
500 Aborigine Nations! Australia, 21st Century

500 Aborigine Nations!
21st Century C.E.

by Max Nichols Meredith

This whole article, and the ideas in it, are best approached with a Light Heart, Brothers and Sisters, so, while this may seem to make my concerns superficial or frivolous, I suggest that, while there’s a place in your Hearts for a Better “Fair Go” than the tyrant-up-top offers, embrace these suggestions from me, and treat the whole Process, as an Hypothetical, from puttin’ down th’ bottle, to taking Your OWN Aborigine Nation’s Charter, Constitution, Treatise, whatever, to Canberra, for Presentation to Parliament, as an Hypothetical.

Talk and write in Revolutionary terms, if you feel the need. True Talkin’ is frighteningly revolutionary to whitey, say what Mr British High Commissioner, but make it clear enough that you work in the sense that this is something to do, in trying to stop the rot.

I’ve been talking True to a few coppers and politicians and churchies for a while, and they’re quite happy to listen nowadays, seeing as they are starting to see that their ways are terminal, for everyone.

This document, also, is an Edict, an Instruction, to the policing forces of Australia to not interfere with any Aborigines attempts to Call-Up their Peoples, for this Idea.

Indeed, I ask for all Commissioners to begin work on how they can Assist the Aborigine in this Essential Work.

Aside from the many other things WRONG with our policing forces, such as that they EXIST, “redneckery” has got to go.

Wake-up, Senior Sergeant Dude.

Stand-Up, Aborigine, We’ve all got Work to do, now we Know Who the True Human Beings are!

Australia, the last piece of real estate on Earth yet to be overwhelmed by the tyranny of western “Values” of rip-and-plunder every-possible-thing from the True Owners of conquered Lands, has in some part come to see that there is ONE Fundamental Issue it’s whole population must face – the current plight of the Indigenous Peoples, The Australian Aborigine.

From this, come other Issues of little-less importance:

- “Aboriginal Sovereignty”, which encompasses the Aborigine’s True and Complete Freedom to pursue WHICHEVER Lifestyle they now deem as Best for them,

- the Aborigine’s True and Complete Freedom to pursue WHICHEVER Religious, Philosophical (really a western manifestation not needed in True Aboriginal Culture to the degree of white hyperbola) or Spiritual Way, Path, System of Belief which THEY choose,

- Recognition by non-Aborigines of all Nations, that Australian Aborigines are Human Beings.

This point however, demands expansion.

Since the earliest days of “white”, or western invasion to Australia, the invading governments and authorities so-called, and their occupying foreign populations, have struggled with the preferred beliefs about whether the Black-Fella is-or-is-not a Human Being.

21st century “western science” seems now to have arrived at the conclusion that on this planet, there is in fact NO distinction, no “genetic” difference what-so-ever between different “races”, as described “white”, or “black”, et al. The only difference is the colour of the skin, made-so by much playing in the Sun, I reckon, by the Peoples who slowly-slowly traversed the globe and settled in sunnier climates like Africa and Australia, etc. (However, that doesn’t answer why the northern “Inuit” are often darker-skinned than whitey. Hmmmm?)

Ne’ertheless, we are the same in Essence, be-it the physical “genetic” Essence, or the Spiritual Essence.

It has been the height-of-ignoro-hubris, a la Australia’s white Prime Miniture John Howard’s “white supremacist” ideology, to refuse to face-up to our Sameness, and that mob’s most erroneous conclusion that the Aborigine is NOT a Human Being.

Most “white” Australians today, at last, 218 years after we/they first came, agree with such science, but are left struggling with the Cultural variances, and about how we all might SOON meld into a Balanced Nation.

In the Light of Reason, it can be seen that the invading culture, mainly from Britain and Europe, is severely detrimental to the well-being of the Lands (including all water, fire and atmospheric systems) of this continent. Thus, of course, the same introduced culture is deadly to the Human Beings who have inhabited the continent for many, many more centuries than the last two of whitey.

Further analysis arrives at the facts about the rest of the invading, occupying culture(s), and that much if-not-most of the foundings of that culture are quite awry, quite unsound and indeed wholly dangerous to the furtherance of Life-on-Earth.

Many Indigenous Peoples over the globe, in their own languages, call their own Peoples, including much of their neighbouring mobs “Human Beings”.

In their own Cultures, they stand Tall and True if-I-may, in that they live in Total Harmony with their Lands, and with that of the neighbours, and with their neighbours Right to remain and in their own way, OWN the Lands.

History Australians have not been taught tells the facts about how Asian Peoples from quite some way north of Australia have, for centuries (if-not-…) traded with our Aborigines, and over extended periods.

That such trade was able to continue between the different Cultures and Tribes for so long, makes it a necessity for us to recognise that of the two mobs, one would have been stronger in the senses of physique, weapons and numbers, yet sought not to conquer or degrade the Status of the trading partners –Australian Aborigine.

