
Planned Obsolescence and Hard Pollution.

Planned Obsolescence and Hard Pollution.
By Omaxa bin Eartha.

It's hard being a Green Revolutionary.

Victories are few, and each day brings more awareness of an apparent futility in the fight to save the planet's natural environment.

Whether it's bushfires wiping Eartha's lungs off her Holy Orb, or cattle farmers, monocrop agricultural malpractices, corporate fishing enterprises, or every city and energy-consuming source of modern day information, every jet or propeller aeroplane flying overhead, and even trippers on motorbikes scampering menacingly around the reforests, the odds constantly seem great, and reversing the carnage an impossibility.

Yesterday, serfing the 'net news, I landed on a chance to ask the head of Toyota USA about the corporation's existence and more, I s'pose. I clicked-on, but couldn't be bothered signing on to Facebook, so quit.

The 1st thing that popped into my Green head, was to have a go at him, and thus the world's largest motor vehicle corporation, about the utterly unsustainable phenomenon he heads, and to ask and urge him/them to turn Green.

Surely, I let my naivety think, being the biggest motor corp on Earth, puts them in the director's chair, to SOME degree, and thus in a place where they can, that-is CAN say which way the industry-generally, goes?

Primarily, I was thinking, via the renewable polycarbonate path of using hemp for motor vehicle panels, and other parts. Parts which to now rely on mined, polluting, oil-based plastics, which are totally unnecessary when enviro-friendly options exist?

In one of my lexiconical dreamings, where I bring-down, from the Ether, ideations about the future on Earth, I created, post-apocalypse, a motorcycle, which had most of it's parts made from locally researched, grown and manufactured hemp polycarbonates.

Not my idea of course. Henry Ford made the panels of a motorcar from hemp and flax I think, in the 1930s or so. I recall seeing a photo of him wielding a sizeable sledge hammer at the front quarter-panel, made from hemp polycarbonate. I think the text caption read that the hammer bounced-off, and did not leave a mark, and certainly not a dent! Umm.., the “dent” immediately popped-back-out!

In my exile, I'm by no means up-to-date on the advances that exist in that field of hemp polycarbonates, and can be sure that any major advances are kept secreted from popular view by the monster metals and mining cartels, run, of course by the arseholes of the IMF. Hello Mr K! Mr Bond!

Mr Toyota as well, one would expect?

Nevertheless..., this morning I had a look at repairing a small torch which has passed it's use-by date, because the plastics in it are designed to wear-out or break after a year or two. As well, it's “micro” design, means that the connectors and the brackets which fit together inside, break after a short while.

I guess I've given up on that little piece of equipment.

Sure, I only paid about $10 for it. That, however, was after not buying exactly the same product from another shop, which had a $30 price tag on it.

Looking over the new item in the 1st shop, it was clear that there wasn't the quality worthy of $30, and I felt “victorious” when I found the 2-dollar shop around the corner, and the 2/3rds cheaper price.

A retort one has to expect when buying products which have designed-in short lifespans, is that by paying MORE, one will get a longer-lasting product.

This is no doubt the case. But this misses the point, methinks.

The point is that producing low-quality products today, where the planet is lurching toward collapse because of human's over consumption and the consequent waste, pollution, junk products cannot be justified.

Surely the majority of Humans can't afford “expensive” and apparently “high-quality” items, and as we are forced, by the global undercurrent of media, advertising, corporate and “keep-up-with-the-Joneses” pressures, in the most sinful nation – Australia – at least, we can't survive in the society without acquiring the modern appliances and lesser bits of daily-used equipment.

But, typical of the evil Christian culture, we are persuaded to neglect the effects of our excessively desirous “must-have-it” approach, and are fooled to believe that we will be forgiven at the “pearly-gates” for our wasteful lives.

The cult's founder-Prophet, Jeshua ben Joseph, apparently said “Forgive them Lord, for they are all hypnotized idiots!”

No-one reads that as saying “YOU forgive them Lord, I'm buggered if I will!”

And, as we are at perhaps the species' most serious epoch, where all life on Earth is in the balance, primarily because we have been induced, seduced and forced to be sinful slaves to materialism and over-consumption, I doubt that the future's generations will forgive those of us who blindly, selfishly and utterly stupidly consume product that is designed to break or wear-out in the short times they do?

