
Get on the Train! Get out of CARS!

THIS blogmail is about the guardian uk article:


Wasting no words:

Get off the bitumen people.

Everything allied to motor vehicles; roads, electronics, 'signage', pavements, and the associated concrete parking-blahs, government accountability and infrasctructure, attitude to employment and-on and-on and-on, including of course the metals and plastics industries is too toxic to keep.

We haven't got twenty years, we have to ACT now.

Restraint of the 'public desires' in relation to their 'lust' of motor cars, and truck-type freighters, is the Role of Government.

That is what "GOVERNMENT" IS!

Stop fucking around at your own egomaniacal edges!

Panic, is one word for it..........

NO choices!

The notion of (the banker's) "time" must end.........

"It's the Economy AND LAND DISTRIBUTION, stupid!"

Govern your, and your children's desires!

That, is Justice for All.


Max No Difference

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