This clearly (to me) infers that there was a Recognition between the two-or-many groups, that because the other Mob were Honourable in Trade and Relations, and that they were not a culture which sought in-the-main, or-at-all, to degrade it’s own People or their Lands, and were thus Self-Sustaining, Wholistic and Harmonious, and that neither sought to destroy the other, they were rightly called “Human Beings”.

Now, today, things are much different, aren’t they, Judaism?

There is no Fair and Balanced Trade between Nations anywhere on Earth.

The “western” either Anglo-European or American approaches (seated I say in ancient Judaic occultist darkness) are so unbalanced, so discordant, so aggressive, so far removed from ANY True Classification of what it takes to be a True Human Being, that, and this is the Basis of this Document, “white”, “western”, predominantly Jewish and Christian Peoples who partake of the “white” “western” socio-economic models, and as-well of their religious practices, ARE NOT themselves HUMAN BEINGS.

(But of course, their past monarchs regarded themselves as John Howard does of himself. Gods, above all men.)

No-one believes that now, Johnny.

Therefore, a True investigation into the Ways of Australian Aborigine uncovers an Actual Superiority Innate in the Aborigine far-and-away above the “white” “western” invader Peoples, but more definitively far-and-away above the invader’s-culture.

This is not dreamt-up delusions akin to Zionism, or to the plan Cecil Rhodes wrote in his will about the reinstatement of the British Empire, “…across all continents and islands of Earth, a white race…..” (paraphrased) etcetera etcetera, The detailed document of Rhodes’ delusional British supremacist desires from his grave is easily found. I found it in the 1986 publication called “Dope Inc.,” by the Lyndon LaRoache (US Senator) mob.

From this line of Reasoning (as I prefer to see it), in consideration of the current general condition of the Australian Aborigine, and in consideration of the FACT that the white invader cult has been the whole-and-sole cause of the degradation of Aborigine, to what Howard wants whites to believe, that Black Fellas are not Human Beings, arises the Call, to not alone Australia’s “Black Fellas” but all of them/us across the Planet, to as far as possible, REFUSE TO RECOGNISE WHITES AS HUMAN BEINGS.

Heavy, and heady stuff, no doubt.

Most importantly, this arises not from any parochial, racist, bigoted, knowledge-less beliefs or idle speculations as once daily spewed-forth from the likes of the white supremacist “Melbourne Club” in Victoria, or from any ponsey pratts in Oxford or Cambridge, with more time than an HONEST upbringing to conjure-up all manner of deeply-flawed “philosophy” and “ideology” etc.


Those who follow the current generally-termed “white, western” religion, lifestyles or cultures, ARE NOT HUMAN BEINGS.

No, they are not Gods either. Or, if they are, they are evil ones, for they must then deliberately regard all others as inferior and worthy only of oppression and ultimately destruction. Similar to the will of Cecil Rhodes, and that mob from the northern hemisphere………

This, in consideration of the refusal by Australia’s parliamentarians, not just the Liberal rightwing government, to Genuinely Address and Remedy the plight of our Aborigine, makes it by-no-means radical, or extreme, for me to Call all Aborigines to refuse to recognise ANY laws of “white” “western” “Australians”.

HOWEVER, all you “Big Fellas”, “Big Fish” out there in the small ponds of local Tribes must take this with all the Seriousness and Sincerity a “True Fella” Aborigine would, and hereafter NOT incite any kind of attack on the “white” or their/our culture, other than by means Known as Lawful to All.


That old Aborigine “Jesus ben Joseph” (J.C.) knew it and said it on these issues when He said “….Forgive ‘em Lord, for they hain’t got a clue, ‘bout what they do….”

Nevertheless, it is thus irrefutably True that “white” “western” ideology has NO PLACE in Aboriginal Australia, and for that, Aborigines here are NOT BOUND to obey white law.

The True Aborigine did NOT, contrary to the Howardian psychosis, live by the laws of the “Canine”, or other lower-order Beings.

So there is no reason what-so-ever that the Aborigine should or would live under the laws of a tribe of invaders whose morals and ethos, whose intelligence and understanding are so low as to want for and firmly believe that another mob of any Being can be ignored and starved to extinction.

On the contrary, The Aborigine are by Law, by Factual Scientific Inquiry and by the Wisdom of God, the True Human Beings in Australia.

Thus, they are Superior.

Thus, they are the Ones to whom the rest of us must bow. At least in surrendering our fallacious and deadly white, western ideologies about “….who-the-fuck-do-we-think-we-are???”

However…., let us not get ahead of the Gods.

Black Fella goes crazy watching what’s happening to himself, herself, and their People. Underneath they/we all know we, white and Black, are seriously “damaged” as I put it, and that we are all, a long way from the Way of the True Human Being.

Also, let me add that I Truly Believe that there was once, longer ago than 218 years, mu-uch longer ago….., an Whole Nation/group-of-Nations in Britain who were True Human Beings, who once had the Law, and who Lived by it with the Utmost Respect and Reverence, and All-round Harmony.

Optimistically I am prepared to believe that there may still be Alive in Britain, or out in the “empire”, in the British diaspora, a Clan of True Human Beings.