Again, it is NO coincidence, that the most materialistic and thus wasteful culture in all of Earth's Human history – is Christian!

Sure! Japan, Toyota's homeland, is Earth's 2nd biggest economy, and they ain't exactly Christian?

But they are now also in the biggest bucket of financial debt, etc? Made so by the “Macarthur Plan” post world-war-2, which forced Japan to abandon Her Ancient and Highly Disciplined, SUSTAINABLE Culture for the market-driven ideology of the USA-read-the moguls of Britain and Eurape.

Recent reports say that China is leading the world in turning Green, but..... how can that be, when an enormous amount of the stuff, designed to last only a short time, we apparently NEED to survive in the modern world is produced there?

Perhaps 70% of everything I own is made in China, and most of it is either made of plastics and the like which do not last, in their appropriate roles, as the torch I tried to repair (and have repaired for the 5th time, because I tenaciously defy the “modern” throw-away trend).

Decades ago, I was made aware that China and the developing world had to enter the world's “products” manufacturing marketplace, in order to lift their economies, and thus the people's standard of living into the new era of modernism, etc.

This has been the venture of the IMF for decades, which, all things considered, is an honorable and reasonable thing to attempt.

No-one can say to one people or another that they cannot participate in the advances the world invents or researches into existence.

This, may be the 1st time I've ever offered compliments to the IMF, for this global plan?

Perhaps the “plan” is centuries old? Dante? One world government, ideated a 1000 years ago?

Rome? Emperor Constantine? The 4th century Councils of Nicea, which corrupted the original Teachings and Tenets of the early followers of Jeshua ben Joseph?

Adam Kadman, Moses? “The Chosen Tribe”?

Are today's multinational corporations' the end-product of 6000 years of Hebrew planning to bring the world together?

Could be? But..... the evidence appears to say that we have gone too far in abusing the environment, and that only a few of us will survive into the “22nd”, “23rd” centuries and beyond.

So what price, living an over-consuming lifestyle, and to who's final victory?

Therefore, what price, living a Deep Green lifestyle, so that the future will be one with forests and lots of biodiversity for the 'morrow's peoples to happily enjoy?

These are a few reasons why I live away from mainstream culture and people, and why I stubbornly fight to slow, at least, the degradation of the environment.


Planned obsolescence?

Now that the 3rd world, or most of Asia, and an increasing proportion of the rest of the undeveloped world, is/are “online” in terms of modernization, surely it is time, all things considered, for them to look to reducing their low-quality products.

The new era has improved everything in terms of resourcing better product quality, and China's manufacturing plants, to a large degree, have higher quality equipment, so they can make higher quality products.

So, we, they and all the manufacturing nations of the new world, really have no excuse for not making products which will last 4, 5, TEN times longer than the majority of things the majority of Humans can afford.

For China to NOT take this Intelligent course of action to minimizing pollution, soft-and-hard, by eliminating planned obsolescence, makes a mockery of their attempts, which I prefer to believe are genuine, to “Go Green”, and shows that they are not really serious in that new day venture.

As for the United States, Toyota, and every other manufacturer and government, INCLUDING AUSTRALIA's, saying they are working to clean-up the environment and the way we live, HO-FUCKING-HO-FUCKING-HO?!?!?!?!?!?!

The dependence upon mined metals and oils and other base products is/was a phenomenon of a low-tech era – the industrial revolution's aftermath, an era which served to bring the world into the new day of today's amazing capabilities.

It is passed time we ALL moved forward and left the "old kings'" ways behind us.

As an aside, one wonders how much of a reduction in power-production and energy consumption Australia might make, were we to modernize our electricity grid and all our appliances by changing from 240 volts to 120 volts?

To save spending on a household-full or office-full of, or other, new 120 volt equipment, all each end-user would need is a 120 volt-to-240 volt inverter.

Am I right in suspecting that a reduction from 240 volts to 120 volts AC would mean halving the energy production requirements?

It seems to me, that Australia standardized our electricity grid at 240 volts to counter or cater for the long distances it had to travel from power station to cities and other outlets. Households, industry etc.

But it probably had something to do also with the fact that our masters in Britain had, for a long time used 220 volts.

Again, from the old, low technology era, post the industrial revolution. Today's vastly improved electricity cabling and general distributor technology must surely enable reducing the need to produce 240 volts. But, I am a dickhead a bit, because high voltage in the order of 1000s of volts is how the electricity is shunted from power station to city, etc., and the volts are reduced at or near to the destination, I think?


