
Back Online again!


After a few months, much police harassment, false Nimbin-rooted (Rainbow Power Co) allegations of shooting at some mentally-ill New South Welshers, charges of "blasphemy" from the demons of blasphemy themselves - the Vatican - & at last affording a laptop, Omaxa bin Eartha is back online &, AND near ready to start flinging onto his, this blogsite MORE!!! Blasphemous, REALPolitik, