
Climate Change or Simply Reducing Human Pollution?


Climate Change or Simply Reducing Human Pollution?
A perspectives from a few beers....

Would we have the argy-bargy in our parliaments and news media about whether the government has to introduce a 'carbon tax' or not, if the underlying debate was focused and voiced on the science and data about the level of environmentally-damaging pollution Humans were emitting because of our tendency to live highly materialistic lifestyles?

I think NOT!

But even that different way of seeing the debate about our environmental problems and needs is overly complex, because it introduces the negative of ' our tendency to live highly materialistic lifestyles'.

What life is all about on Earth is unanswered to myself, when we see ourselves relative to the Cosmos, to the breadth of the universe, and to the likelihood that our egotrips called 'western culture' are taking the whole planet down the road to destruction, where in centuries from now, perhaps decades, perhaps years, all the so-called benefits we have gained, invented, discovered, engineered, developed etc., will be to the majority, laid-waste.

Nevertheless, it can't be denied that the sum-total of Humanity's travails and sojourns down the centuries have come through with some absolutely tremendous advances.

Tremendous advances which, I maintain, have not necessarily brought the most of us Enduring Happiness and Endless Bliss, but more, enforced us Humans into slavery, and there is no doubt, in this early part of the 21st century, after the last century being consumed by corporate industrial/commercial wars - aka GREED - and consumption of ridiculous amounts of the Human Soul, time, sanity and output, that there is a roaring increase away from the Purity of the Still, Silent, Peaceful, Happy, Mind, Body, Soul AND Community combination.

Therefore, with the supposed benefits of improved material accoutrements due to our rampant industry, are we as a species, any better-off?

Clearly NOT!

Not, for one reason, because our pollution is wrecking the globe's environment, so our ability to survive perpetually.

After listening to the various arguments, debates and denials about this shifting thing called 'climate change', and after some thirty-five years being attuned to the climate aka 'the environment' through my away-from-school education in Honorable and Wise company, company who knew well before I came to understand it, or before the mass of us today came to understand our relationship with the environment, and that we are living beyond our means, it is painfully obvious to myself that it is passed ridiculous that such arguments attract such attention in our supposedly most important houses of parliament.

Arguments, I mean, which still, even with the Statesman-like Representations of the likes of Senator Bob Brown for the pro-environment Greens, and his Fellow Warriors for a cleaner planet and cleaner living by Humans, aka Adam Bandt, Et Al, are yet to clarify the debate, or the issues.

Issues which may or may not go to whether the weather is weathering our maltreatment or not, known today as 'the concerns about climate change', but are clearly called into the halls of debate because of the way our forefathers, primarily in industry, have ignored the vital balance necessary between us, Human Beings, and the Biosphere.

Issues therefore, which can be completely separated from the divisive and inconclusive debate as to whether the climate is changing or not, due or not to our mistreatment of the said Biosphere.

While both sides of the 'house' of cards, of idiots, of agenda-ridden fools, of parliament, cannot 'move forward' from the politically attractive garbage, the garbage which fiends like the Murdoch media dogs love to use to gain ever-larger egotrips through their in-ya-face networks, and which the constantly massaged trippers in the federal drOpposition parties also love to use to dilute, to weaken all sensible debate and policy corrections by the government, and finally rise to the FACTS that we Humans have been a little - CORRECTION - A LOT CARRIED AWAY with our material invention and unquestionably fucking amazing abilities to manufacture the most fabulous goodies, and for that exciting egotrip of the last - say - 200 years? 400 years? When began the so-called 'Enlightenment'?

But at least since the wool industries of Scotland and their millers of England began to mass-produce fabrics, thus the beginning of the industrial revolution and incessant mechanical inventiveness, the species has been overcome by Britain's forceful urge to spread the polluting machinery globally, so that of the last say 150 years the environment has been heavily assaulted, and now, threatens to turn up it's heals and die.

All hail the 'Enlightenment'!


So, getting back to one beer's worth...., the debate and the media splurge has to move forward and get REAL, as they say, by leaving the inconclusive and might-I-say deliberately divisive, deliberately delaying issue of 'climate change' well behind us, and get down to the obviously very HARD-CORE issue, the undeniable issue within the FACTS that say we are severely abusive of the environment, and therefore, without any further ado, we must act promptly and decisively to reign-in our propensity to waste the from here forward increasingly precious environment and natural resources!

