
Cannabis interview on JJJ Radio

ABC Radio "JJJ" had a segway on Cannabis and it's evil effects today, Wednesday 2nd Feb 05. Or so it sounded.

Micheal Balderstone, Elder Spokesman for the HEMP Embassy of Nimbin, was the only obvious Advocate or at least not down on Cannabis, of those 3 or 4 (?) interviewed.

While I/we at the Nimbin HEMP Bar listened quietly to all we'd tuned into, there was only one caller I heard who spoke without aggression to pot, saying that amphetamines and alcohol were the biggest problems in Society today. The Caller was a Copper. Sorry..., a policewoman.

All strength to your arm Sister.

This rises-in-keyboard, the issue of calling for the Coppers to speak Honestly about their dealings with this perceived problem of 'drugsssss', and what I-I-I, that is me-me-me to be clear..., regard as a non-issue for the Peaceful policing, or management of the Local Community.

Cannabis legalisation. Prohibition kills!

Once I called for the Cop-shops to manage the distribution of legalised heroin, thus creating a Real and Trusting relationship between the jacks and the broken, the Forgotten. But drawing the line between that and speed, or eckies or dmt-whooowh, calls for deeper Wisdom than I can attract at the moment.

Nevertheless, here's what I just emailed the JJJ feedback line:

Sounded terribly biased to me, your segway on Cannabis, with Michael Balderstone and others.

Perhaps I missed the intro calling for 'bad experiences' from listeners?

Some of the Greatest, Most Peaceful Cultures existed for centuries, if not Millennia with Cannabis as a Primary Herb.

'Bad experiences' can, too often be attributed often to an 'illprepared' mind, that is a mind corrupted by society, or school, to react violently or such against the effects, which are yes, sometimes physically and psychologically uncomfortable. But then again, Good things mostly come with a Struggle.

Cannabis allows one to lift the mind above 'personal' considerations, when the need arises, into a more Subtle, Deeper Relaxation.

Cannabis has a physical, and psycho-therapeutic effect, for those Seeking a Spiritual Peace, other than the temporal satisfaction found in the cruder materialistic way.

Cannabis has been smoked in the Highest Religious Circles, and popular Spiritual Gatherings (yes, I fire scorn on western Judeo-Christian-ISM, and it's alcohol-centred cult) for longer than western mal-medicine, several times over.

Face it, the anti-Cannabis drive is pharmaceutical totalitarianism.

Such 'experts' as interviewed with Michael Balderstone, afraid of admitting Cannabis may well be the Medicine Humanity needs to get through any future, Peacefully (AND, I Assert, Most Intelligently!), assert 'wisdom' on the causes of psychoses attributed to the Herb.

How often do they openly admit that these uses and abuses of all manner of 'drugs'-so-called, are a reaction to our terribly sick, BAD Judeo-Christian CULTURE?

I dread the perversion of any agenda which seeks to 'paint-down' Cannabis.

I'm a pensioner choosing Cannabis as a Medicine to handle the trauma of an horrendous life, but a life Dedicated to eradicating the root of your, and Societies psychoses.

It goes with a 'different' lifestyle, however. Not one as extremely different as mine (in-a-van), but Calls for a less ambigious lifestyle, Politally awake, Facing the Issues, stoned, Peacefully, and Thoughtfully.

Cannabis is a Wonder for it's Ability to ameliorate anger and, with Practice, of reigning in the too-often abberant mind, enables one to Contemplate all-manner, and All-Manner of "things", (more) impartially.

Makes for Democratic Socialism also, which makes the Brettonwood mob quite anxious, I reckon.

In these 'extreme times', of chaos, which cannot help but strike at and deeply trouble our Souls, we are Recognising the Truth, if-I-Will, in Turning back to Nature, as a Sound Means of Remediating against the Burdon of YOUR news-media barrages on the corrupted world of corporate wars, et al. Wars, which keep you in a job.

(But it appears that the Good Hearts are better IN the system also, otherwise we might have a real economic tradegy, so I salute those are doing good things, and apologise (shit, that's unusual?) if you feel I'm attacking the Quiet Acheivers in media, corporations and g-G-g-Government.

All Strength to Your Arms.)

Without addressing themselves as the root causes of the Global woe.

You must be forgiven if you accept the silver, for clearly, "....you know not what you do".

Beware of the subtle pressure from the 'pharma's' - farmers of our Souls.
bad 'talmudic' magic, all of it.


Max No Difference

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