
Increased terrorist risk from within

Link: http://www.smh.com.au/national/increased-terrorist-risk-from-within-20100222-orr4.html?autostart=1

Hmmm! Now it's getting interesting, Mr Rudd!

This announcement must be supported by security agency observations, and is one I reckon is accurate.

But how much PM Rudd is playing the old card over-used by the last John Howard government scare-tactics departments, is up for debate.

Also, such announcements, particularly in election years, are always less than definitive as to just what, in this case, a “terrorist” is, and why so-called “terrorists” do what they are alleged to do.

“Terrorists”, “Freedom Fighters” in REALPolitik language, anywhere, and in any era, whether correctly classified as “terrorists” or not, usually put the frighteners up the government and the public, not because they are driven to resort to violent measures because it's fun, for trivial reasons, or because they are simply out-of-control psychos, but because they are serious people, driven to get their point or complaint across in less passive ways because of CORRUPTION in their government.

Corruption which is ruining any chance a large enough section of the nation have to live honorably, that-is honestly.

Corruption which, because of it's immense influence, usually influence which comes with threats to life and limb of the politicians' families or such, forces the politicians, of both sides of this evermore fraudulent parliamentary system we suffer, to ignore or become deaf to the pleas of the now-violent group/groups.

Corruption, in Australia's case, which came with the First Fleet, and which has been instituted into our ways of life, and our ways of denying the FACTS about how we should exist on this Sacred Land.

Corruption which has always been defended and maintained by the nations' police forces! Police forces which employ the most violent measures to subdue the populace, the populace who has found they must ACT for a more Just system of governance!

It is no coincidence, that worldwide, the term “Kangaroo Court” infers that a court is corrupt to a ridiculous extent, and that it uses “Kangaroo”, an animal peculiar to this Australian island/continent.

But alas! Let us not therefore take it to mean that Australia is THE example of corruption, because, as said, the rotteny came with the early British (and Eurapean) invaders, albeit that the colony's first Governor Arthur Phillip, and the later William Bligh sort Honorably and Rightly to institute Good Laws.

Indeed, how much was it coincidence that the English Monarch of the late 18th century, King George III, was deemed “mentally ill” or at least unstable?

“George was afflicted with porphyria, a maddening disease which disrupted his reign as early as 1765. Several attacks strained his grip on reality and debilitated him in the last years of his reign.”

(The above excerpt taken from: http://www.britannia.com/history/monarchs/mon55.html
This was the one and only piece I clicked-on on the 'net to confirm I had the right King George. I wasn't sure if the King George of the late 1700s was the “third” or the “fifth”. The article at that link says more about George's affliction, and generally suggests he had lost the plot, before the dispute with the Rebellious United States of America in the mid-1770s, and..., died insane in 1820.
“George III died blind, deaf and mad at Windsor Castle on January 29, 1820.”
I can't argue, but can offer my doubts.

Are we to trust the general, most popular thread, that George III was insane, considering, as I say, it was in his reign that Australia was found by Captain James Cook, and “settled” from 1788-on? Seeing that Britain and it's northern elites are so adamant about keeping Australia in their grip, I say it's to be expected that ALL historical records akin to George, and to the Original Laws, the most Ethical and Egalitarian Laws, which His Crown dispatched down here, are either “disappeared” or suppressed, or corrupted, like procedures in a “Kangaroo Court” of New South Wales!?)

For as I recall from my own investigations as to where Australia went wrong politically-speaking, King George Issued the Best Laws possible for a Great Nation to be born here. Laws which demanded of the invaders, colonisers, settlers Respect for the Indigenous Peoples, for their Laws, and for their Land Rights.

Also, the Laws and Edicts which came out with the First Fleet Issued by the English Crown were clear about how to gather government revenue, and about how the Land should be treated, distributed and occupied.

“Land Rent for Government Revenue”, being the basis of taxation, and the Basis of the most Wise distribution and usage of the Land.

Yet what have we seen take hold, since Australia Day, January 26th 1808, and which remains the dominant way in the nation's governing policies?

CORRUPTION! And how have the “authorities” enforced and maintained the corrupt laws, but with NOTHING LESS THAN STATE-SPONSORED TERRORISM!

So it is little wonder our scared Prime Minister Rudd, with undoubted support and encouragement from his House of Representatives Opposite, Tony Abbott, announces that Australia is under threat from “domestic terrorism”.

