
The Option For Earth: Part One......

by Max Nichols Meredith
Nimbin, N.S.W. Australia.
11th January 2007.

Here I go again, say-what?
As a summation of my 51 years experience, political, economic and “Mystical” investigations-and-uncoverings, as well-as through or because of “my” tenacity (is it “mine”?) and Courage as a Warrior for Global Human Justice, I am persistently “occupied” with feelings, which seem repeatedly to assert that I am the True Global Commander – some kind of Occult Great Lord – who has been aligned, either by the desperate will of Humanity, or it’s Occult Masters, or “by the Gods” as-it-were, to Stand Forth and Take Control of the whole frigging Planet!?
Too much for any one Human to Assume, surely???
Questions of the Veracity of any-and-all “western” or perhaps “Judeo-Christian” models of “Leadership” must be brought under the microscope of Reasoned, Logic-based, Scientific Analysis and Investigation, before ANY assertions can be TRUTHFULLY made about how our political models are developing.
Democracy runs in total contradiction to the current dominant paradigms of “Leaders”, if the deep Truth of what Democracy actually is, is told.
It is a fact, I assert, that Humanity IS CAPABLE OF LIVING PEACEFULLY ON EARTH, even amidst the multidimensional existences we have, en-masse, come to Know about these last ten years.
With much hoopla about Visitors from afar, from the Plieades and Orion Constellations, Humanity is being terminally distracted from the True Work, the Only Truly Valuable and Rewarding Work to do at this stage in our Collective Progress from the first three Dimensions, unto the Stars.
It may be correct that we should not worry and merely “do as thou wilt” at no matter whose expense. I find it hard to take that seriously (?), which should make me laugh…..
People seem to be unaware of the immense power all the media have over our minds today, and still, too readily accept new theories, new revelations, new hypotheses, new stories from the heavens, etc. A cautious eye can I think detect flaws, which may expose gaping-holes in assertions in the limitless books and tales we read.
Most I meet who have read and come to believe such propaganda, are brought undone in their psychology and daily lives. This soon enough flows out to their families, their community etc, thus dramatically accelerating the degradation of Society, for they can no longer focus or concern themselves about the menial, trivial and perceived “boring” tasks. Tasks which do, as it happens help enormously to “Make the World Go Round”.
What’s more, ignorance of these minute-by-minute disciplines also accelerates the degradation of society through the excess of irresponsible, or “failing-Responsibility” behaviour.
This behaviour, or mis-behaviour is generally called “fun”.
“Fun” is great stuff, no doubt, and we should not be seeking to stop people having fun, but to some extent, “fun” is for Children, and, fun is for the “child” inside the adult, with whom we must be in Harmony occasionally, if not regularly.
But fun too oft’ implies irresponsibility, or a moment when we abrogate responsibility beyond the expected “DON’T KILL HIM, JAMIE!?”
A French ex-President said a few years ago “Fun is for fools!”.
Perhaps up at his social or political level(s), indeed there may be little or no time for “fun”, pure and simple?
Meantime, all the world is drowning for an imbalance between “fun” and “Responsibility”, with the least intelligent and most irresponsible politicians the Earth has seen, urging the masses to be evermore irascible by “competing” and “consuming” and treating everything as only of Value when it can be consumed or used by YOU.
Right now, after three pleasant weeks staying in a HOUSE with a T.V., my estimation of the present Local, National and Global psychological, social, political, Economic and Spiritual situation is:
Society is not working, though we in Australazyia still live in comparative opulence and appear to be living within the “bounds” of some benign “order” called government and law, etc., elsewhere it is a long-long-way beyond desperate in regard to the Substance necessary to maintain Good, Social Order.
There would be very few Social, or Economic Scientists, worth their B.Sc., today who would disagree with a statement like “there are Scientific Laws which determine that Human Beings can live in Peace and Harmony on Earth, all fed, all housed and clothed, all Loved AND, all Happy.”
Well…., there might be a few (million?) disagreements.
As to Humanity being given free and pure access to these Laws, and the Knowledge within and surrounding them, it is a different story…….. BUT IF THEY WERE, while at the same time had the “monkey” of a bank mortgage taken off their backs, Balance may be restored promptly globally, at least to the institutes of Good Governance, whence Peace-and-Harmony on Earth may be found through Balanced Economics, thus Balanced Families, Communities and individuals.
However, there are too many “individuals” determined to maintain the unbalanced planet scenario. As individuals they are utter delusions. As a throng, they are out-of-control.
Such a throng may just be a group of high-flying executives or upper management, or a street gang of young women, all of whom seem to assume, through this “ideate your own delusion” that they can take the Law into their own hands, to the point of believing they have the Power to transmute any situation to their desires.
All of these types of power-hungry groups being almost totally improperly educated on their place on Earth and in the Cosmos, left to follow delusional dreams, most all of which, before death, like the endless list of corporate executives and plans, end in disaster.
Money has a strange effect on some people, for with it comes a certain amount of “power” (I actually argue that the more power one seeks in monetary or material wealth, the LESS power one has, for they are seeking it from NOT themselves, from NOT their True Spiritual Power Centre), it also brings the power to dream-up whatever is affordable.
As Humanity witnesses today, about every ideation out of the modern, say, post “enlightenment” phase which centres around personal gratification and personal “empire-building”, have “come-a-cropper”, with the residual dross being toxic to plant, animal and Spiritual Life, as well as toxic to Our Blessed Mother Earth.
With all the dreaming-up of the last three or four hundred years, by those “Masters” of the Occult, Cecil Rhodes, Bulwer-Lytton, Blavatsky, Bailey, Crowley, Yeats, etcetera-and-on-infinitum, how many of their plans were dreamed-up, ideated in full awareness of the eventual growth of the current “REAL-AND-PRESENT DANGER” of global warming, and the impending global environmental fuck-up?
If they all were so Highly Advanced in these Mystical Issues, would they not have attained to the FACTS about how Humanity would be best to approach the future, and with any-such Divination, would they not have determined that the course they have set the world to follow, as they did, would result in global environmental meltdown, social destruction and expensive marijuana?
“Pooh on them!”, I say, I say.
What’s more, the current danger of global warming is NOT merely from our abuse of the atmosphere and “fossil-fuels” etcetera, but today, storm-surges, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, floods and prolonged droughts are made manifest because the descendants of those past “masters” of delusional thinking; the insatiable, the rich and idle, the rebellious, the anarchistic and most all children (inherently irresponsible) have found their own occult powers, and, as with 99.999999% of white people, are totally without ANY Active Intelligence, in respect of how to employ, control and respect the occult.
Or in respect of how to Live in Peace and Happiness on Earth.
Any Scientist would determine from these broadbrush evaluations of Planet Earth today, that some drastic measures have to be taken. If there is any point or Value in being serious, it surely is to be found in the Greatest Considerations about Good Governance on Earth.


……..to be continued

Topics addressed in future chapters:

Australian Military Command TAKE NOTE!

Global Military take-over of all Governments/parliaments.

Global "Resuming" of the all the Earth's Land to Common, Communal Governance, monitored by Global Military Incorporated.

Global "Peaceable Apprehension" of all senior-most members of the Planets most powerful nations and corporations, to answer questions on the:-







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