceptions, where they cannot perceive of, cannot face the truth, of the True OVERALL standard of living experienced by ALL the People, as in pre-invasion Aboriginal Nations.

Then, before 1788, ALL Aborigines had plenty of food, clothing, relationship, Community and an intricate Ceremonial “bond” unsurpassed in the recent history of the “western” world.

So high was their standard, that they were balanced and content, satiated without the fear-based and selfishness based accoutrements we of the white world are afraid to be without - nuclear family houses, mechanical and technological toys, tools of escapism from the drudge of this slave-based society.

So balanced and fulfilled were they, that they had no need for sophisticated clothing, “make-up”, perfumes, plastic surgery, hospitals, medical practices which beggar belief, artificial insemination, abortion clinics, etc etc etc, evermore complex lifestyles, law courts, prisons, writing, businesses, taxation, junk and weaponry enough to wipe-out whole cities, if not “civilisations”.

His, Matt Ridley's view, goes only so far as those in “his” 1st world, and completely excludes the majority of Humanity who suffer not only lower “standards of living”, now that the technocentric west has destroyed their Traditional ways, habitats and lifestyles, but suffer serious deprivation of “any real standards of living” because of the over-consumption of the white, wealthy 1st world upper class minority.

The “Christian” minority?

As well, the “bond” of the pre-invasion Aborigine extended not only as far as with each other, with each member of their nation, but also intimately and with a magnificent complete knowledge of and between the People and the Environment, such that they survived for many many times longer than almost any other culture, or, indeed, “civilisation”.

An in depth inquiry into Aboriginal Culture, “all things considered”, leaves us with the undeniable fact that theirs was the most “civilised” of all that existed in at least the last four hundred years, and certainly out-lived the horrors of the Roman psychosis of empire.

Your later comedy excerpt from “Identity Cards” is a succinct exposition of just how farcical this “highest standard of living” western world you think is so superior is.

I listen to Counterpoint rarely because it is clear you, Michael Duffy and Paul Comrie-Thompson live in that same blinkered world of self-delusion and ignorance of the HARD ROAD, by far the majority of the world are forced to endure because of your ways of living.

Get real lads! But that's a private school joke, say what ol' chums???

And be careful of abusing your witchcraft.

For a REALPolitik view:


or ask Natasha Mitchell of "All In The Mind", another of Aunty's plagiarists!