It may also be of little wonder, that our Labor, that-is our “foreign-controlled” IMF-CATHOLIC Labor Party, has looked at their own internal polling and found that they may indeed face a trouncing this election?

Because the general public, that-is the lower Classes, have been bought up-to-speed as to who the ones are who are keeping the majority in “mortgage-stress”, in a society where house prices and housing rents are the highest ON EARTH, and where the “winners” in Australia are those who belong to the foreign Christian cults. The cults who run the economy, and who can afford better quality products, who run the importing industries and who are above the margin of worry about the exorbitant prices of imported products?

Many things to consider, as to why there has grown a domestic threat....., FROM FREEDOM FIGHTERS?

Clearly, there are always going to be “power-shifts”, wherever we look.

In the end, the only Secure way to establish and maintain a Peaceable Society, is for the Majority to know that the Laws are Honest, Wise, Truly Classless and of minimum burden on the People's heads, and on their pockets, and Souls.

While we have this disgustingly unbalanced economic structure in Australia, where the winners are the intellectually most corrupt sycophants of the most brutal global authority - the Roman, Catholic, Anglican IMF, who in reality care nothing for their neighbours, or for the poorer folk down the hill, there will always be Freedom Fighters.

Race, color, class, religious preference will not matter, for in all of these there are and will always be those who do not agree with corruption, especially of the kind we are forced to suffer under today.

And especially if these more Honourable People know that it cannot help but get worse in the future.

So, start your scare-campaign Prime Minister, and call for your Opposite's guard of the realm support.

Whether the Greens are our only REALPolitik Alternative this year or not, general disgust will only grow against the current and increasing debacle we call Canberra and our states' parliaments.

While YOU, and your Labor speech-writers and policies wonks, no doubt of the clergy and of the “civil-services”, and those others we Australians' Trustingly elected to the parliaments, in all seats, from all corners of the “political debate”, remain silent about the FUNDAMENTAL POLICY ISSUES, most notably Taxation and thus Honest Land Reforms, only possible with a Unanimous AND PEACEFUL Ascent to The Australian Republic, you will have to make more “noise” about threats to YOUR “politicians' class” security, and so-called threats from “domestic terrorists”.

History is repeating itself.

Australia is but at the end of an eternal line of societies pushed “beyond the pale”, until something breaks and there is a Popular Revolution.

Until now, of the last one or two thousand years, most all “revolutions” have been either turned into suiting the pockets and privileges of the elites, or stage-managed by them, or such.

I believe this, or Australia's disgruntlement with our day's political farce, is no different.

Cosmic forces drive events in this direction, and sadly, while, if a Deep and Positive change may happen in the coming years/decades, and for that, millions will celebrate, behind the scenes the likes of MI6, et al, and the megalomaniacs of Rome or Lambeth or any backroom clerics' department, will be rubbing their hands together, drooling over the spoils which await them.

Spoils which, without FUNDAMENTAL TAX AND LAND REFORM, will down the track appear in subversion and failed systems of culture, of society and of government, to the point where the hands-rubbing clubsters will be ready to jump forward and convince the disillusioned, and broken masses to once more support THEM.

Nowadays, I cannot be convinced that Life on Earth, under the forces dominant over the last thousands of years, is going anywhere but downhill.

To me, delusions propagated by “Myth-Makers International” ex-Rome, pretty-much, about a world leader, of Christ-like characteristics, lean toward telling a story of a failed species, one which has been so beaten down as to have no Inner Fire left, nor Wisdom, enough to ensure that Good, Perennial Laws, Lores, are instilled into the minds and hearts of the many, and which give the many enough faith in themselves and the GOOD LORES they defend, to ensure they are never again subverted by perverted, that is mentally ill individuals with a touch of power.

Most everything our politicians are doing today, you included Messrs Rudd, Abbott, Joyce and coy, are making us head in a downward direction of half-hearted attempts at first, reform, then Revolution, then tyrannical reversions to anachronistic “old kings” models and utter degradation of all individuals' Sovereignty of Soul.

If that's what a “Terrorist” Fights against, then call me a Terrorist, MISTA Rudd.

You KNOW I'm correct, as do your Ministers, and even your Opposition.

Land Rent for Government Revenue, and avert a major crisis, once, and for ALL of us!