
Australian Federal Election 2010? Main players open doors for Greens to romp in!

I guess we all know how rotten politics is in Australia. We've been at it for a couple of centuries, and, since the first major upheaval in 1808, it's been pretty-much a shitfight.

Each election,state or federal, and local council for that matter, the party-faithful, milling and mulling around before the polling days, all muse over whether their lot will make it through, to victory.

In REALPolitik, the same are in fact not musing over who will win, but over who will get through the polling day, and the weeks after, without being exposed for their slight-of-hand, branch-stacking, election fraudulences, and general skullduggery.

I'm left ever more “bemused”, amused, and faithless in our political processes lately, even though I went to further extremes than most people over the past six to eleven years, to oust the fascist Liberal/National parties from government both in my old, home state of Victoria, pushing the boundaries of survival amidst the most vicious attempts on my life during the Kennett years, and doing much the same in lobbying and mediating to get us free of the horror of Howard and coy uptil the 2007 Labor federal victory.

It cannot be news to any Australian voter, that neither Liberal/National, nor Labor can be trusted.

It has come late to me just how much we are in fact slaves to Britain, and Eurape, be-it Rome and it's demonic religious cult of Catholicism, or the bankers of Switzerland up the mountain. It has to be saying something that the Pope's Vatican security force are the “Swiss guard”, in regard to the collusion and connections between the most corrupt religious cult on Earth and the most notorious banking centre on Earth?

Ne'ertheless, one is forced to be “bemused” by the latest news items on the web tonight, or this morning now at 12.43am, Tuesday 18th May 2010.

Read my lying lips: Abbott admits you can't believe everything he says
by Phillip Coorey, chief political correspondent, the Sydney Morning Herald
May 18, 2010

Have a look at the article, if you didn't watch the ABC TV 7.30 Report last night. I didn't either, but the SMH article briefs me enough to express my bemusement at the Liberal leader Tony Abbott.

Not that I'm surprised. For years I've seen serious gaps in his..., well..., in his bwain! He just does not “do it” for me.

Hearing recently that his mentor was Bob Santamaria, ex-DLP I think, another Catholic of strange and “distant” character, fills a few gaps as to why Tony Abbott seems to lack a clear mind, if he has a mind of his own at all.

Now just to clarify that jab at Tony, I do not really think I have a mind of my own either, Tony. I KNOW I've been a puppet of the same “evil” cult my whole life, and..., perhaps for the same purpose of being set-up to play some questionable sort of leader. What inspires, drives, produces the thoughts and blogs I do, is beyond me? I refuse to ascribe what I say, think, do and blog to my own mentations, so Tony should not think I am acting as if superior.

These are my observations, both of myself, and of others. More often than any can admit, it seems these observations are accurate, which may be the reason why a large number of Human Beings regard me as some sort of prophet, but that's another load of story-telling, again, ascribable to that heinous cult based in Rome.

Ne'ertheless...., the article from the SMH is almost terrifying in it's, Abbott's admission.

Are we being offered THIS character as a potential national leader, with what he is admitting in this article???

The only thing I can compute around this, is that he, Abbott, has been told, by the Brit-Eurapean IMF, to take a dive, and sink his and his sides' chances of winning the federal election.

A weird and contradictory statement, in that he is trying (I'm sure there's a term for it, probably Latin or French?) to appear honest, about how easy it is and how often, for him to tell lies?


Meanwhile, on the other side of the rorts box, but this time in Victoria, another news article, this one from the SMH's sister rag in Melbourne, The Age (online), comes an article-read-expose about the ALP's branch-stacking.

Branch-stacking claim hits Vic government
by Paul Austin
May 18, 2010

A whistleblower has opened the books of Labor's dubious arrangements in Victoria to The Age, apparently with evidence.

Jeeezzz! That's never happened before?

Wonder how they'll get through the next election this time?

I could go-on, and on, and on, but I'm tired, and old, and not drunk (for a week now!?), so I'll try to get to my point, as per the blog post's title:

Australian Federal Election 2010? Main players open doors for Greens to romp in!

I noted that the British elections just gone, were displaying a “shift” from the usual “change of guard” scenarios of the last three, four, five hundred years, and the "third" party, the Lib-Democrats became a kind of “king-maker” in their “hung parliament”. I could say it figures that they finally chose the Queen's man in Westminster in selecting the Tories' David Cameron as the next British PM. Cameron is a cousin of Queen Elizabeth Two.

But no mention was deemed worth making, in Australia's media, nor in Britain's, that the Greens over there won only one seat in the election. I guess the Lib-Dems have been around longer than the latest surge toward environmentalism, thus the Greens in Britain are not yet popular enough to score as the Greens in Australia have been over the last few elections?

