Australian REALPolitik Celebrates It's 90th Birthday!
Ah? The Conundrum?
This week I serfed the 'net for names, with descriptions, of as many 'Gods' Humanity has held that high.
30 so far. I expect the list will grow with time.
Slightly ironic, maybe, considering I have recently become an Atheist?
Why 'gods' then?
Ah! Grasshopper! These things are Known to those who seek with a Sincere Heart!
Several of the descriptions attached to the 'hallowed' names, strongly infer, to a sharp eye and open mind, that most all 'gods' are Elevated Human Beings who have excelled in their Principle Work, of Purifying themselves, enough to have 'lived-on' beyond this 3-dimensional world.
'Transcendence', as the Maharishi would say.
But also, because, having spent a couple of decades regarding this notion, of an Higher incorporeal Being, with the Highest Respect, even though I now cannot subscribe to the notion of the Big Fella in the sky, who actively watches over everything, and at-once is within all things, living and otherwise, I maintain my Respect for those who, Intelligently and Wisely Humble themselves to a Greater Creator.
More so if the Tenets that Fella recommends Humans adhere to, are to my mind, the Wisest and most Honorable, and guide people with Good Advice through the darkness of life on Earth.
Also, I Respect any God which..., who.., Inspires their Followers to Seek Knowledge, and to live Truthfully and without fear of Speaking the Facts, about the Laws of Life.
In my first 4 decades, I was steered away from inquiring into the occult, by a witch, as-it-happens. My Catholic mum.
For much of my life I was led to be suspicious of her, and the way she spoke to and treated me. I did have some hazy idea of the secret powers etc., but, as she had a powerful grip on my mind, and on which direction I sought to take my thoughts, I was always taken off in other directions.
In an effort to find some relief from the mysterious ghost in my system, I took to real-fast motorcycle riding, alcohol, drugs and unconsciousness as often as possible.
But after almost 5 decades, things began to coalesce, and I saw there was much more going on behind my back, and behind my eyes, than I knew.
Even now, I'm kept blind in those regards, and realms, for a few reasons, so know very little about that fully-fluid world of improportions.
But I do know that people can live-beyond the bodily life, and that, deluded or not, they can climb up, at least in the minds of those they hypnotised while still in their body, to a higher level.
I expect most who open their witches-eye desire to become powerful witch-gods, and become fanatical about 'gathering' other Souls into their own little coven, who will adore them and treat them as if they were god.
But, I also expect that only a very small percentage of them make it to any lasting level, worthy of the respect of other people, and that most who try, end in failure, and possibly before they die, go insane.
It's may also be that those who try but fail, fail because they were never near 'clean' of mind enough to Qualify for a status commanding the respect of others.
It seems, that in the world of witchcraft, 'councils' of Elders and perhaps Wise Souls do have phenomenal powers, and are able to see into the hearts and minds of all living Humans, and so, can see whether a person is Pure of mind or not, in that the person is or is not fanatical about power over others, or hungry for some higher status in the world, and/or, in the afterlife.
So.., I am prepared to believe that these councils of transcended Humans are guardians over the Earth, or sections of the world where their followers live, and while Wise, they can also be, because they have to be, ruthless, and will not hesitate to condemn anyone who seeks for higher position than they are Qualified to hold.
No doubt, a trip to Hell for the overly-egotistical is one way the councillors punish transgressors.
Also, I find Merit in Atheism, because I have no time for people who as they say, 'build idols' representing god, and today, most religions go to irrational and unconscionable extents to fabricate something representing god, whether it's stories, or buildings or images of one deity or another.
It seems correct, that if a person really, sincerely holds to the Tenets of a Wise god, they don't even need other people to chat about It with, nor do they need material images or even structures to revere as a 'house of god', as opposed to the rest of the country, where god is allegedly not so present.
If the Creator god exists, It/He/She is everywhere, so everywhere, aside from places which have been cursed or occupied by dark beliefs and practices and malice, is underpinned by god, or the initial 'spark of life' which might be god, therefore everywhere should be revered and treated with the same total Respect. The same applies to all beings.
(While I accept the existence of other beings, of other life-forms of higher and lower 'realms', and that some of them are not friendly, let's say, there does seem to be a lot of evidence to suggest that evil is made manifest by endarkened Human minds, minds cursed to reject any search for higher, selfless Knowledge and Wisdom.)
So.., with what damage has been caused to the Natural World, by so many religions' followers, something totally disrespectful and irreligious has been behind their motivation.
So it does not take much to see that a warped system of belief has been behind the carnage, therefore the god those who commit the crimes 'obey' or believe in cannot be regarded as a Good God, Holy or in fact 'god-like'.
