
Is any 'New Day' of politics possible?


Joe Bageant, a United States self-admitted 'redneck', was interviewed on ABC Radio National about a month ago, and it was re-aired last Friday on 'Big Ideas'.

The best chat on USA politics ever aired on Australian radio, I reckon! Having heard every show ever broadcast!

I.., was brung-up to become a strong supporter of Australia's allegedly left-wing Labor Party, but, climbing the near-vertical learning-curve over some 25 years of an interest in politics, now I find it very hard to support either of the 'traditional' sides of today's political circus.

As many Australians are tiring of the mainstream political rhetoric, because we are, believe-it-or-not, smart enough to figure out that most of it, if-not-ALL-of-it, is spin, political alternatives have begun to steal the limelight.

Independents and the Greens appear to lead federal and state favour this week/month/year/election-cycle.

From what I've learned, I reckon it's not before time.

But how much can we-the-people be sure they can do what needs, in my considered opinion, to be done?

How long before they are corrupted by the ever-threatening multinational corporate machine-men?

Watching NSW politrix, it seems there may be a fundamental shift there also, amazing as it may sound, with a newish body of Independents showing signs of becoming a powerful block in the NSW parliament.

The Greens, according to a poll released today, have almost doubled in popularity to some 19% in NSW, which cannot be ignored by any political house or faction there anymore, while the NSW Labor party government has sky-dived to some 23%, it's lowest in NSW history.

It's clear that a growing number of New South Welsh are over the main players in the game, and, with the federal Greens and Independents stomping the traditional two-party hegemony in Canberra, the states are heading for changes never seen in Astrayliar.

However, while I now throw my heavy support behind the Greens, nationally and, of course, being, as I once, for a short period, labelled myself and my online commentaries 'The BIG Opinion', my Advocacy extends globally, to all-and-any who recognise that the Earth is more important than any individual or political party's self-interest.

However, in Australia's political caverns, corruption has been the order of the day since the first British marines climbed over the First Fleet's gunwales, hard as the better of them tried, to set-up an Honorable system.

Therefore, as records show, wherever some have cornered power enough to instil some rectitude, the demented have been awoken by their boss, the Devil, to go about undermining all attempts at Integrity in government, and in any organisation AND individual who sought an active life in politics.

Both main parties essentially grew and maintained their power through back-room deals, most of which not quite legal.

So with the current ALP at it's lowest in NSW history, I cannot for a second believe that their henchmen and conspirators are so beaten that they will not try to subvert the new day's threats somehow.

And with the Liberal/Nationals being mainly from the upper class, they have been able to afford a 'squeeky-clean' persona, perhaps because they have almost always owned the hierarchy in the military, and have made it their business, for centuries, to gain ownership and a firm grip on the media, so nothing, well..., next to nothing that exposes their fundamentally corrupt tenure becomes a public, or political issue.

We watch the day's political folly in Canberra, and see the federal Opposition smurking day-in-day-out, with such confidence which, to me, belies their belief that THEY really run the nation, and are so far above the throng that they are invincible. It feels like they still run on the old kings' theorem that they were born to rule, and it will always be this way.

Since their ancestors, the monarchs of Britain and Eurape, did run nations, building up their own personal wealth so high that nothing the masses tried could unseat them, because always, there would be some desperate and hungry bunch of street fighters, or military people ready to take the silver to do-down any democratic threat, today's political upper class have ignored the concerns of the masses.

Anything is possible to them, and so they have always done-over those who tried for a better world for the many.

So, while we here, and I think in a rising number of countries, the traditional 2-party structures appear to be crumbling, what instruments do we-the-people have to monitor and ensure that subversion doesn't undermine these new day Independents, and the Greens?

The beliefs of the so-called 'ruling class' are so deeply ingrained into the heads of their political puppets, who excel in lying to the voters about their concerns for the majority, that they have no real thoughts of their own, and are permanently set on 'automatic' when it comes to planning their political career and future.

But they are not so stupefied that they ignore threats to their power, and a major part of all their politicking, and campaigning and preparations, is about undermining the enemy, whether the other side of the offshore power coin, or Unions, or any rising movement, be it Greens, Independents or other-class mob with interests in evening-up the playing field.

This has been known by a large chunk of adults, especially in Australia, for a long period, which is why a lot of us do not take our politics seriously, and is also one reason, I suggest, why so many of us are off to the footy or rugby, or any sport, on weekends.

