And haven't I got a gnawing feeling in my gut this morning!
Of course, I'm the only one who can speak, or write about it, which only adds to the stomach-acid.
Was it coincidence that I posted my last weblog at a few minutes passed 7.00pm last night, almost to the minute that the “spill” against Kevin Rudd's Prime Ministership began?
Media, that not completely trustworthy source of political information, was telling listeners late into the night that the spill was initiated by the Victorian ALP right faction, with the South Australian ALP right.
As I wrote in the well-timed blog-post last night, it was myself who demanded, I wrote “ordered”, the ousting of Victorian ALP Premier Steve Bracks, who I think was from the Vic ALP right faction.
In the blog previous to the last one of 7.00pm last night, I'd written that...
“...Morris Iemma was perhaps the last leader from the NSW/Eurapean mafia, and his ousting by his successor, Nathan Rees, with Union-backing, was a sign that the days of the power-brokers and mafia bosses, Eddie Obied, and Joe Tripodi, et al, were numbered. The ex-police minister, videoed leaving a gay night club, "Campbell" or such, no doubt had connections to the same.
The current Premier Kenneally is a stand-in, as this change takes place in NSW.
Penrith last weekend signals a serious bashing of the NSW ALP next March, and rightly so.”
I was brought to think later last night, when I happened to tune in to Sky news channel, and saw that the spill against Rudd was in action, that it was a spill driven by the NSW ALP right, the most brutal of the Australian ALP factions, the ones who have run “the Firm” for decades.
That the news is saying that the spill was from the Victorian branch, and Bracks' branch, may actually be that the NSW branch want to be kept out of it, so asked the Vic branch to “open proceedings”.
But then again, they are both “right” factions, and as most of us know, behind all the apparent feuding between NSW and Victoria, underneath that, the corruption is shared across the nation, by most all of the factions AND political parties - mainstream parties.
I also wrote at the end that it was the Pope who ordered the latest crime spree which headlined in the media for a few days early this week, when a 19 year old was involved in a police chase and hunt, to denigrate the Bikers, who I have aligned with the Greens.
On the other hand, as I write, listening to the latest updates on ABC TV online, about an hour after the formal announcement that Julia Gillard is now our PM designate, having been told that there was no vote, because Rudd accepted gracefully and stepped down without a fight, my earlier suspicions that this is all being conducted from overseas, mainly Rome and Downing Street London, may be incorrect, and that my earlier blog post of 7.00pm last night was little more than another prompt by the number-crunchers within the Labor party to do something now, before we get any closer to which-ever election date is chosen.
But, after boiling it all down, I don't think so.
This whole change of PM affair could well be no more than the mainstream political spinsters, from here and overseas, doing “by any means” everything they can to keep the media spotlights and thus the peoples' minds focused on the two mainstream parties, and OFF the Greens?
For some reason I reckon Ms Gillard as PM will be a better “partner” with the federal Greens from here forward. But it's not that I felt Rudd was not affable in regard to listening to the Greens, just that Julia “seems” to me, to be “Greener” in the political sense, not the naivety sense of the word.
Whatever, the ALP has won the focus of the media from here probably until the election, as the media and the public scrutinises Gillard's performance.
Abbott will be frothing from all orifices, and the Greens will have to be sensational almost, I think, to get any serious sound-bite time.
Senator Bob Brown will get some airtime, commenting on the change, but will have to take advantage of the change, with it's linked reassessments in the government of the ETS, and other environmental issues.
Brown and the Greens should take a leap and throw in their own policies on climate change or pollution reduction methods, and deeper policies addressing the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) etc.
“Ambit claims” like how Unions lobby governments for improved wages and conditions, is the way they'd do it. But not “ambit” - “serious”.
Right now, at 10.22am Thursday watching the ABC coverage, I feel “vacuous”, empty, dislocated beyond any worth or value.
I have absolutely no idea whether anything I've written this morning is anywhere near to being correct.
As I've written of the last few months, I am trying to get out of this farcical “chair” of being a king-maker, or prescient commentator on domestic and global politics.
So, possible pressures from bruised political factions aside, I, in this vacuous state, also feel some deep relief, because this change to Julia Gillard as PM, possibly linked to my REALPolitik Outlaw Dissenter blogging, comes in from left-field (er.... right field?) and may or may not be a sign that my influence has gawn.
