
The Failed State of Australia?


Allowing my mind, heart and Soul to absorb the realisation that I'm incredibly rich, I steer my attention into other affairs.

Lately, escaping into politics, I've had thoughts about the stability of the Australian nation in it's current form.

Our media is, to my mind, acting either scurrilously, or pro-reformist, by accentuating the differences we mostly know are there, er, here, from Western Australia, and it's apparent plunder-and-be-damned approach to the resources and to ignoring the importance to the Aborigine of their Sacred Lands and Sites, amongst other things, across the plate to New South Wales and it's impending political and economic and cultural implosion(s) - “failed state” comes to mind for NSW.

Nevertheless, these failings, which exist in all our states, and, as time will tell, exist right across the world, because the foundational models have passed their use-by dates, and as well, being founded upon seriously flawed ideologies, primarily of the 19th century British, and, of the 4th century Roman elitist beliefs about country, they cannot help but fail, and fail seriously, to the point where a global depression will erupt, from which we will be presented with the knee-jerk reactions of war, deepening bigotry and upper-class bias against the majority, and a general and permanent collapse of all we seem to have fought for over time.

So, the REALPolitik concerns I have, which are quietly entertained by many others here, in media, politics and society, dwindle into insignificance, relatively.

The Penrith by-election in Sydney's western suburbs which smacked the utterly corrupt, arrogant and ignorant NSW ALP with a powerful right hook, signs to us that the People, there, of the Working Classes, are tired of the bullshit and spin out of NSW Labor, and will vote for anyone other than the 202 year old “Rum Club” of 'the firm' which has run corruption throughout NSW and thus, across the nation since the Rum Rebellion of 1808.

Federal ALP spinsters deny this will translate into the federal arena come the election, but most Australians now at least, know that the Sydney mafia club has been the makers and breakers of the federal ALP since well before federation in 1901. So that connection has to be severed, and I think most Aussies know it.

The ALP at all levels has known this for a while, and many have tried to break it, but the scum on top of the pool in our most failed city - Sydney - have been ruthless bastards and have deployed any and all methods to retain their control.

A recent assessment of the quality of our major cities told us that Sydney came last. AT LAST! I've been saying so for years!

The worrying thing is that, being the first and largest and “most international” of our cities, with it's latest down-rating, is Sydney taking the rest of the nation down to the lowest common denominator level, thus making the rest of Australia more susceptible to drowning in corruption?

Definitely, I say, I say!

But any attempts to correct this, would be complex and long in the effecting. Nothing short of the largest and deepest Reforms would have to be given nationwide unanimous support.

First amongst any attempts to fix Australia has to be the dissolution of the three-tier system of government.

This, because, not only is NSW beyond repair or redemption.

Being as myopic as we have become, there will always be a percentage of pro-states idiots who will jump-up-and-down and shout that South Australia is PERFECT! QUEENSLAND IS perfect! Etc.

Mostly from the “sell-the-farm-to-stinking-rich-Eurapean-tourorrists” tourist industry, no doubt.

These fools are behind my disinterest in the general well-being of Australians. That I scribe these types of e-ssays, which appear to go to the resolution of our common woes, only really means that I recognise my talents in this, and that I haven't got a shed and a few motorcycles to tinker with and ride.

Perhaps I'm also building-up a few “credits” for my after life?


Australia is riddled with deep and dangerous economic, political, social, cultural and environmental flaws, and they are, even while hidden by our DISTRACT THE IDIOTS AT ANY COST media, looming as an explosive arsenal in the coming years. Perhaps the spinsters can keep them all suppressed for a decade or so, but there can be no doubt that the next generation will have to endure hard times like we and our recent predecessors' could not even imagine.

So, today's Sydney-ites, et al, who dance all the way through the corruption singing that “there's nothing THEY can do!” will have to live out their later years hiding from the suffering youth, who will know who dunnit, and who will NOT be happy with their society's elders.

GO GET 'EM! Youngsters!” I say!

What I see as transpiring in the next decade or so, aside from the aforementioned catastrophes, and on the more specific arena of our nation's political farce, is that Western Australia, if not brought back to a more balanced national, cultural approach, will drift ever further away from the other regions (it's time we stopped referring to our localities with the term “states”), perhaps toward the attitude which has migrated there since the fall of South Africa's “apartheid” regime.

On the east side, New South Wales, if not, as well, brought back, or for the first time, brought into being a legal socio-political region, will become more rebellious.

The citizenry, long understanding of the nature of the corruption, and, for the evil nature of their policing forces, in a way accepting of it, while at once doing almost everything they can to get around the demands from the centralist and quite tyrannical NSW government, will only become more violent and anti-social.