Nevertheless..., it is apparent that a shift seems to be popular, there and here, away from the usual two sides of the drinks cabinet.

Is it merely ANOTHER ploy by the bovver boyz of Rome, London and Switzerlandenenen?

Many think that US President Barack Obama was. And I do not offer argument against that notion. But, I do like him, and his will, not to mention his Intellect.

How much we are all “slaves” at one level or another, of the Iluminadi, I'm not allowed to know, but I've scanned a few items on the ever-trusty 'net suggesting that Obama is merely another of their puppets.

Damn! If he is! But if he is, then what are the whole lot of the world's so-called politicians?



As most all of us are quite fed-up with the spin and doctoring that goes on and on and on and on, especially leading up to an election, it is in a strange and somewhat disarming way refreshing to see that our main-players in the Labor and Liberal/National camps are either being exposed, or are exposing themselves, albeit via the mainstream media. In these cases, by the Fairfax press of the Sydmornherald, and ThAge.

But Abbott wuz on the 7.30 Report when he let go his firecracker.

I can't help but see these explosive exposures as fuel for the punters to get really pissed-off with the two parties, this year in the federal election, and whenever the next Victorian one is - early next year I suspect.

If Abbott was scheming before his admission that this might win the affection of the voters - he may be right - Australian voters seem more each day to me to be absolute idiots, merely for putting up with the utter crap we've had..., since 1808! (I once read through events surrounding and after the 1808 Rum Rebellion, and I recall the name “Abbott” was prominent through the dark days of the filthy coup de ta of John MacArthur, and lately I've wondered whether the two are related?)

We really are a fallen bunch of materialists, with, I reckon, little or no Honor, that-is honesty, in our political and social lives. So, as I recently said in an amateur video, Aussie voters actually like our polies to lie, because we can't face up to the filth and corruption upon which we enjoy this so-called “quality lifestyle”.

So, in a macabre way, Abbott and his backroom scammers, might have concluded that this admission that he can't be trusted will work in reverse, and upsidedown and inside out in the minds of our voters. Perhaps they want the effect of it totally scrambling their heads, so that they in the end just throw their hands and preferences up in the air and side with him?

Buddha knows...?

But..., and it's just a thought..., as these exposures of and from both sides of the political scam do in-truth no justice to either of them, there is a chance, not saying how much of a chance, that the voters, come election day, will make a radically sensible decision with pencil in hand, and snub both of the rotten parties, and chose the only real, and more REALPolitik, that-is the more REALISTIC Alternative of the Greens?

I think the catastrophe happening as we sleep in the Gulf of Oilico-er-Messico-er-Mexico, where Biggest Polluters, BP, are slowly killing the aquatic and onshore life, with their sludge, is another jolt against our accelerator pedals, making even us down here down beneath think a little more about where our current drinking partners in politrix are taking us, and our only planet we call the world?

While I'm fairly sure that a majority of Australians don't like or care about the Mother Earth, I also think that enough of us would prefer that she didn't turn her toes up and die from underneath us, or underneath our progeny?

We really do have to change, and again, I harp, the only future, if we are to have one, has to be a Green future.

America has, and is trying to shift gear to a greener culture, but the likes of big oil and big multinational psychosis, are, behind their prissy advertising, doing everything possible to maintain their hold on environmental carnage.

While I have been realistic for a while, and feel that we've lost the game, and the lot of us are doomed to a ruinous future, it is my choice to go down swinging, fighting and kicking every cop and every farmer and every self-absorbed over-consuming maggot, who cannot change their mindless and utterly idiotic ways of living, towards being in Balance with the Earth's environment.

While I also am having doubts about whether I'll bother voting this next series of elections, seeing as they are but scams to keep the political class on top of the pile - “the scum on top of the pool” as a song goes, if I do, it can only be for the Greens.

I can only hope that Senator Bob Brown has lads and lasses around him who are NOT the shady types who so often are in such reformist political organisations, only really there on the orders of their puppet masters, to spy on and subvert the Honorable Cause?

But..., perhaps the Outlaws who have been haranging the harangers of MI6, and Rome, and the other covens, have gotten through these last few years, and the private schooled idiots they sent in to undermine the genuine progressives, have grown up a bit and put aside their giggling egos?

Three Aussie Rules footy teams worth, I reckon Bob.

Good Luck, Australia!

A non-political REALPolitik commentary, from
Omaxa bin Up-Too-Late
riding the Golden Throne of
"Dusty Boots" on-root to Never Never Land