And, considering everything I've tried to communicate to the world about the fallacy of a messiah-leader concept, the same concept the ALP, the Catholic ALP used to put Rudd into the PM's chair, this is a relief.
I am confident that Julia Gillard will be a good ALP leader, and is sincere about the role of government.
I also feel that she is a Woman of Substance, thus will be a capable Prime Minister.
Having watched her speak in the parliament “Question Time”, I see she is as good as any when it comes to standing against opposition arguments.
Clearly, PM Gillard is far-far more Intelligent than her shadow Liberal party leader, Abbott, and is capable of thinking and deciding on the facts and the science of issues.
Being our first female PM, she is bound to win a healthy percentage of woman voters at the election.
Being as follow the leader as the Liberal/Nationals are, it's as likely they will shunt-out Abbott soon enough and slot their lead female into the leadership.
But as they are mostly token females in the Liberals, and that the Liberals are mainly male chauvinists, it's probably too much for them to do.
Then there's the worry about all the male chauvinists in the polity? How will they react to PM Gillard?
Time will tell...
I wish her well, and I'm sorry if my blah inspired the Catholics in Sydney and Melbourne to push her upstairs, perhaps as she did not want to climb up there, at least yet?
On Kevin Rudd, I have cursed him, but believe he was sincere.
Most of his “failings”, were not of his own making, but because he was “flown-in” by the spinsters, he didn't have the necessary support-bases.
If all goes OK for the ALP from here on, and if Kev is given the respect he deserves, I think he'd be crazy to leave the House and the cabinet, and Julia would be wrong to give him the flick from the Cabinet rooms.
He's still young, and with his recent experience, of the last three or so years, has yet an enormous amount to offer Australia, and the ALP.
Perhaps you're better-off Kev? It is a ruthless and dog-eat-dog role, so now you can relax a bit, for a while.
As Rudd is still only 53 or so, it's not impossible that he could move back into the role of PM in the next one or two decades.
I do not doubt his abilities, Intellect, tenacity, or sincerity.
All these can only add up to his being calm in humility, where he will only grow in Wisdom, which will only make him a better person to play Prime Minister in the future.
Also, amid my and other conspiracy theories, this yes, sudden change rather suits my prognostications about getting over the messiah concept. The ALP may well lead for generations if they can drop the focus on one saviour-type leader, and move towards a wider leadership team model.
Committees work when everyone has engaged their own Intellect, and are over the spells which drive the outdated ego, of the old school models of cults.
Today's ALP won power in 2007 because the public recognised the Intelligence of it's Candidates, and I hope like Hell that we never return to the ignorance and darkness of those church-orchestrated centuries, prior to 2007.
I don't think Julia wanted to push Rudd out.
I do think the dark forces here and overseas are behind it, with what intention I don't know.
Our Unions are all far too far to the right, and were they better balanced, away from a materialism-centric society, they would not have instituted this, as the media has said.
But their biggest enemies - the foreign owned media - part of the cabal who also run the mining, the banking and other major industries which profit from plundering Australia, control our minds, and so, just to survive in a captured population, the Unions have had to drift to the right, which unfortunately takes them away from putting the People and our Community first.
Unseen fears seem to have driven much of this, but today, only a few years down the track, I think many of us are much Wiser and stronger, and with that can reject the evil forces, and return to pursuing the Righteous Causes.
Comments keep coming on the ABC, one of them being around the fact that we now have two female state Premiers, a female GG, and now a female PM.
I am suspect about this, and about what actual strength each and all of them have? It's very hard to not believe that some of them, if not all of them, are but “token” females, to both take the weight off the shoulders of the male dominated powerhouses, and to placate the female voters.
Another theory I'm known to have ruminated on, is that the rise of women in worlds such as politics, is but another Catholic conspiracy.
This is a bit hard for myself to be at ease with, because years ago, before I realised what the Catholics were planning to do with me, I thought I deduced that the better world is one ruled by a “matriarchy” rather than the brutal patriarchy of these ages.
The “virgin Mary” could be a symbol of this?
This matriarchy rule, may be the right way for life on Earth to be, but I have my doubts for the moment, due to the fact that mental illness and dysfunctional beliefs and behaviour are not specific to the male gender. Perhaps it's just that the males can be more brutal when they express themselves, and so tend to be less sensitive to others, and to the environment.
Good Tidings, Prime Minister Gillard!
I guess I hope the change doesn't backfire.....
Time will tell......
I still think the Greens will rise, and that we are best governed by a Labor-Greens coalition.