Classic escapism. Not that I denigrate people who enjoy watching sport. I used to.

But, with the global surge in evidence that our culture is killing the environment, and that it may even screw us in mere decades, many are being scared into taking a fresh look at politics. Not to the point where we are all rushing to join one of the newer 'sides' such as the Greens, but there is clearly a change in voting preferences, away from the staid 2-party warmongers.

This year's Australian federal election seemed to me to have been an enormous fabrication, where votes were rigged, bought, threatened into fruition or so manipulated in the media, in each party, and in our supposed authorities like the Australian Electoral Commission, the AEC, a government bureau which is charged with organising voting stations, polling booths, vote cards, etc, and with the monitoring of each and every booth and vote counted.

As too many political outcomes here and abroad, have seemed to follow my own commentaries and expectations, wishes and predictions, the last Australian federal election, to my mind a deeply 'questionable' event and outcome, nevertheless, resulted the way I both 'felt' it would, and as best as I could divine, or deduce, resulted near-as, as best as we could have asked for.

This does not mean I am possessed of the power to divine the future, but is most likely a situation where I am the puppet of those who want to and can, fabricate events so much that I appear to be messianic in nature.

Being possessed of almost no self-confidence, self-esteem, or reason to be self-congratulatory, this leaves me with but one option, which is to DEFY their attempts at forming my Soul around their myths, and has me feel utter despair in regard to politics and whatever Scientific Evidence exists about how government of the planet should be, and could be.

I find it dangerous and impossible to believe that any Progressive political shift toward an environmentally sustainable culture, which harmoniously combines modern technology with the need to preserve and promote increases of natural habitats and biodiversity, is possible, because that concept is alien, and the very enemy of the upper classes lifestyle and culture.

So no matter what the political powers say, from here forward, they will always be doing something to undermine Nature and thus our ability, globally, to live beyond a few more generations.


Pretty depressing stuff, methinks.

The 1st century Hebrew Prophet is said to have said “forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do!”

As I've interpreted that, he was, in modern English, saying “forgive them Lord, for they are deeply hypnotised!”

And if he spoke that some 2,000 years ago, while possibly referring just to the peoples living in and around the Levant, or the Middle-East, but the Romans were very much in his face, and in his thoughts, so he was as likely referring to them as well, therefore the meaning of his words goes to most all of ancient Romans and their belief systems, then the same was more than likely correctly applied to everyone who had been subdued by Rome's expansionist, colonialist, empire-building spread.

It seems to have taken some centuries before Rome had the impetus to force their agenda and false beliefs on such-as the local, Nativist Witches, Cults, Tribes and Peoples of Eurape and Britain, and subdue them and their culture, and kill any stubborn, perhaps Righteous Dissenters, but they eventually effectively silenced them.

After that, most of the early 'western' peoples were roped-in to attending the Christian churches, and to have themselves and their newborn 'baptised'.

How many of them knew they were being hypnotised at the baptismal and from the pulpit, is anybody's guess, but they were.

Right across the most militarised and expansionist nations ever seen, the people were sent lower and deeper into a common trance. They were also seduced and bought-off, with material comforts and wealth - materialism - mainly to keep them silent and docile about the tyranny which Rome was spreading, and was using their sweat and blood to spread further, until now, they, in the guise of the likes of the British empire or 'commonwealth' (HA!), and the colonies of the other 'Christianised' nations of Eurape, and the major economic powers and organisations like the World Bank and the IMF, etc etc., have the whole world effectively powerless to resist or to reform the old kings' power bases and endemic corruption.

So, getting back to the aloof political-class snobs of Canberra and Sinny, watching them through that lens, of centuries of hypnotism, they appear very much to be mindless puppets, giggling their way along, waiting for the time when their masters, unseen masters somewhere in the nation, planet or universe, say they can retire and spend the rest of their lives dancing and giggling around the world on a nice-little superannuated pension.

So, how can any voter be certain that as each new group, independent or party, no matter how pro-environment they are, rockets up the popularity ladder, they are not already, or will in future, be a fabrication of the bigbigREALLYbig global or Cosmic powers?

There is no way of knowing.....

However, the only thing Humanity is left to hope for - while, yes, hope is something of a naïve dreamer's delusion - is that the world is taken, before the environment implodes and buries so many of us that none of the benefits of our times and era remain, up the road of Good Laws which counter the damage and carnage our ways are doing, and educates enough of us to know how we really have to live.