Each day, each minute the drOpposition wastes arguing the point, is another bunch of seconds the planet looses in Her ability to deal with and recuperate from our white, western Judeo-Christian temptations/transgressions/lusts/greed/insatiable desires!

Most painfully, I know the ALP federal government, the Greens, of course, and the Independents, all know full-well that this is the issue. That Humans are over-consuming, and therefore, in that, are carelessly polluting the precious environment, to dangerous levels.

But there is clearly something else getting in the way, for the fact that they cannot make this clear to the punters, and therefore win an unassailable mandate to go the full-distance with PRO-PRO-PRO-GREEN Policies, which give ALL industry no option but to sacrifice any selfish and clearly, to the Wise, stupid profit-driven agendas, and change their foci to yes - let them keep producing the wonderful goodies they so ably make - but let them, with the super-attractive incentives of tax-breaks for pro-environment behaviour, make products and provide services et al, sustainably!

For anyone to deny, to the extent that the fucking demonic federal Liberal party does, that there has to be limits on NOT, PRODUCTION, but upon how industry goes about producing their moneymakers, exposes them as traitors to Humanity, and therefore, with increasing rumours of aliens invading, who apparently need more carbon-dioxide in the air they breathe to survive, the likes of Tiny Habit, aka Anthony Abbott of Orion, who are doing everything they can to delay cleaning-up the atmosphere, can only be seen as being evil cunts who are licking the dicks of the little green bastards, who want so much to fuck the world, and the environment and US!

Obviously, they've already fucked Tony Abbott!

Ahum....? Two-and-a-half beers....!

However, as there is ample evidence telling us, down-here-down-underneath in Astrayliar, that we are being assailed not so much by aliens from foreign planets, as from foreign nations, aka BRITAIN & YOU-RAPE, and as it is known that the errant bastards with huge bags of illicitly gained cash (what's the best little earner on Earth? - HEROIN - ask any employee of the Bank of England, or, the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank, aka HSBC?) apparently 'discovered' Australia, some time after the Aborigines here did, and that those whitefaced Brits and Euros are insatiable LIARS, it is as likely that the subtle worlds, the occult realm, has been manipulated by them to make us all frightened shitless, and thus weak-at-the-knees against their insatiability.

Thereforerrr...., as the northern bastards have formed organisations which 'appear' to be 'philanthropic', 'god-loving' aka 'religious', aka 'Christian', 'Socialist', 'Egalitarian', and 'for the good of all', etc, which happen to go by the names 'the International Labor Organisation', 'the International Monetary Fund', 'the World Bank', the 'United Nations', 'Red Cross'..., Argh! The list goes on-and-on, and yet, with all their persuasive might, influence, power, heroin and cash, cannot bring peace and secure lifestyles to the seven billion of us, we are left with few options but to conclude that.., they're telling porkies!

And, that they do not really give a flying... about anyone else but themselves, over there in Britain and YOU RAPE, and that the bullshit they've been feeding us, via their puppets in parliament, that we really can keep fucking the environment the way we have been, is in fact a ploy to keep us stupid, lazy and unprepared for dooooomsday, when not the aliens from Orion blast us to Ballarat, but when the Brits, Eurapeans and other ZIONIST LAND-GRABBERS march-in and claim all the land-titles for their kiddies!

Thereforerrr. What doth the Guru of Gangstas say, but “'ave anutha beer mayte!”

“But why, oh grate one?”

Beeee--cause, grassgroper..., you and your white, dumb-as maytes are too lazy, gutless and stupid to get off your fatcells and march on parliament, and ARREST THE LOT OF THEM!

So they remain free to talk shit day and night, and leave us to drown in our beer and pollution, and, though a minimal percentage of us, in the heroin they are importing into our souls, at, a mighty profit for the bank of fucking England, maaaayyyte!

Is it irony, that today's ALP government, not their masters over in upclubland Britain and YOU RAPE, not the ILO, but those 'REALLefties' here in Australia..., would dearly LOVE for that to happen?

THREE.., and a half..., beers....!

Get a bit of COURAGE, Australia!

Land Rent for Government Revenue!

Or, in the language of the Federal Treasury....,


Fuck Rupert and James Murdoch!

Fuck Britain! Fuck YOU RAPE!

Fuck the aliens!


A little bit of SANITY, from

OUTLAW JUNCTION, ably assisted by FOUR beers.... hick!

Going-on FIVE!

(OH! 'e's such a naughty boy!)

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

Fighting for a Just World!

The Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha

aka Max Earth



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