
CSIRO sell-off be damned!

We're entering an Age where more People know how we would do Best, to Live.

Agrarian Socialism.

So, the Impartial Inquirer into agricultural science dives into the global oil and coal race?

How many recognise the danger in such a shift of focus?

If they, the CSIRO, leave agricultural science, who, what deeply familiar institution, WHICH IS NOT PARTIAL TO GLOBAL CORPORATE PERSUASION, but to the PERRENIAL Sustainability of Human Life and Good, I say Good, Culture, one and the Same indeed, who will replace them? It?

It was destined to come about, while we were shit-scared of our own devils.

I guess it follows with the old "selling-off-the-farm". May as well flog the/a leading (though not of the last few years, due to 'cutbacks' in funding) research institute to the trippers riding on false realities about Power, and it's unrecognised dangers.

I guess I'm saying that there should be an inquiry into the make-up of the CSIRO board, and their personal sssuasions, and 'friends', and spin-twist-doctors who have convinced them to subvert a once fine public institute into being a dark-energy R&D slave.

Perhaps they were, some of their 'happening' scientists, onto a range of extremely modern experiments which threatened to challenge the newly focused-upon oil and coal industries?

Energy? Soil rehabilitation? I don't know, but I've gotto put out a theory e'ry now and then!

Who knows which industry has an interest in stopping the CSIRO from being an Happening, Forward, Optimistic-looking and Benevolent Institution?

Oil, Coal? Water? Medicine, Electricity, fossil fuels?

"Gotto ask the quvestions, Compadres!"

Certainly needs more inquisitve media than most national, local, agrarian, reformist media might yet give it.



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