For a True Human Being is NOT just one fella here or there. He/She are not, if their Tribe is not. But occasionally, just once in a million, one or two True Fellas are reborn.


Today, Australian Aborigine has a, THE, Chance to solve all the planet’s “problems” (situations), by combining the current Knowledge on what essentially are “foreign” laws and customs, etc., with their own Deep Traditions and Wise Ways of Living.

Uptil 1788, there were Alive and Beautiful about 500 Aboriginal Nations here on the Australian Continent, and by the above Reason and logic, they must’ve been fairly Wise and Balanced to co-exist for as long as they have over the tens-of-thousands, if-not-hundreds-of-thousands of years.

Even I, the big dispassionate, weep at these kind of tragedy.

How many there are in any tangible form, i.e., in population, alive today, I know not. Perhaps only two hundred are left.

But, they/we are still spread across the Land from Mallacoota to the Bungle-Bungles, and amidst the ongoing evil sustained by JOHN WINSTON FUCKING DOG HOWARD and coven, one or two manages to Get-Up and do themselves Right, by doing their People Right.

The next step, Black Fella, is to Recognise YOUR OWN AUTONOMY, YOUR OWN NATIONAL SOVERIEGNTY, as was before the white darkness descended upon You, and then…….., do this……..

Call a Meeting of all your mob, young and old, leader and follower, Elder and exiled, jailed and drunk, and put it to the meeting that it is now time to rebuild your Group into however-near-to-it-you-can, the Model of Aborigine Law and Government your People once Knew, Understood, Respected and Wholly Lived-by.

Most Aborigine knows the name of the Nation they come from, so this is where you begin.

In this Work, it is important to recognise (how can we not?) that we have lost much, and that we cannot Hope, all of us, to reconstruct the Eden, Aborigine once Knew. Besides, most such attempts would be folly. (Fo-lee! NOT Gary Foley!)

So we need to share our Collectives, be-it Wisdom or material resources.

Where does this lead us? OK.

I’m the new-kid-on-the-block at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra. The “Johnny-come-lately”. I don’t see myself staying there, but you never know?

The Land where the Tent Embassy has existed for 34 years had become degraded, due to slack occupation. Much I reckon, by subversive whites as much as from the broken Black Fellas.

NO BLAME. I came by chance, just after the Aboriginal Tent Embassy Committee had asked everyone to “vacate” the site, and many “skips” had been filled and removed by then, by the few who were there to help.

I’ve listened to the few since, about how things are in terms of the Tent Embassy and it’s future, and there is amongst them a consensus, that this place, the Aboriginal Tent Embassy King George Terrace, Canberra, has to become the Place where all Australia’s Aborigine People can come, not just to doss, and keep-the-numbers-up, or merely (not unimportant) to ruminate over the massive walls stopping survival, etc., but to Coalesce once more, as One Continent of True Fellas, with "Guests" (whitey). The “Guests” is a joke.

I’ve listened to talk about the anger within “factions” and between some, and can tell there’s also TOO MUCH fighting between the males and females over gender issues and Respect for the “other sex”, and about what each of them perceive the Canberra Tent Embassy is for, and it sounds that the rifts go deep.

With Due Respect to those who Hold to the Mean, or who hold to the True Fella Ways, it does sound to me (the “N-K-O-T-B”), something like the "Big Fishes from out there in the small ponds.....", no doubt, doing what they can best perceive as the Best. For them….

Well, everyone’s got their opinions on Law, on what’s True, and what’s Best for………. Everyone.


I write again: This whole essay, article, and the ideas in it, are best approached with a Light Heart, Brothers and Sisters, so, while this may seem to make my concerns superficial or frivolous, I suggest that, while there’s a place in your Hearts for a Better “Fair Go” than the tyrant up-top offers, embrace these suggestions from me, and treat the whole Process, from puttin’ down th’ bottle, to taking Your own Nation’s Charter, Constitution, Treatise, whatever, to Canberra for Presentation to Parliament, as an Hypothetical.

Talk and write in Revolutionary terms, if you feel the need. True Talkin’ is frighteningly revolutionary to whitey, say what Mr British High Commissioner, but make it clear enough that you work in the sense that this is something to do, in trying to stop the rot.

I’ve been talking True to a few coppers and politicians and churchies for a while, and they’re quite happy to listen nowadays, seeing as they are starting to see that their ways are terminal, for everyone.

This document, also, is an Edict, an Instruction, to the policing forces of Australia to not interfere with any Aborigines attempts to Call-Up their Peoples, for this Idea.

Indeed, I ask for all Commissioners to begin work on how they can Assist the Aborigine in this Essential Work.

Aside from the many other things WRONG with our policing forces, such as that they EXIST, “redneckery” has got to go.

Wake-up, Senior Sergeant Dude.

Stand-Up, Aborigine, We’ve all got Work to do, now we Know Who the True Human Beings are!

Start with the front yard, aye?

Tryin' to be True,

Max N. Meredith

Canberra, for a few hours.....

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