Much of NSW's social chaos has been random , but “managed” by subversives-anonymous, in the capital, who know well how much selfish profit can be gained from a dislocated and disenfranchised society.

As many NSWelsh have always known this, and as many of it's youth have been unafraid to take-it-to-the-streets, or to the pubs, and unleash their dissatisfaction with the dominant tyranny of “the firm”.

But recently, of the last 20 years or so, there has been a drive to organise the disgruntled right across the regions, with a longish-term plan to undermine the centrism of Sydney's mobsters.

Recent upheavals and rebellions in the NSW ALP, are signs that this is active and effective.

Morris Iemma was perhaps the last leader from the NSW/Eurapean mafia, and his ousting by his successor, Nathan Rees, with Union-backing, was a sign that the days of the power-brokers and mafia bosses, Eddie Obied, and Joe Tripodi, et al, were numbered. The ex-police minister, videoed leaving a gay night club, "Campbell" or such, no doubt had connections to the same.

The current Premier Kenneally is a stand-in, as this change takes place in NSW.

Penrith last weekend signals a serious bashing of the NSW ALP next March, and rightly so.

That the voters went for the Liberals may just mean that the punters were so fed-up with the firm, and knew that something had to happen, and that the Libs were the only option at this stage.

Passed records show us that neither main party, in NSW and elsewhere, are REALPolitik options to the downward trending Aussie political situation, so come the NSW elections in March 2011, if the Liberals get in, it will as likely merely be yet another change-of-the-guard, to satisfy the less-than-wise voters that “our democracy works!” etc.

Making NSW people fully aware of how important deep and serious cultural changes really must occur, toward a Deep Green Economic Management structure (D-GEM!), if we ARE concerned for the kids we have so flippantly produced, seems too big an ask, and so NSW will be the least likely state OOOP? Region to vote in a Green government.

It could, surprise me, and us, by giving the Greens enough seats to force the others to form a coalition with them, perhaps like in Tassie recently.

I haven't heard how Tassie is going governmentally since the Greens WON 21% of the vote (YAYE!!!).

The Tassie Green's leader appeared to be a “savvy” sort of fella, but dealing with the depth of politrix down there will be interesting to watch, to say the least?

So..., with all the self-interest, and foreign influences extant here in Astrayliar, with the widely varying perspectives on life, from W.A., to NSW, to far north Queensland, and all the land-grabbing bastards in-between who are ever-determined to undermine and subvert every attempt at Good Governance so that they can own evermore than their fair share, we may ponder just which way and where Astrayliar is headed in the coming decades, assuming the planet survives passed the threatened end of time on 21st December 2012, Mayan time?

This, consideration, therefore, in this global era, takes us beyond our shores to the global perspective, and has me, if not us, ask what will, and otherwise, what must happen worldwide to stave-off an otherwise unendurable Apocalypse?

It's easy to predict, from the records, and science, and psychology what is most likely to happen - “end-of-days”!

But as we have passed out of the delusions and deceptions of Catholic and Jewish and Christian “miracles” era, application on a large-large-VERY-LARGE scale, of the Monarch of all Souls - the Intellect, and it's Partner-in-Justice, Science, might, just might, bring us through by employing our vote, to go beyond the advertising and bullshit we're all so deeply fed-up with?


Perhaps, should one venture an option, Australia should think hard about dissolving the whole idea of being one single - deeply differing and disenfranchised “nation”, and resort to something nearer to the pre-1788 Enlightened Aboriginal structures, of 500-plus “Local-Nations”?

Not left completely, to go their own ways, but agreeing at least on the one most vital, most influential, most effective and most Harmonious foundation, of a common Land ownership structure, and, as we know, source of management revenue?

As has been said for centuries, something as fundamental as this cannot hope to succeed in just one (small) nation or region, but has to be accepted globally, or at least by a significant majority of the world's population.

In their hearts, most adults of the planet know the most important aspect of living a secure and more content life rests in having a long-term secure abode, preferably where they can also grow their own tucker and herbs(?) etc.

Clearly, the only way that can be ensured, for all of us, not just the top 15%, is through Global Land Reforms.

The coming elections in Australia and from here forward, globally, will be tests of how Mature and Wise Humanity has become.

If we stay as cowards, with the same-old-same-old, then it's over for generations ahead of us, from here until eternity.

If we bight the bullet, and chance local and global changes in our perspectives on “Life”, then we do have a chance that “the big game IS over!”

Only this way, will we be able to speak highly of “Australia” (“Uluruba”?) in the coming decades, as our Honorable Homeland.

All Praise the Immortals, Our Aborigine!

Countryman bin Eartha
Outlaw, for
GLOBAL Land, Tax, Cult, Drug & Work

Aborigine - Green - Biker.

Wisdom - Intellect - Honor.

Deserts of Uluruba, N.T.