
White Australians only know evil.


Even the hortiest of us, such as the ever-so-darling-and-popular radio hosts on the hallowed ABC, being as they are all educated, that-is 'indoctrinated', another word for 'hypnotised', in the upper crust private schools, schools run by the evil Christian, Catholic, or other 'religious' sects, do not really, in their hearts, know what being “Good” is.

All their opinions and thoughts on being Good are confined to the cults' and to the corporations' limits, which enable them to retain an income and an elitist opulent life for themselves.

This, while accepted by the majority as being acceptable behaviour, is in fact far from acceptable, because the limits which are imposed upon the radio and television hosts, presenters, talking heads, radio, television, film and documentary producers et al, ensure that THE FACTS about our society, about the general culture, about what is called 'the economy', and about the hugely erroneous maltreatment of the environment, are never really explored and - exposed.

Hiding these facts can only hurt the society, the culture and the natural world, for it acts to allow the worst industries to prosper without the Proper Scrutiny a Healthy Culture and it's Legal Guardians should apply.

As for the rest of Australia - Astray liar - they/we are so far from understanding the Values entwined in living a Good life, that they/we can only live in evil.

I realise that in my saying this I'm asserting that I DO know what Good is, above every other Australian. A BIG call, to be sure, and a dangerous one for any person to make.

It is, nevertheless, something worthy of exploration.

However, I do think plenty of us have some sense of Goodness, but, because of the depths of corruption which so force a cultural darkness over the whole of the nation, land, and world, few of us have the chance to fully explore that inner-side of ourselves, of our Soul, and to bring it to the fore in our ways of living.

Also, the way the 'culture' forces us to live, under the evil 'hexes' of the offshore banking, religious and land-owning paradigms, extremely few of us are fortunate enough to go all the way into the Goodness which, in-essence, IS our True Self.

Were we able, the vast majority of us would find ourselves, or, our mind, reeling and railing against our attempts, because we would find too many contradictions between that Profound Inner Being, and the overwhelmingly occult spells from the corrupt world around us.

A call supported by the evidence of how seriously the natural environment has been trashed, and by the evidence of how horrendous the white's have been toward the Aboriginal People here, from 1788 through to 2010.

Then, there's the evidence from recent research by a British institute, which assessed that we are the “most sinful” nation on Earth.

On top of that, the fact that Australians have the “heaviest environmental footprint” per capita on Earth, and that we are the most materialistic of all.

Going to any major city in Australia gives further testament to my opening allegation, as put in the title of this piece.

Mature people, people who have overcome their egoistic tendencies and reached for an higher level of mind and way of living, and, having found the maturity which enjoys Happiness without, or not for, the material possessions they have, in-general, look at the behaviour of the vast majority of the residents within and near to major cities, their really quite juvenile accoutrements - toys - etc, and are brought to conclude things like “all is lost” in terms of how the nation and planet can expect to survive one or two or three generations more of this type of totally unsustainable behaviour.

In my old “Annandale's Dictionary”, which is so old is hasn't got dates of printing and publication in it - hyuk! It was printed some time in the 19th century I think, it tells me that the word “ill” of today, is derived from the middle ages English word “evil”. “Ill” being an abbreviation, or contraction of “evil”.

This brief 'endiction', tells of a time, not so long ago, when physical illnesses were regarded by, yes, a fairly 'unscientific' and so, it may be said, a low-knowledge-base medical field, as being results from bad behaviour, and/or, an illness was as much because someone or some Spirit had cursed the sufferer with the/a disease or other malady.

Today, 2010 CE, having fought tooth and nail against innumerable “unseen” odds for most of my 55 years, all the while never having any affirmative instructions in it or about it, I have no doubt that the subtle world of the Witch does exist, or at least, has the ability to intercede with this 3 dimensional world, and effect people and the natural world in ways which science cannot explain.

So what is the 'psyche'?

The word is Greek and means 'Soul', which in itself is quite interesting because the 'psychologists' and 'psychiatrists' who attend to the patients will rarely if ever take the notion of “Soul” seriously, because it tends to infer something about religiosity, or something alluding to aspects of the Spiritual Being and Spiritual realm in and around the patient and people and the world in general, which cannot, within the professions' parameters, be defined?

“O NO!” They react, we are SCIENTIFIC in our approach to the mind!

“HAHAHAHA!!!” I say. My experience is that they, our so-called mental health and medical 'professions', operate almost totally within and from the realms of witchcraft. Witchcraft which is sanctified, secreted, practised and underlies all 'religions'!

Yet how many of them will willingly participate in discussions about the 4th dimensional world of the occult, a realm which cannot be ignored if one is serious about their own Spiritual development, psychic health and development of their own Intellect?

As well, with witchcraft running rampant today worldwide, ignoring and denying these realms and fields of the inner and outer, by the mental health professions, is tantamount to their being guilty of keeping the patients and the society ignorant of, and therefore vulnerable to the dark energies the majority of so-called 'witches' deploy!

And, it can be taken to mean that they, the mental health 'professionals' (HA!) themselves are using the occult on the patients, in vain attempts to make the patient conform to the narrow set of rules of the professions' cult.

