
By George! It's the Henry Tax Review!

By George! It's the Henry Tax Review AT LAST!
Sunday evening, 2nd May 2010.

As I can't read things like tax reports and reviews, as they put me to sleep, and because most of the jargon passes straight over my head, I rely on our absolutely trustworthy media reporters and editors to give me their honest and unbiased brief.

Then I tap into the witch-realm and download something that makes me sound Wise and even at times, Intelligent.

Reading the first of many, no doubt, media reports,
on ABC's online “The Drum”, titled “Henry tax review fills Rudd's too-hard basket” (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/05/02/2888148.htm)

I was uncontrollably impelled to highlight “....economic rents from resources and land”, one of four of Dr Henry's recommended revenue tax bases. The other three being; personal income, business income and private consumption.

I recall reading one of Mark Latham's books when he was leading the federal ALP, and in the introduction, I think, he referred to an interview of John Howard, who admitted that “economic rent” or “Land Tax” was the most honest form of government revenue.

Why then, Howard did nothing to introduce Land Tax, is easily explained in everyones' knowing that we are the most sinful, that is the least honest, and thus most materialistic nation on Earth, therefore we are inclined to, as Frank Hardy would say, “gamble on two flies crawling up a wall”.

So putting our faith in the least honest, that is the least honorable method of making a buck, sort of follows as a given, methinks?

The least honorable income is by speculating on land, as-it-happens. This, in a way, is why the Aborigine has mostly maintained that “one should NEVER sell their Mother!”

The ABC article explains that the government, while trying to do-the-right-thing, by going with Dr Henry's recommendations, gave no clear sign posts as to which way, what pace, nor where we're going from here forward.

“The Treasurer says tax reform is a long-term proposition and not everything can be achieved now.”

As we are all so comfortable with bottomline corruption in good ol' Kkristian Australia, and as the majority of us have the tax-dodge down-pat these decades, long term propositions are generally focused on how long one can avoid the ATO, and a jail-term.

Bankruptcy is par-for-the-course, in many small-and-large business arenas here, with any penalties merely a forced holiday, mostly not behind bars.

So taking tax reform seriously is generally a no-no, because if it were serious, it would thereafter force the populace to reassess their rorts and dodgeees. In particular the major dodgee-rort of speculating on suburban land values, and, for farmers, waiting for the suburban spread to absorb their land, and then make squillions flogging it off at auction, to boost the family's profit-line, so they can upsell into a better class of suburb, or rural property. "Jes' roight for ouwr retoirement!"

Nevermind the endlessly upward cost of living in a house, borrowing for a death-pledge (mortgage), and renting anything better than a caravan? And SHOOSH NO never mind one's neighbour, who might not have had land-and-housing-speculating parents who could thereafter afford to send you to the brudderbond networks of upperclass mafioso schools, thus a guaranteed life of degrees and upper-end income brackets!

NAAAH! Just fiddle the books! I heard of a nutha tax loop hole the other day, down the golf course!

So, indeed, tax reform is a long term proposition!

Indeed-indeed...., the reforms have been under the table for about five and a half thousand years! Since the early Hebrew Levites Divined the most Honorable, most HOLY, Pure, simple, clean and incorruptible method of government revenue, and scribed it into their Temples' annual reports!

So..., referring to the treasurer's statement, as above, about these being long term propositions, to me, this rather begs the question, “Is it not therefore something we should teach our children?”

I avoided economics in my school years, much more a hands-on trades-type. So, to make amends, I attended a series of short courses when I was in my thirties (I think) at a Melbourne CAE adult education college.

This was after I'd become aware of this land tax thingo, so must have been in my late thirties. I think that as I'd never really been assaulted by the hegemonic crap of mainstream “economics”, as taught in our schools and colleges and universities, I was coming at it “fresh” as-it-were.

To some extent this helped, but in another way, it was not easy for the tutors, as I had no hesitation to question the well-honed bullshit they were trying to have the classes accept and imbibe.

In short, I was astounded at the illogical and utterly false dogma they expected the pupils to absorb! It was worse than Kkristian Bible classes!

I might have cut short my attendances at those economics classes, out of utter dismay, and disbelief, and was saved from premature doom only by the Philosophers at another school I attended.

As hard liquor has been a part of my diet since my late 'teens, I think I employed it as well as other medicative “meditative” practices to drown my grief.

“Grief” that this nothing-short-of-EVIL rubbish was what all our mainstream economics' courses in schools, colleges and universities were handing out to those who would graduate to become accountants and tax advisors and even public servants and politicians!

So, as, lately, I've heard a really catchy phrase being thrown around the government spin-doctor chambers (via our ever-trustworthy media of course! The last time I was in Canberra, I was told to leave and never come back, by the MILITARY!) which goes something like an “education revolution!”



Clearly, it WOULD TRULY BE an Education Revolution, if our ever-Progressive and totally honest government were to introduce Economics courses in all our schools, colleges and universities which taught TRUE Economics, along the Pure, Scientific lines of Economic Rent, for government revenue!

“Excuse me Miss Gillard! If I gave you an apple, would you teach me some FACTS, in Economics?????”

“Daddy says that when I grow up, houses will cost two arms and three legs!?”

“I don't want to have to have a sex change, Miss Gillard!”
said the little girl.

Argh? Excuse me Julia? Has it occurred to the government that the kiddies might have something there.

That of incorporating both the “revolutionary” improvement in the education of our youth, with the necessary taxation reforms, as recommended by Australia's leading Economist, Dr Ken Henry?

Surely, if ex-PM Howard, as well as the Hallowed Sir Winston Churchill, and the Honorable H.V. “Doc” Evatt, and a string of other Wise, and Brilliant passed world leaders accepted that “economic rent” is the most honest method of collecting revenue, surely you are obliged to do the same, and teach it to our youth, the leaders of tomorrow?

Why.., were I to dig deep enough into my memory-banks, I do believe the Immortal Karl Marx Himself, also made note, albeit brief, on Economic rent, somewhere in his Manifesto? But I didn't say that!

What WOULD the next leader of the Liberal Opposition, Mr PRO-LAND-RENT Malcolm Turnbull say?


It might be very interesting to get the opinions and views of our government school teachers on this, don't you think?

Hello...? Miss Gillard....? Miss Gillard?? Hello...?