The last line of another SMH article going to this repetitious business reads:
"Mr Socratous says he is prepared to give sworn evidence to the Victorian Electoral Commission."
And good on him!
All he has to do, is be satisfied that the Victorian Electoral Commission isn't "stacked" as well?
Like all Australian courts, most all of our "Commissions" are "Kangaroo courts", and have been since 26th January 1808!
From my perspective, it's sad that the AWU has spoken up in defense of the stack of the indefensible.
Perhaps, as I've been led to conclude, Aussies are irreparably corrupt, and now prefer our representatives, in either the political arena, or in our unions, to speak porky-pies. Perhaps the unions' voice is the voice of the capitalists, rather than that of the Workers.
"O Yaye!", say the masses, which is why they have on-mass, given up on a Democratic society and choose instead to hide away in the pseudo-opulence of a McMansion, in the totally unsustainable suburbs.
By gingoes, don't we need a shake-rattle and roll of our beliefs and resignations?
A Wise Magi, like any visiting alien, would look at our fallen status, and determine that it is indeed time for that old "end of days" scenario.
Certainly, the majority of mainstream Aussies, whether private-schooled egomaniacs born on easy street, or hard-working ambitious lower-middle-class types, who say they support Unions and a more Socialist government and society, all exhibit the "flawed program" profile, and thus needs-must be "deleted" asap.
Of course, any Magi worth his soup, would have a very light footprint on the Sacred Mother Eartha, and would inspire others to the same ways, while at the same time quietly dispatch the disrespectful to a very hot place for a few thousand eons.
If our Unions cannot come clean in our clearly corrupted political processes, at this turning point in local-AND-global politics, then no one should support them.
If the Unions cannot come GREEN, then we are lost, and worthy of deletion, all.
If we, in Australia, have not yet the Organised Collectives, unafraid to challenge the FOREIGN hegemony of Britain and Eurape's bankers and shady corporations, then we are doomed to a disintegrated future, and are not worthy of calling ourselves "Australians".
We now have a rather large and powerful number of nations who would gladly side with us in this surely looming battle against foreign control.
The United States of America, while itself yet to address the necessary changes to it's culture, but which is increasingly willing to, and the People's Republic of Communist China, would both readily stand with us if we here were together enough to demand that Australia become an Independent REPUBLIC, free at last from the chains of northern colonialism.
In fact, any paranoias within our borders, surely come from without them, from the northern bastions of tyranny and "old kings" models of totalitarianism. The same old kings who have dominated the world, including China and the USA for centuries.
It must be a reasonable expectation that were Australians to call for support from the likes of the USA and China - just two power-players in the global mash - and India, and others, to put an end to this utterly insane IMF mis-rule of the planet, they should be given something as a "token" (hardly what I mean) of their assistance.
And, with a Wisely managed plan, it would appear that a sharing of whatever we have, that would be of broad and genuine benefit to them, is what we should offer.
That, it seems, is access to our land. ERRR...!? Our ABORIGINES' Land.
But far from leaving them to march in and decimate the population, as of old kings, surely we could orchestrate a peaceable transition from the resource capitalism of old, to a Socialist Sharing of resources, sun, fun and beaches etc., along of course a "New Day" scenario of Greening the world as we grow.
Released from the toxic uneconomy of profit-before-Happiness, a new order of Social Balance would release us from the psychoses of scratching everyone else's eyes out for food and a roof, laughter and that chimera "love".
Wisdom of the Ancients, still thriving across this magnificent continent prior to 1788, and thriving across the Orient and Persia and Africa and the Americas, prior to the expansionism of an endarkened Eurape, would be reborn to live in all our Souls once more.
Just before the end of days..........
Green Agrarian Socialist Democracy, and be done with criminal Commissions and Kangaroo courts and a sea of lawyers and CEOs and falsities.
Get it right Australia, fucksake!
Omaxa bin Thirsty
for the Nectar of TRUTH
from the Throne of "Dusty Boots"