Indeed, I know that most of the destruction that's done the damage to now, has been done by hypnotised slaves of foolish and dark masters. Masters who either claim to be followers of the 'one true god' or who claim to be gods themselves.
This seems to have been the way of things for the followers of the western Hebrew and Christian belief systems, and puts in doubt any assertions of their gods' status.
More so, when we see that a huge amount of damage to the environment has been sanctified by such cults' high priests, 'in the name of god'!
So..., HA! To these god beings, if followers' minds are full of exaggerated and untrue stories and myths and dogma which lie outright about witchcraft, and which covertly abuse witchcraft upon unknowing victims, to bolster the cult's numbers or resource-base!
That, to me, is 'blaspheming against the Holy Spirit' as one of the Prophets is said to have said, therefore those who do that, '...shall never be forgiven...!'
So, it probably isn't necessary to be an Atheist to be a Communist, and there's always the danger that one is simply replacing the god concept with another graven image, belief and/or doctrine.
But if the doctrine goes to the fundamental issues which underpin our lives on Earth, issues which fall fully upon the Economic Facts, and fully upon the Laws which remain perennially, about how we have to live on and with the Earth, and with those Doctrines' Facts, stands against tyrannical delusions and false propaganda about being born to live selfish, unsustainable lives over-and-above the rest, then that Belief system is godlike, and deserves the Greatest Respect.
So.., since perhaps my earliest introduction to this concept called 'Communism', possibly while drunking with a raving Commie, the Righteous Colin MacDonald, brother of my sister-in-law, Mavis, the best friend of my brother, in a pub on the Bendigo-Eaglehawk road with “British” in it's name I think, there has for me, been a simple and clear Wisdom and Common Sense in the Concept of Communism.
That I was steered into an abyss or 2 during my adult life, then looked into all the known religions for some sort 'peace-of-mind' and of 'family' or Brotherhood or such, and after years studying Philosophy, with Raja Meditation, with Profound Guidance from Hindu Scripture Et Al, surrendered to something we might regard as god, has never led me away from the Purity of what I deduced, or was led to deduce, as Communism.
Also, it really doesn't take a super-smart brain to figure out that this warped economic structure called 'capitalism', makes monsters of all of us, forces all of us to be unholy criminals, and ruins everything it touches, everything fundamental to a sustainable personal and Communal life, and, the further one goes in investigating the veracity of the 'free market' etc., the more we can see that it is not possessed of any godliness at all.
Unless god is evil!
So I was chuffed this morning when on the news, an article mentioned the Australian Communist Party, and that today is it's 90th Birthday!
Now, afore yee go-off tirading about how evil 'Communism' is, and that I'm deluded, check the hexes inside your mind!
Also, the Communism I believe in, has not been represented in any nation in the last 220-plus years, so slanging me for believing in what transpired in the USSR after 1918 or so, is a waste of time.
I say 220 years, because Australia was, before the white invasion, 1, a most Spiritual Land, occupied by the most Religious, Reverential People, and 2, who were so Wise, and completely free of utterly corrupt and indeed insane rulers that they had for millennia Attained to and held to the most Pure Communism.
With what the Earth faces today, apparently at least one fifth of all living beings face extinction, a trashed environment, more insane people than ever, all of which are on an unstoppable increase in number, it's clear what the culprits are - religion and capitalism!
And what kind off hypnotic 'blind' covers the think-tank of people who cannot deduce that the most ruthless, most destructive capitalist corporations make their extreme profits by using the very same economic system which makes Communism the most logical way for a People to survive and prosper - 'economies of scale'!?
Besides, what ruler, or ruling class, would so divide all of their people into the smallest possible domestic cells, purely so the rulers can extract the most resources and income and saving from the peoples, keeping the vast majority in poverty and slavery?
Christian capitalists?
Wake-up, whitey!
Communism Rules! OK!!!
Well.. methinks IT SHOULD RULE, ok!
With the pending economic and environmental, therefore sustainable food supply crisis roaring down the atomic-clock at us, the Wisest Peoples will be those who Stand Fearlessly for the Complete Reformation of our social, economic and environmental customs, beliefs, systems of management and government, as well as how we Revere whichever god we find Worthy of our Dedication.
Communism Rules! OK!!!
Is it coincidence that I scribe this on the morning of the Washington USA day where a large Throng of fed-up Wise People of America are gathering to put out the Call to Restore Sanity?
Maybe god made it so?
Now, to jump online to confirm that it IS the 90th Birthday of the ACP!
The Mighty! The Holy! The Perennial CPA!
(Never mind that it folded for a few years!)
Wonder if my membership still stands...?
Maybe..., Honorable Communers! these are Your Times...!
From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha
Outlaw, for
Education and