
Queensland Rurals See Wisdom of Land Reforms.

Queensland Rurals See Wisdom of Land Reforms.
By Omaxa bin Eartha.

Even Queensland Rural Folk see the Wisdom in introducing a Land Tax, as recommended by the Henry Tax Review released in December last year, if we are to go by their electing National Party Senator Barnaby Joyce in 2001 or 2004, or whenever it was.

This, I put it, is or was because he campaigned for his senate seat, and won, by advocating a never-since-spoken-about “Zonal Taxation”, which seems to translate as the same as David Ricardo's “Economic Rent”, recognised by the deposed Johnette Howard, but never made known by him, as the best form of taxation.

This tax, or “Rent”, the Purest kind of economic revenue, as defined and expounded by Henry George of San Francisco in the 19th century, was also the underlying Foundational Policy which the Australian Labor Party campaigned on in it's earliest days, in the 1890s and into the 20th century.

In a blog of mine last year, I suggested that Barney Joyce be included in a Revolutionary new party for an Independent Australian Republic. Unfortunately, of late, I've seen that as a mistake, so withdraw that idea.

Today I see Joyce as something of an “opportunist”, who knew that there was an undercurrent of opinion across working-class Australia for the Land Tax, and who capitalized on it, to win his Senate seat.

Clearly, the Nationals, as suggested by a “Labor man” a few years ago, is the party supporting the rights and wealth of Australia's right-wing “squattocracy”, who have holdings of millions of our precious and not so precious acres in rural regions, and who are NOT very much at all in favor of anything like a Land Tax, because it might strip them of their greedily misappropriated Land, and turn the tables on them to the point of giving, at a FAIR Price, the majority of Australians, honest and affordable access to their own patch of suburban or rural land.

These rich pasturalists and graziers are as much the ones, in bed with our city-based real estate dynasties, a la Victorian Liberal leader Ted Baillieu, who keep us encamped in high-demographic cities and suburbs, keeping the public-schooled of us from owing our own small farm where we might be more self-sufficient and less chained to the foreign machine of Babylon.

So, to expect National's leader Senator Joyce to actually publicly advocate for Land Reforms along the Henry Tax Review recommendation of a National Land Tax, is a pipe-dream never to be realised.

This year being an election year means we are about to be “enslaughtered” with the most deceptive and degrading political publicity campaign yet.

That's how it will be. If you haven't noticed, these things – politics - only increase in bullshit, because bullshit demands MORE bullshit each “next” election.

Watching Liberal leader Tony Abbott lately, tells me that he is being quite deliberate in how he is seen to speak in media sound grabs.

“Nice and slow”, fooling the already slow Aussie that he sounds “Wise” and considerate.

But this is also so that the low-IQ Aussie can keep up with what he says. That he says nothing of worth, is beside the point, for he knows he will win votes from those who struggle with today's poli-speak, just because they can stay with him. Sadly, to them, that is enough for them to say and think they like him enough to vote for him!

As for his empty rhetoric, we must be aware that he has no interest in “economics” (something he admitted in an interview a couple of years ago), mainly because it infers that he must go to the issues which for the party that exists purely for the British aristocrats, end in nothing but evasion of the facts, which is precisely what the Liberal Party has established for, and has always been about. Their greatest shaman, Mr Charisma himself, “Pig Iron Bob” Menzies, was THE artiste in sounding eloquent while he pulled the wool over our thinking and critical mind.

Menzies was Howard's hero and mentor, and Howard has always been Abbott's mentor, right in Abbott's ear. This is why Abbott “prefers politics” or, he prefers rhetorical bullshit, like a lawyers' debating team. Another reason he talks slowly, is so he ensures he doesn't contradict himself, as do quick-speaking liars, who always eventually screw-up and expose themselves.

Also, “slow-talk”, is a shamanic trick, deployed to keep the listener “hanging” waiting for the next word. “Hanging” is a ploy which has the recipient of his witchcraft drop their defenses and critical intellect, enabling him to gain some control over their thinking processes.

So, WATCH-OUT! Australia, for there will be HEAPS of these kinds of tricks by the “charismatic” campaigners from both of the major parties this year, and from the independents and smaller mobs as well.

The only ones we will be safe to “bet” on, will be those who do not "speak in tongues", that-is in fancy or complicated sentences, who do not offer uninterpretable policies such as most of the climate, pollution-reduction or carbon trading policies thus far put forward, and who clearly and honorably talk for an Australian Republic, based on the Henry Tax Review type Taxation Reforms.

Just like the working-class Rural Queenslanders have wanted since Henry George himself toured the regions of rural Queensland in the late 19th century.

Remember, that Barcaldine, in rural Queensland is where the original Labor Party was founded.

But today, we all know the ALP has been subsumed by the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, whose interests lie in 17th century ideologies of colonialism, with NO interest in making Australia's Soils OUR OWN, so this year we all have a Responsibility, AND AN OPPORTUNITY, to break the chains we've had clamped around our ankles and necks for 222 years.


It's for the Working Classes to get behind the Greens here and everywhere, and to be ready to man the barricades and stop the foreign financial and resources drain on our own country, and to ensure that the Greens don't go the way of the once Honorable Australian Democrats, who were undermined and tricked into playing the Howard-IMF game of betraying Australia, Bleck, White and all in between.

It's time the ALP, with the multinational Unions, listened to the Greens, and begin to make Progressive moves to steer Australia down the REALGreen Street of Sustainable Economics.

Only with a Healthy Representation of Greens in our State and Federal parliaments can the Average Working Class Aussie be sure of a future in which we and our kids are not bound to the mill of overseas economic (read “Uneconomic”) debt, demands and slavery.

The Best Policies are Policies which are in Harmony with the Natural Environment.

She, the planet, The Great Virgin Mother Eartha, and her ecology, is MUCH bigger than all of us, no matter how big our machinery, and she will wipe us off Her face if we persist in abusing Her.

For tomorrow, none of us have any choice.

Vote Green, for your kids. And theirs.....


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