The IMF's multinational mining corporations like Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, etc., must turn the corner of 21st century REALPolitikal thinking, and engineer themselves away from the iron-age of using non-renewable minerals and metal ores for our consumable products, and with that change of direction, that turning the corner to drive sustainably down Green Street, all manufacturers have to bring themselves up-to-speed in terms of the new day way of economic thinking and behaving, by eliminating planned obsolescence from their manufacturing ideologies.

For I put it that by far the majority of our hard pollution, the stuff which ends up in the back corner of our garden shed, after a disgustingly short lifespan, and eventually in the council garbage dump – er – sorry – refuse station – stuff which just makes waste of the environment, is the result of planned obsolescence.

Micro-technology is all-very-well, but when things are so small that they cannot be repaired or even serviced, and so once they break-down are but wasted, high-tech stuff which fits neatly in the palm of our hand, defeats itself and the macro planetary concerns.

And the end-game of the macro planetary concerns, is ensuring that the species and the biodiversity upon which the species depends, live-on, into perpetuity.

All things have to be, and can be, considered, here.

For ages I've felt that no thing should have just one purpose. All forms of packaging should be reusable.

Back to that motorcycle I dreamed-up in my sci-fi future wanderings of mind, it not only transported THREE people, with a lo-ong seat, but it also had a 2000watt, 12 volt DC-to-120 volt AC inverter inboard, as well as an air compressor and ability to power machinery via a belt drive attachable to the rear wheel.

This, it seems to a clear mind, is the way of the Green future, where everything is “Mu-Fu” or multi-functional, but is also made from renewables, and which can perhaps even be recycled OR REPAIRED, once broken or worn-out.

The race to get the 3rd world out of undeveloped poverty and squaller, is in fact a furphy, a falsity, for mostly all that race does, is carry us further away from our Ethical selves, and into sinful degradation. Not only of our own Souls, but of the planet and all it's biodiverse lives.

The long story of the Chosen Tribes seem to me to be the story of a peoples who were, for some mysterious reason – alas! - part once more, of the big Cosmic Plan for this tiny planet - kept landless, a sad reality which forced them to be inventive and cunning, and, in the end, somewhat divisive.

The many many peoples elsewhere on the planet who were not forced off their homelands, were able to be Happy and Content for eons and eons, whilst living entirely Honorable lifestyles and Harmoniously with the natural world, the natural environment, and, were the inventive “modern” world to never have been made manifest, nor to have invaded, would have lived Blissful lives in their “Gardens of Wisdom” for eons and eons into the future.

It cannot be said that we are the only occupants of this universe. Thus it has to be expected that, were humanity to exist on for thousands of years yet, we would come into contact with other intelligent species.

How they or we would be enabled to travel across space to interact is not, I say, dependent upon hard material products like space shuttles and NASA rockets etc., but was something known about and achieved by the Ancients, through their telepathic abilities.

That the western, Judeo-Christian world has just recently become aware, en-masse, of our own innate occult talents, powers and abilities, just shows us how far behind we have been, in terms of firstly, “Knowing Thy Self”, (“Forgive them Lord, for they are all hypnotised idiots!”), but secondly of what we are capable of, without the superficial aid of technological equipment, and the materialist delusions of hard pollution.

Any plans which engender disrespect of the primary habitat, to the point of it's destruction, cannot be Sound, or True, or Good for the future sustainability of the species, and as likely, are but delusion if we are led to believe we need them to be able to either travel intergalacticly or to fight off aggressive aliens.

If aliens did come to Earth 1000s of years ago, and still threaten our existence, then our apparent race to come-up-to-speed technologically to defend ourselves, is a trick, for, it is, as the Goons used to say, “all in the mind, you know?”!

Therefore it is time we ended the profit-driven farce of planned obsolescence in the material products we consume, and tuned our focus to our Inner Strengths of the mind, where all Happiness is rooted and sustained.

So! MISTER TOYOTA? where's that True Environmentally Friendly motorcar, MADE FROM HEMP?????

Where you lead, others, and even governments, will follow! A position, therefore, which carries enormous Responsibility!

Get on the Train, Nippon!

China! South Korea! United, or is that "Untied" States of America?

PS: Sorry for the "typo's"!

Green, grow the rushes O!

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