
Living Under The Constant Threat of Assassination, by Police.

Living Under The Constant Threat of Assassination, by Police.

Or..., "The case For an Australian Revolution to Becoming a Republic!"
by Omaxa bin Eartha

One would be right to think I am “slow” when it comes to how the world really works.

For 54.9 years, I've been struggling with the unreality we might call “my life”. A life created under pretty terrible conditions and because of a crude and ignorant agenda, by my own family, and their co-conspirators of the wealthiest elites on Earth – the Sutherland Clan of Scotland - and their dynastic and intermarried connections within the topmost echelons of the International Monetary Fund (the I.M.F.), and across the “realm” of uptop, upclub, upemselves British and Eurapeans.

In harsher words, I allege that they are, “inbred”, a word I grabbed and have repeatedly used when describing them since I read of the very same realities as had occurred in the “Hapsburg” dynasty of Hungary, even back over 100 years ago.

As well, I have deigned that many of not most of the world's “white” superiorist elites of Britain and Eurape have been “mentally ill” for centuries, going by the deeply errant behaviour by them, as recorded in the activities and false wars started by those of the British East India Company, as far back as the late 16th century.

I recently found, while reading an old “Annandale's” dictionary, that the word “ill” is a contraction of “evil”. This had the mind leap into the past to see where the connections once lay.

We all know that in olden times, many people, from all cultures, thought that a physical sickness was not a viral-type infection or invasion of the body, but was rather a “hex” cast upon them by a witch or evil spirit, so it is easy to see the connection between “ill” and “evil” in such examples.

But my drift with these words is when they are applied to the dis-ease we nowadays call “mental illness”, and that, from my own personal experience, where I have found that my mind is not functioning as one might expect it to function, all things being “equal” if-I-may, meditating on the issue, the issue of what is going on in my own head, it has become clear that there are other factors at play in my own head, and that these factors are not necessarily of my own mind's making.

In other words, it is clear, although it is often not until after the fact that I become clear, or aware, that some outside force has been applied to my mind.

This is something I've been aware of for over a decade, which gives further call to suggest that I am “slow”. Because the cold reality is that my mind has been victim of outside occult force since the moment of my conception, in July 1954.

So, am I “mentally ill”? I could be, because I myself have come to define one sort of mental illness as being “...where the person is not in control of their own mind”, and, now after doing the maths on my own history, my name, my mother's ceaseless lies and her psychotic behaviour, and other factors of my family's links, etc, together with the fact that mother was “snapped” or stolen from her father, by a most dubious cult convent when a child, and thereafter used for the most heinous purpose of “building” or fabricating a Christian messiah, which included adultery and murder, it is “clear” if I can use that word, that I have been nothing but a “puppet” of a dark and mentally ill clan and cult for my whole life!


Being able to survive and physically function is somewhat amazing really, considering?

But, if we are honest with ourselves, everyone today is under some hex or spell or another, so everyone is to some degree, "...not in control of their own mind...", so is "mentally ill". (I guess that's my caveat against self-incrimination?!)

That the “cult” is the Roman Catholic church makes it even more amazing, because it has become horribly clear that to voice objection against that dark order of witch-priests as I have been doing for probably a couple of decades now, is a dangerous thing.

Not only because there is a myriad of deeply hypnotised idiots sworn to obey whatever their priest tells them to do, including murder and other often more terrible things – the two world wars centred in Eurape in 1914-18 and 1939-45, and the persecution and gassing of millions of Jews during Hitler's reign in Germany but three examples – but because, where I am imprisoned, by means of being sea-locked from escape to other nations or regions of the planet, in Australia, the entire police force, from north-to-south, east-to-west, are wholly sold on obeying the demands and psychotic beliefs of that same evil empire called the Catholic church.

Trying to not “rant”, the hidden aspects of my miserable plight, being set-up by psychoes-incorporated to be the “fall-guy”, “patsy” or “sacrifice” for the utterly desperate and quite ignorant Christians, lie in my being a bastard, illegitimate child to Catholics, whose lineage can be traced back centuries, both, on one side, to the Tudor Kings of England, who were Catholics and are STILL smarting for being usurped by the Protestants now on the English throne, and, I deeply suspect, that they believe the Sutherlands, my mother's lineage, are related by blood to the very very wealthy throne of the Kings of ancient Israel! To “Jesus” no less!