Usually Judaic, Catholic or another Christian set of rules and beliefs. Beliefs which can be proven to be false and dangerous for the society-in-general!

From three unjustified, unfortunate and psychologically damaging periods of about two weeks each, incarcerated in what are known as “psyche wards”, sections of city hospitals which hold people allegedly suffering from 'mental illnesses', and/or from unstable 'psyches', I have seen how unscientific and unsuccessful these micro-institutions are.

Like large retails corporate outlets, the medical professions exist mainly to support an horrendously corrupt, that-is evil Christian cult, and, to employ their school and university graduates.

Go to any 'K-mart', 'Dick Smith', 'Coles', 'Woolworths', 'Supercheap', etc etc., store and you'll see and if unlucky 'be served' by assistants who have been schooled by the totally corrupt religions.

In these 'lowest-possible-quality product outlets', the shop assistants are usually guaranteed of employment, because they are already trained by the cult-schools to hold to no ethical values, so have no conscience about flogging the lowest quality products to the public, and because they are most often of such poor genetic and intellectual levels that employment elsewhere is beyond their abilities.

Clearly the major cults, Christianity, Catholicism, and the other offshoots, are behind the success of the major retailers and corporations, and so can call-the-shots in terms of who of their schools' products - the students - will be employed, from shop assistant to executives.

This is to ensure allegiance to the cults from all the staff. Thus, the cults are guaranteed financial and servitudinal allegiance.

In the wider picture, this and all these corporations, actually exist to oppress the rest of the population, by making economically-available to them, those of us NOT schooled in their indoctrinal asylums, only cheap quality products, products designed to not last, so making the buyer have to go out an waste more of their hard-earned cheese-crackers on another piece-of-shit item.


This serves to keep the lower classes unable to save as they should, thus out of the prime market of real estate, and the cults' little clones, hypnotised in the church schools, a false upper class of land owners.

This....., (take-a-breath!).... keeps the overall ownership and thus control of the nation's Primary Wealth - THE LAND - in the evil hands of the churches, the cults, so that they can fulfil their global agenda of world domination.

That this fast-tracks the destruction of the natural environment means nothing to them, because the cults are all about the occult realm, and their so-called 'gods' - more than likely in fact Humans who have gained elevation from the 3-dimensional world we call 'life-on-earth' through apparently religious witchcraft - and are psychotic about the valuable material resources in the earth (mostly the weapons-grade materials), and do not care in the least about the well-being and prolonged survival of the Human species generally.

This has been the 'driver' behind all of the modern-ages material and technological advances, and because of the brute force used against any one, group, tribe, nation or culture which or who do not agree with the cults' agenda, ethos (lack-of-ethos), motive, and method, few today, especially in the most ethically-abject nation of Australia, know any better, nor are even capable of taking a different, more Honorable Path.

And, Honor, is directly related to 'Honesty'.

Not a favourite concept here.

And without Honesty, there is only evil, I reckon.

Chew on THAT, Phillip Adams, and your band of media corruptors!

How's your 10,000 acres? Are your cattle destroying the farm's (HAHAHA!) environment to your satisfaction?

“Oh!” Adam's retorts, “Everyone else is doing it! Besides, I only make $160 squillion a year from my media-babble! What's an atheist, sponsored by St. Joey's, St Patrick's and Rupert Murdoch supposed to do???”

“And what about the destruction caused by my Hunter Valley region's coal industry? That's FAR more evil than my little invasion!”

That makes you Good, does it?

It's a sad truth that Australia's public radio and television broadcaster, the ABC, exists because the offshore Scottish elite pay them all to keep silent about the evils of Britain's false prophet, and their desires for global and occult domination.

However, I'll never suggest they are as 'ungood' as the commercial networks.

Finally, a few thoughts about magic that came to mind the other day:

“Magic, or witchcraft, makes idiots believe they are Intelligent, and makes the Intelligent idiots!”

Use it at your peril fools.

In a document I downloaded off the 'net last year, titled “The Way of the Craft”, about the fabled tome by an early Master of Magic, King Solomon of Israel, and his the Key of Solomon, a few lines, paraphrased, read thus:

'“Evil” is almost always abuse of (occult) power by men over other men, and is/are the “demons” we fight and must expel from our mind, psyche, Soul.'

So whether you regard yourself (erroneously) as of magnitude and character fit enough to use magic on others, as most Australians enjoy conscience-free to use upon my own mind, psyche, Soul, or whether you use it apparently harmlessly, for entertainment, it is most likely that you are misusing magic, and therefore you will, further down your life-track, be the recipient of magic, and most of it will be evil.

White Australians, being the 'lost sheep' of the evil Christian 'faiths' from Britain and Eurape, thus being in-the-main hypnotised in-and-down-to an evil level of seeing and reacting to the world around them, repeatedly show themselves to be incapable of transcending the lesser realms of bad magic and of the Cosmos.

Therefore, they will be on the receiving end before too long, perhaps when the environment they have and continue to so grossly abuse, begins, in earnest, the unavoidable BACKLASH against their idiotic, insane and totally unforgivable abuse of the Great Mother Earth.

I defy all calls for me to awaken my own magic powers, so I might 'save' these hypnotised, demonic scum.

For, by now, most know which side I will be on.

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