It does not matter whether we are all under the hexes of Rome and Hebrew witchcraft, if they manage to orchestrate the whole planet's 'politics' and thus economics and culture, etc., according to laws and customs which are not corrupted.

I have NO faith that this will eventuate.

However, I firmly believe that a person's Honor and Integrity are the most important 'things' for the upward progress of their Soul.

So, whether all is lost or not, we are Wisest and, will later be the Strongest, I believe, if we continue, against all upper-class self-interest, to instil in our systems of government, thus in our Communities, the Best Economic, so the Best Environmental laws and policies.

What's more, there does exist, knowledge about how to most peacefully manage the world and ourselves.

It has been buried, by the idiots of the 'born-to-rule' class, and they've started world wars in their attempts to keep it away from the masses.

But now, it has been resurrected by an HUGE Army of Righteous, Wise and Humble Warriors, globally, so successfully against the spoiled rotten tyrant-class, that here in Australia it was heard of in the federal parliament.

The Henry Tax Review, as commissioned by the ALP government last year, 2009, went right to the kernel of the whole local, national and global debate we call politics, when the Good Doctor Ken Henry did his Maths and his Economic Science, with the Able, Righteous Assistance of many an Economic Warrior, concluded and included in the Review, that the nation should have a Common, nationwide Land Tax, for government revenue.

So, Cosmic and global powers pulling levers or not, THE Test for us everywhere, will be in seeing the apparent 'New Day' political Greens and Independents dissolving the anachronistic old kings models of corruption, to give voters those Scientific Economic Laws of the Land.

If the new 'Greens'-type powers in our and other nation's governments do not bring this about, we will know all is lost, and that the powers-that-be are unavoidably corrupt and thus, evil.

Liberal, Nationals, Labor, British Labour, Liberal-Democrats, Tory, US Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party, ILO, IMF, Communist, Islamist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Chinese, North or South Korean, African, Et Al...., Et Al.......

If so..., LOOK OUT!

Better get used to living with next to nothing, because the only option is for the carnage to increase and reach right down everyone's throats.

However, I think that the current 'new kids, on the political block', of Greens and Independents, would lead us to a more Honest and Just world, but can, only if they are given our Popular Mandate to do it.

And considering the weight of the old kings' idiot-brigades of the 'born-to-rulers', the New Kids will have to be able to claim a very big majority in public support, and not just in Australia, even though the Greens are roaring in in Victoria and NSW as they near their state elections.

The Shift, the biggest shift the world has seen, and needs, has to be Global, so that small nations like Australia know they are supported by the rest of the world. Or at least enough of the world to make the powers-that-be put down their sherry and sit-up, and Listen.

This doesn't mean Aussies should wait for the rest to catch-up to us, with our current increase in voter opinion-poll trends toward the Greens.

While one of our biggest traits is our cynicism and scepticism, mainly, deployed against Optimism and Good Ideas, which destroys hope and the chance to Progress, the same cynicism and scepticism can be employed for the betterment, with a few hexes dispelled and with a bit of Knowledge.

The adage, 'a little knowledge is dangerous', might have run it's course, because, it may be that such a belief destroys our natural tendency to thirst for more knowledge, so keeps us as dumb as the upper class want us to be.

Surely, 'a little knowledge' approached with a clear, Rightminded head, can inspire us to reach for a little bit MORE knowledge, and so-on.

Because we are lost if we sit waiting for someone else to do our work. To gain knowledge we need to ensure a better life.

'The Knowledge is OUT THERE!'

And however we've been enabled to learn it, we of the modern world(s) also have the most power to make the Changes we all need in how we are governed etc.

What's more! Learning the Facts, knowing they empower us and make everyone's lot better, is extremely fucking enjoyable.

Pursuing that in life, leaves escapist pastimes of sport, drugs, sexual extremes, power, weapons, magic, etc etc., all, far below what we are all capable of.

Whether we are all doomed or not.

Die with Wisdom, Intelligence and Honor, Dudes! Quaff the Knowledge, and the Eternal Harem of Bliss awaits you.

And the Equivalent for the Goils....!

Otherwise, I'll bomb the crap out of all of ya'! Ponse AND Pauper.


So..., the Mutha Eartha, our only planet says....,

Vote Green, OR DIE!

And Salutations to ABC Radio National's 'Big Ideas' and America's Joe Bageant, for the most Forthright and Enlightened 50 minute discussion I've heard on American politics!

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
