
Redemption for GW Bush and coven

Redemption for GW Bush and coven
Nimbin HEMP Bar.

As the extent of damage/carnage is realised in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Justice wants to raise it's Righteous Head in accounting for the numerous failures to "cope".

Hmmm? When will the cost stop rising?

Recriminations, compensations, remediation, medication, hospi-it seems to just, or unjust, go-on, and on.

From the Best Perspective, something I struggle with seeing lately, the Call needs be to look beyond the above emotional responses, and focus on first how big the 'scenario' is, and is bound to grow to be (while I, could not draw any picture of how big it might become) if not addressed Correctly.

What's "Correct"?

Just. Firstly, I suppose.

But not in the sense of continuing to look to the past for those to blame.

In a very powerful and true sense, we are all responsible. Hard to concile with "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do...."

But, nevertheless, however, let us look at the situation as it IS, and from that ascertain what might arise, and at how we ALL might be the MOST RESPONSIBLE Humans.

In saying "we", I fire my Arrows of Love to the Hearts of ALL Americans, and why stop at the borders, north and south, particularly.

You all have a future.

It is not hard to picture how your northern continent will 'evolve' if YOUR repatriation from the tragedy is addressed 'same-same' as the 'trend' in United States politics as-if-entranced, is currently, today, NOW, and into the unmitigated future.

Amidst the tragedy, while across the globe, one looks forward to "how to", and sees Opportunities, choices, options.

Not same-same, if-just to be different, but REALPOLITIK, if-I-may.

The picture appears to be that many have lost boundary lines, title deeds, bank records etc, of Land ownership, and occupation.

Councils, it seems, are in serious dissarray, as are state and federal.

The Best Things come from the Grassroots, I heard it said today.

That's where the Heart of any Community lies, where any Truth about how to Be is kept Secure, while we have the awareness of how important the Community is.

New Orleans, God Rest It's Fine Soul, and may it be reborn from those 'Roots, in recollecting it's shattered Soul, has, as Best as I can see, but one Option:

Address with Vigour! - toward the Sense of Justice the Music It Created sang so well about, sangin' about those frowned-upon aspects of Human social existence. The Heart Aspect, if-I-may.


Black, White, All Between.

Redistribution of the Land and occupancy will occur around the worst affected areas, no doubt.

But, who will end-up with the 'advantage', over those who, having lost most everything but their own lives, cannot afford even a patch of dirt to pitch a tent for any extended, recuperative length of time.

And! What the fuck is 'time', anyway?

Something the anti-Leviticus oligarchy chain us with by keeping us on the economic precipas, through ever higher death pledges (mortgages) and - LAND PRICES according to a deadly speculative Land market place.

If there IS one 'thing' those within "Cooee" of New Orleans will need in their recovery, their economic, sanitary, health, dietary, Psychological and psychiatric recoveries, it will be 'time'.

That which most has us 'chase' time is the need for RENT.

ACCOMMODATION. Secure and longterm enough for them to "Get back on their feet" psychologically and economically.

Infrastructure is no doubt also in a shambles, and, along with alot of other aspects will remain so for at least months, thus it would seem "Logistic" and Reasonable to allow as many as possible "recoverers" to "Grow Their Own" vegies, and whatever a, THE Most Economical, Efficient Group, Collective, Consortium if we must, may get together toward the Essentials for returning to Stability.

Localise supply of essentials, to the extent of Home-Grown (reckon George'd like that slogan?), saving the need for three-month roads etc projects which only serve (Satan) to return to the inefficient, uneconomic supply and distribution networks the corporate predators Haliburton, Walmart..........., force upon the vulnerable lower classes.

However, the most affected People must be catered for, at least in sanitary and dietary ways principally, so there's the most urgent priority of getting that in, however, GW increasingly-culpable Bush can.

I'd urge Those more Sound minds of the Administration to call-in the military to shepherd the folk, Folk, back to overall Calm, employing them to dispell the need for larger-scale freightage of Essentials, by first doing the transportage themselves, and in-one, structuring the region's Peoples to Live as ol' US-of-A's Forefathers might have imagined, dare-I-say, Agrarian Socialism.

Very Economic George W Bush.

Very Freeing way for the millions to recover.

Very vote-winning way (since when have they had to worry about that?) after the fall in popularity, for failings-enough perhaps to have you impeached?

Might even save, or stave-off any Wise and Legitimate attempts by Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisianna Et Al, to secede from the "Union", northern as-it-is.

That'd be a turn-up for the books?

Aligning with Cuba?

These days, and daze, I'd even "punt" that Arnie Schwarzeneggar would be so disgusted with the way the 'US Administration' and tenticles-of-consortia have handled, if-not "set-up" the millions of Southerners, post-Katrina, if not before as well...., that he'd agree with any such Sentiments.

I can dream, imagine the trusted, personal, discussions and firey debates held in private between the movers-and-shakers around such as Arnie, and I'd today hesitate a guess and say not just a few might well be about "how irrational capitalism actually is". Even amongst the "high-rollers".

Thus the same "chats" might evolve into what prospects exist, and what options are Most Tenable, and which, sooner or later, pre-or-post Armageddon, becomes the necessary option, if any is to exist at all. And about what steps can and must be taken, by government. But again, if any such coordination, exists now, and in twenty years from now..

The best Option I out it, is to minimise and, long term, reducing environmental effects and unsound massive anti-Local Community 'investment' ('ruthless profiteering') in fundamentally anti-Community projects such as roads, highways..... (to maximise consumption of cars thus oil, thus minerals, etc-and-on, thus lining the pockets of the predator-materialists inside capitalism), nuclear Housing....., shopping malls, concrete monoliths to a dying cult(ure) etc. Seperated lives. Humanity at it's worst.

GO LOCAL! CONNECT GLOBAL!! (Copyright Max N Cook, aka Max No Difference 9/11/2005)

I have no doubt much has been gassed about the economic opportunities the parasites see, and so say this with no trace of opportunism in the selfish sense, but economic opportunities, or, in my script, Economic Opportunities, do now abound.

But what sort of 'industry' or "Industry" do Right-Thinking and thus Right-Living Americans, Locals, want (Uh? Hello? Maybe a Few Indians? Any Hippies still Out-There?? Yo! The Quakers!) to see or have re-constructed across their washed-out landscapes?

One that might last could be a Good Start?

If GW Bush wants to keep hizz-assss out of the cauldron warmin'-up across the Not So United States, he'd be doin' well to go for broke and sweep aside the speculative predators of the relatively 'short-term' Land marketplace, even or especially from within his own coven(s) and 'family' dynastic ties etc, with Land Reform according to how one of his own Americans, Mr Henry George, George, (?) So Eloquently Defined It.

THERE IS NO DOUBT, Henry would Smile upon you sir.

Also a great way to get your-skinny-lil'-ass out of Iraq, George?


Go-on, be a Hero George.

Be a Good Christian, I dare ya?


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