Thus..., through Jesus to David and Abraham and Moses!

Shit I'm rich!


The best I can deduce, from 54.9 years of utter lies by my own family and by everyone else around me, and then, after becoming totally fed-up with it all, researching the whole of it by myself, I have no doubt at all, that that is the case.

A bit of a shock, really, but makes it easy to accept why I've been treated like shit by most people over the last ten to 20 years.

Not only am I victim to the more intelligent people of the planet who KNOW that
a: I'm a puppet,
b: that the concept of a messiah, blood-ties to Jesus or not, is a deceit upon Humanity, and so is an evil thing,
c: that Catholicism is itself quite evil, and
d: any who might support me or maintain the delusion and spells I am under are themselves also hypnotised idiots,
but since I began voicing objections to the dark church of Catholicism, some 20 years ago, well before I was left with no doubt that I was being set-up (although for about 30 years, I've held quiet suspicions that all was not as it seems?) the thoroughly rotten and corrupt police AND military forces of not only Australia, but of other so-called “Christian” nations, have been hammering me because I would not acquiesce to the evil demands and lie down, or let myself be strung-up to their sacrificial crucifix!

July 16th 2008. Wednesday. Three days after I sent a couple of emails off, from my mobile phone, to a number of state and other “authorities” in NSW and Victoria, and I think to a number of media outlets, here and abroad, emails which were very clear in saying that the Catholic church was evil, and corrupt beyond repair, and that the fraud, Pope Benedictus 16 should be arrested for running a corrupt and evil cult, emails sent on the Sunday 13th July 2008, the day the Pope of Rome arrived in Sydney on an Australian “tour”, July 16th 2008, Wednesday, I was making porridge for breakfast in the back of my Holden Rodeo mobile tent, when I noticed a NSW police officer loitering nearby.

Within the next few minutes he had driven at breakneck speed up the road and into the grassy acres of the Aborigine “Bora Ring” at the Whyralla cemetery, where I in my homelessness was camped, 10 kilometres south of Lismore, in northern NSW, jumped out of his vehicle, and proceeded towards me shouting and pointing his revolver at me rather threateningly.

“Get on the ground!” he repeated loudly.

I sighed and complied.

Once face-down, he came to me and stood with one boot firmly in my back, hurting me considerably.

Of course, being the heroes they are, he was followed immediately by a swathe of other NSW coppers, about 10 of them, guns drawn and shouting at me and my vehicle, at the gravestones and the trees and cattle nearby.

Six months, and several events of police and public terrorism and general harassment later, after I'd written a number of detailed and convincing letters to the totally corrupt NSW Lismore Legal Aid, or to their acting barrister, Ms Amy Barker, the false charges of firing a rifle at five or so defendants, assaulting about 10 NSW police officers and some other alleged crimes, were dropped!

Was it coincidence that the “Commander” of Lismore police station, one Comm Bruce “always” Lyons was, as I was being terrorised and arrested at the Bora Ring for cooking porridge, having a chat to Pope Benedictus 16th in Sydney?

Since then, as I put such a convincing, that-is irrefutable and unbeatable case to the NSW Legal Aid, that I was framed and terrorised by the thoroughly corrupt NSW police force, who were acting under the orders of the then NSW Premier, Morris Iemma, and his accomplices who call themselves the NSW government, I have been terrorised by one NSW police Sergeant Peter Ellis, who has followed me out of NSW on his motorcycle, and no doubt on motorcycles belonging to other police officers, both of NSW and Victoria, and terrorised day and night, because the counter charges I hold, but have not lodged, because at this stage it is fruitless, or as likely an act of getting myself assassinated, would put him in the dock, and have his rank reduced, if not removed, and he would find himself expelled from the police force of New South Fails-er-Wales.

