
Cities are asylums


Having traveled a fair distance in 35 adult years, through a lot of Australia and overseas, country and city, after weighing the sanity of society as we have come to regard it, it is clear that cities are in reality, asylums for the deeply mentally ill.

A general tenet, is that people in the country, that-is out of the cities, are less crazed than their city cousins.

This may be so in many nations and regions where the western culture has less of a grip, but it is not necessarily the case in western nations.

This, because most rural people in western nations, are addicted, through force from the financial sectors, based mainly in the cities of Britain and Eurape, to farm the land with all manner of “labour-saving” machinery.

In the long term, these mechanical and “hi-tech” methods are deadly to the productivity of the land, to the essential Human “bonds” so necessary for healthy Communities, and to healthy Human-to-Land relationships.

For those labour-saving machines (and ancillaries), deplete rural populations, thus communities, tend more to the isolation of the farmer from both the land, from having a “deep” understanding of the land, and from the fundamentals of Human relationships, add most destructively to the pollution of the land, waters, and air, flora and fauna etc., and concentrate any profits into fewer and fewer hands.

Marketed and again, forced upon the farmers, as the more profitable way to farm, the opposite is true.

Because, most profit, from a farmer buying ever-bigger machines, goes not to the farmer who has purchased the equipment, nor to the haulage company owner, subcontractor, who buys and runs large trucks etc., but instead into the hands of the machines' makers.

Or, into their banks.

Banks, which eventually, if we are to follow the “money-trail”, are centred, based, in the big cities of Britain and Eurape.

As well, the same insane forces, of western high finance, demand the mass production of single crops, or meat or other products.

These methods go against all logic, all Wisdom, all Common Sense in regard to keeping the land sustainable, on a perennial basis.

Therefore, while it remains a truism, that cities, and to further define the saying, all “western” cities, are asylums for the mentally ill, most people who live and work and otherwise, in western nation's rural regions are also quite insane.

However, many rural folk, look at the cities of the world, as crazy places to live.

And they are right.

Cities, western cities, and few cities on Earth today are not within, do not fit that description, are asylums for the mentally ill.

And the police forces, do everything to care for the insane, giving the most protection to the most insane - the most wealthy - the clergy class, the political class, the executive class, the judicial and legal classes, the corporate class - all coming from the private schooled classes of the most intellectually-challenged - the “western” religions.

Catholicism, Christianity, Freemasonry, et al.

As the police have become controlled by the demands from these most insane groups, over time the police too, have become deeply mentally ill, to the point where they firmly and violently believe their methods and “laws” are correct, and must be defended to the point of deploying fatal weaponry against any who dissent from the laws, and incarcerate any who reject false, untrue and fundamentally criminal "laws".

“Laws”, which also are made by the mentally ill.

“Laws” when, in the final analysis, are determined to not be “laws” at all, but merely corruptions of language and authority, to protect the most mentally ill - the most wealthy - the clergy class, the political class, the executive class, the judicial and legal classes, the corporate class.

As the word “ill” is but a contraction of the older English word “evil”, it is not a giant leap to connect the insanity of western cities with an evil unsurpassed in all of Human history.

Where, then, should Human Beings look, for “Laws”? For THE Just Society?

Clearly, NOT Rome! NOT, London! NOT, Washington! NOT, Canberra! Sydney? Melbourne? Perth? Darwin?

NOT anywhere western laws are entrenched and defended by “officers of the law”.

Therefore, what are we to make of our politicians, and the legislations and edicts they pronounce? And of their election????

In modern language, the Truest “Laws” are Laws which prescribe adherence to environmentally harmonious behaviour.

So, any “laws” which do not align themselves within Environmental Law, are not laws at all.

Thus, the overwhelming majority of “laws” under which Human Beings are obliged to live today, are false, and even illegal restraints on our Natural Character(s).

Thus, the overwhelming majority of “laws” under which Human Beings are obliged to live today, are, or should be, null and void.

These points alone, determine that the ruling classes of the “modern” world, have no qualified authority over the masses.

But, with a clear mind, not encrazed by the alien demands of “modern, western” city lifestyles, it is easy to understand whence come crazy laws, for their source, is the asylums for the most mentally ill.

If, in Australia, there are any clear-thinking people, it would be blatantly clear to them, that the old establishment's laws, methods of enforcement and of government, are unnatural, illegal, and insane, therefore a new charter for our nation's continent and islands is absolutely necessary.

But it is a big call to expect any candidates in the upcoming elections - federal, Victorian and NSWelsh, over the next 12 months, to put together a “Manifesto” which addresses these deadly anomalies, by offering voters a new set of laws, all based on Environmental Laws.

It is possible, but is, a BIG call.

Expecting even our own best and most honorable and conscientious lawyers to piece together such a Noble Charter or Constitution for the only Realistic and appropriate political organisation - The Greens - before the weeks prior to the called elections, when policies are usually put on the table for public scrutiny, is NOT too big a call to make, considering there is an huge number of highly talented minds, essentially languishing in the velveted rooms of our legal fraternities across the land.

It has to be so, simply by “the law of averages” that enough of them are capable, and would give of themselves enough to produce such a document.

However, as the majority of them are officed in the asylums for the mentally ill - our cities - they are no doubt “hamstrung” by those around them, so are prevented from making justice Just?

Slater and Gordon?

Holding Redlich?

Even, perhaps..., Matheson, Stephens, Jacques?

The call is not a sophisticated one. Not a complicated one. Not complex, or unfathomable.

Environmental Laws.

Simple, Clean, Pure, Perennial, Honest, True.

Better call an Aborigine?

However...., it will require that the Protagonists, are also, Outlaws?

Three Wise Tribes Re-Balance.

For further Reference; “Henry George”, “Dr Ken Henry”, and “Leviticus 25”.

Now who was that Queen's Counsel....?

All Praise the Father Sun, and the Mother Earth!

That we may all get back to Her!

Your Call, Humanity!

Beyond the Enlightened minds of our Australian Aborigines, we down here down under, are also from all corners of the planet. So it is Logical, Wise and Prudent that any who are inspired to apply their talents to producing a New Charter for Australia, connect with and cooperate with like minds around the Earth.

We fail if we remain in the “old kings” models of “nations” and their false (and generally divisive) borders.

What Earth needs is a united borderless political, socio-economic “lawmaking” movement.

Each region has it's own Indigenous Peoples, and those who Recognise that Environmental Laws needs-must be the Basis for all others.

Today, in the “New Day”, as President Obama's team termed it, we are obliged to and capable of employing “Babylon's” advances against itself.

Not military weapons, nor super-spy subversion, but simply the modern-day tools of Communication.

Three to four months, should be enough for a dedicated team to establish the “E-Team” with high-up representatives in most all nations and regions, and to draft the Environmental Laws Charter for Earth.

I admit, it smacks of yet another “League of Nations” Constitution, a “United Nations” Human Rights Charter, or such.

So each must decide if they can look afresh at what is known, what is needed and what is possible.

We know what is needed is not complex, so is possible.

Egos aside.

Better Talk to the Aborigines, the Greens, and the Outlaws!

Passed time we stopped the patients from running the asylums!

From the Depths, of
Omaxa bin Eartha
The Three Wise Tribes Re-Balance 2010.