


Living outside society, as I have in fact, done for most of my adult life, watching programs on the Crime and Investigation Channel through Foxtel-on-mobile, which documents investigations about America's “Gangs”, I s'pose I should be shocked by what I see?

The officers of any of the authorities, who are interviewed, seem to agree that there is no way the Gangs can be closed-down or eliminated from US society. As one says, “the best they can do is slow-them-down a bit”.

Somewhere on these programs I heard that there are about 500 gangs (or was it 5,000!?) in the USA.

All, we assume, are Outlaws, in their having to resort to 'crime' merely to survive.

From my point-of-view, these 'criminal gangs exist purely because of 'capitalism', because of the failure of the culture, of the society, to ensure all members are supported with at least the essentials of food, water, housing, clothing and as-they-say 'gainful employment'.

I reckon this happened simply because the societies became too big to manage. And oversized societies seem to have been a result of erroneous ideologies being held tenaciously to, by the leaders. Or, by their upper, 'political class'.

All but a few having their basis in the 4th century AD Roman untruths we now call “Christianity”.

Of course, in the first stages of whichever society, such as the USA, and I think most other 'immigrant' nations, the leaders were probably under-qualified to fully manage the tasks involved. Mainly because the tasks, added together, were too big for ANY small clique of 'leaders' to manage.

Most leaders in these types of new nations, etc, inherited their positions, because their parents or families were the wealthiest, thus, had some element of control of the militias and of trade, etc.

So, it might be that from the beginning, modern immigrant nations as we have come to accept them, were fatally-flawed from the start?

Again, in the example of the USA, there would have been no-way any of the first leaders, their military generals, their leading families or even first business owners could have controlled all the most important 'fundamentals', mainly because of the huge influx of new citizens, and the unmanageable spread, from the first-landing ports.

Also, from the beginning, the immigrants to the USA came from innumerable and very different cultures and even 'race-types'.

It's ironic that the original occupants, the Aborigines, the 'Indians', the first Americans, whose nations grew lo-ongtime-back, from immigrant nomads, used to having to have a well-regulated society from ancient times, had long-earlier established Traditions which ensured all the fundamentals of their growing nations were held-to, so overpopulation and resultant over-use of resources etc., never occurred?

But, as I asserted in another blog-post recently, Australia, and in this example, America, was/were invaded by the Eurapeans and British who were already well out-of-control culturally, and so, psychologically.

(A stories remains of one of Australia's Aborigine Peoples' 1st encounter with the British invaders, which tells of the pompous British exploration leader commanding the Aborigine men to pick-up and carry their bundles of stores for them, as they ventured into the northern outback.
The Aborigines, near-naked, with everything they needed to survive happily and in-abundance wherever they travelled - a few spears, boomerangs, flints, grass carry bags, etc., etc., - politely, but firmly declined, and instead, just turned their backs to the British party, and wandered back into the desert, laughing at the silly fools all dressed-up in thick red and white uniforms, funny hats, carrying heavy guns and packs and equipment, fumbling and incompetent, afraid of surviving without too much stuff!)

So there and here, there was only one way the new nations could possibly develop - erroneously.

Erratically. In ways which could only grow to being totally out of control.

Witness..., 'Astrayliar' today!

The first whites to land and settle in Australia and the USA, were in my harsh analysis, already quite insane, coming as they had, from a long-awry Eurapean culture of warring and petty monarchies and with their religions way-off-the-mark when it comes to Knowing and holding-fast to the Principles of the Enlightened - Right-thought, Right-action, and Sound, Intelligent and Wise Beliefs.

If these thoughts of mine are near-to-correct, then no-one can denigrate or incriminate any of today's 'Gangs' for existing, and, for being forced, by the descendants of the 'first leaders', into street-fighting to survive.

Because that is all 'crime' really is - a response by a person, to their need to fight in an inhospitable, dishonorable and corrupt society and culture, merely to survive, let alone prosper.

Besides, who are the real and biggest and most heinous criminals, but the leaders who put their own interests before the interests of the group, Tribe, and Nation?

Indeed, as most white Australians refuse to openly admit and make ANY attempt to conciliate, these two examples of 'immigrant nations', and we can include all the modern nations of South America, Africa and others, were established by the worst crims of all - the ruthless, genocidal colonialists from O! Britain and Eurape.

So is it any real wonder that, in places like Astrayliar and the Untied (TYPO?) States of America, corrupt laws prevail and force Gangs into existence?

And..., as the first invaders to such as Astrayliar and America might have come with good intentions (“...the road to Hell is paved with Christian intentions!”), and even with good laws and ideologies (NOT!) about how to build a nation, it is now clear that they were incapable of dealing Wisely with all the complications that must come with such a phenomenon.

It's easy to criticise after the fact, but it boggles the mind to think about how stupid the Brits and Eurapeans were to presume that they could simply graft their already dire cultures and long-rotten laws onto a new territory, still occupied by the Rightful Original owners, while refusing to recognise the First Principles of Good and Sound Culture, of Right-minded Land Laws.

Rightminded Land Laws which do not change wherever people go, and settle.

This alone confirms that the first Eurapeans and their culture, were already quite dangerously insane, and why America and Australia are now apparently irreversibly in 'DESTRUCTO-mode', with absolutely nothing of the culture being CON-structive.

