Doing may thaing, I wuz scanning the online news portals, and after rummaging through the ABC website, I saw a link to the
ABC News Online Investigative Unit
The ABC has a little shady square at the bottom of the page, which says....
The ABC News Online Investigative Unit encourages whistleblowers, and others with access to information they believe should be revealed for the public good, to contact us.
I thunk about it many times before, but this time, the devil grabbed my keyboard and typed this out of my Soul.......
OK lets start with the ABC, for avoiding reporting of several major political and economic and Humanitarian crimes.
Then let's move to Centrelink, for supporting major crimes against the People.
Then, the Australian Electoral Commission, for cover-ups of ballot-rigging, and unaccounted-for disappearances of votes.
Then , the banks, for almost everything.
Then, the real estate industry, for aiding and abetting mass crimes against People's fundamental right to secure and affordable housing.
Then, the police forces, for protecting them all, our biggest criminals.
May as well throw a few arrows at the military too, for war-crimes against innocent peoples.
But let's not overlook the global 'security' corporations, who orchestrate terrorist activities ('the underpants bomber') to scare governments and softheaded citizens into increasing weaponry and protection equipment.
Government secret agencies are good for a look, fabricating false intel to keep corporate wars active, thus western access to evermore rare resources, and false evidence against harmless-nay-beneficial 'drugs', so-as to keep the herbs and plants illegal, and 'the war on drugs' alive, for funding their psychotic warmongering egotrips.
Then, there's religion, from the Vatican to Lambeth to Salt Lake City, to your local parish.
Then, take a look at the education system, for inculcating insane beliefs and priorities in our children.
Let's look in depth at the medical industries, practitioners, hospitals and pharmacists, and the heinous criminal corporations in pharmaceuticals and other medical 'devices'.
"Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food!" sayeth one Hippocrates, founder of western medicine. Musta fallen off the back of the 'Hippocratic Oath'?
And OH! Hello! the law industry, for keeping the most evil laws entrenched and enforced, thus the majority on the streets to insanity for no Humane access to Land, where-for to till the soils for food, and to raise the child in safety and peace.
How about the cattle industry, the auto industry, the chemicals industry...?
How about YOU?
May Buddha Bless you ABC!
THEN, she made me fling it off to the ABCNOIU......!
All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!
From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth
Anchor, for
Outlaw Junction
Media Portal
for the
Three Wise Tribes
Education &
apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!