Each night, and in fact even during the daylight hours, I am kept in a state of severe stress, and am constantly nervous, because I cannot NOT expect that SOMEONE, be-they from Victoria, NSW, or Britain, Rome, etc., is approaching with the well-paid intention of assassinating me.

As I am unable to trust ANYONE, nor any media or police or government authority, at all, I have basically lost all reason to live. I have no self-esteem, nor any self-confidence.

I let myself think about the women I regard highly, but a few only now, after the mother of the child I was sperm-donor for, is exposed as a liar and the lowest form of “gold-digging” thief, and after establishing that my own mother murdered her grandfather in the minutes surrounding my own conception to her extramarital lover..., after finding that most all the women I've known, at least those over the last ten or 12 years have been “in” on the scam to make me a false messiah, and have in essence been, what are commonly called “gold-diggers”, just talking to a woman is out of the question for me now, let alone, getting “close” to her, becoming friends, and having a sexual relationship?????

As I wrote to the Hell's Angels website a few weeks ago, I await the bullet. I just hope the shooter has the respect to knock me off while I am asleep, so that I “pass-over” with minimum stress and terror.

So, Sergeant Peter Ellis... Fuck you, buddy, and I'll see you on the other side.

But the same message goes out to most everyone in the NSW police force and government, for the excessive and TOTALLY unjustified evil and terrorism you have visited upon me.

As I have NO faith in any Australian or other authority to help me out of this crisis, and as they are all terrified to speak the FACTS, that is THE TRUTH, about the untruths behind my miserable 54.9 years, assassination is looked forward to.

As the nuns of St Joseph's convent in Collingwood (which stole mum) have me by the short and curlies, with their evil brand of black magic, it seems impossible for me to suicide.

As I'm fairly inured to the evil and the shite life I've been left to endure, I guess I will remain in defiant exile from this utterly pernicious and gutless, mentally ill society of Australia, and hope that one day, I will either have a heart attack, no doubt Sgt Ellis will rejoice, or be shot, cold, silent and effectively, in my sleep.

Anybody who wants to migrate to Australia, after knowing what I have told them about how mentally ill ie., mentally evil, the people and authorities here are, must themselves be ill, ie., evil.

I feel for Australia's Aborigine, and am left to hold them in even Higher Regard, for their Strength to endure the thoroughly insane pieces of shit who now claim ownership of the Land here.

If there are any people in Australia who agree with my little “rant” here, and who would fight to clean this filthy Christian culture from the nation, then I salute you, and urge you to REVOLT against all the current authorities as soon as, and as violently as possible.

Most of you would have recognised that “Christian Democracy” is a deadly fraud, as well as a contradiction. So death to Rome and to any who profess faith in “Christ”.

The big game is over!

Let 2010 be OUR YEAR Australia, and let us break all our governmental AND CORPORATE links with Britain and Eurape, once and for All!

Name changes have to happen. “Queensland”???? “Victoria”????
“New South Wales”?????

Enough, surely, if we are to regard ourselves as Human Beings, capable of clear and Right-minded thinking?

As much as we have been hit with assaults on Indians lately, I think that India, and China, Indonesia and many many other nations and cultures would support us, were we to be pushed to a fight, that-is a war against the colonialist dogs of Britain and Eurape.

Surely, they have done enough damage to Australia's Noble and Wise Aborigine, as well as to the Noble and Wise Aborigine of every other Land on Earth.

Death to the IMF!


Sydney's ICAC inquiries now in session are yet another sham by the “rum club” of NSW, ex-Britain.

Without a total restructuring of Australia's system of government, we are all wasting our time and our vote.

The future is bleak if Australians do nothing this year, to stop the filth and the corruption of the foreign and local elites.

If the NSW ICAC wants to do something to clean up the corruption, start with exposing the crimes of police sergeant Peter Ellis on 16th July 2008, against myself, as ordered by one Commander Bruce Lyons of Lismore police, from ex-Premier Morris Iemma, as likely under the hex and orders of the pontiff of Rome. Then we might be able to get to the bottom of who is keeping this once beautiful continent so sinful.

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