Futility cannot help but overcome one, on seeing this sad state-of-affairs, when it is these crazy peoples and their clearly deeply-awry Brit-Eurapean cultures, who have so much control over the psychological and material health of the whole planet.

I have no doubt, that most leaders of today's Gangs, wherever we look, see these realities clearly, and I have no doubt that on-top-of the dominant cults' abandoning their Peoples to fend for themselves, “..by-any-means...”, these simple, yet HARD Truths, give those denied a Just life by a totally unjust upper class, the impetus to form a Gang.

And..., what are today's police forces, but the street gangs of the upper classes, out fighting every other far more Honorable Gang, with totally undeserved authority tickling their arses from behind high-class walls (that-is, being paid the classic, biblical '30-pieces-of-silver', to betray their own people!), equipped with their nicely-ironed blue-shirts, badges and guns?

The main reason the softcock middle and upper classes of Astrayliar and the Untied States of America fear the rise of Gangs, is because their own betrayers of the People - the owners of mainstream media (hello Rupert-dear!) - have come from the long-and irreparably-corrupt upper classes, as wealthy as they are through utterly corrupt culture and laws, essentially originally of Rome, and now live fearful of Justice.

True Justice.

As today's scientific evidence confirms beliefs I've found decades ago, and adhered-to, that without SERIOUS REFORMS to the planet's religious cultures, economic and environmental laws and education curricula, everyone's future, perhaps two years hence, perhaps two decades hence, perhaps 5-to-10 decades hence, will be a right royal shitfight, caused by BAD LAND LAWS, and upheld and enforced by the deeply insane, criminally self-interested judicial, legal, policing, political and priestly classes. Not all of them.

Therefore, no-one (in their Right mind) can deny the Right of each and every so-called 'Outlaw' Gang Member to rebel against the dominant culture of the 'west' (the 'wild-west' indeedy!), in order to either bring-it-down, or to wake the dickheads up, in the top chairs of such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, United Nations, and each major nation, to institute the Proper Laws worldwide.

And, of course, the Proper Laws are Property Laws, or, how Humans cooperate Properly, in our relationship with the Great Mother Eartha.



Time to stop fighting each other!

Yo' KNOW, it's (almost all) about Yo' Turf.

Yo' Patch!

Room-to-Move..., Freely, to get food and a roof, Laughter and Leeerve (whatever THAT is?)


You ALL..... KNOW what to do!

Gangs, are on the rise, and cannot be stopped.

As we're all in the fastlane to the shithole sewer, best we, that-is o'course, EVERYONE.... gets together and settle on a new paradigm of the ESSENTIALS.

And the ESSENTIALS on this one small-and-smaller planet, our only Planet, the Great Mutha Eartha, all rest on True, Scientific and JUST, LAND LAW.

Yo..! Over there in the Great America, Yo have those Laws written by Yo're OWN Champion for Justice, the Great Henry George, once a citizen of San Francisco!

So.., being some strange Guru to some Gangstas, I call Yo' all to buy (AYE! don' steal this one!) MISTA George's Brilliant, from the Heart, Treatise called “Social Problems”, and do what Yo KNOW Yo gotta do!

THIS..! Is what being an Outlaw and Gangsta is all about!

JUSTICE! Brothers and Sisters!

White! Bleck! Hispanic! Porto Rican! Asian!

Whoever! From Wherever! AT wherever!

America! Astrayliar! Africa! Asia! Europe and Britain! Mars and Venus!

There's no need for further blood.

Enough worldwide Resistance to corrupt laws, by Gangstas and Warriors for a Better World, won't fully stop the general global decline, but, it will slow it down heaps, and set the groundwork for our future generations to Know that True Land Laws are Fundamental to Good and long-lasting Traditions, Culture, and some idea of Livin' a Happier Life, no matter what confronts us.

And we who Fight and Fall for Honor, will Know we can cross the big river to the unknown, fearless of any bad karma comin' 'round to bight us.

We all hate the coppers! But they are slaves to the higher powers in the local county, state or federal governments.

If the “Streets” keep Guided Pressure up on the local police, thus on the upper classes who profit so unethically from BAD LAND LAWS, and if this is the same Dissent across the nations, and (in the Ideal Gangsta World) across the planet, the biggest powers will have to surrender their dumb and deadly ideologies, and through Pure Democracy, the Strength of the Warriors of the Streets, governments AND their militia will have to Correct the laws.

And, finally, to be able to Unite, across America, and, of course, across the globe, Yo gotto make the political world sit-up and listen!

But not with MORE violence!

Every Gangsta has a Duty, a basic part of Honor, to VOTE, for the Wisest, Most Intelligent, so, the Most Honorable Politicians who would make Just Land Law, National, Constitutional LAW, if they were asked to, by their People.

Yo! Gangsta! One Tribe working in Harmony across the USA POLITICALLY, is the Best and the Mightiest Force for America!

But, Yo! Gotto do the Groundwork first!

Yo KNOW what to do!

An' each night, before Yo go to bed, sing a short “ALL PRAISE, THE GREAT, THE JUST, MISTA HENRY GEORGE!”

An' read the kids, his book “Social Problems”, just for lil' ol' me.

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
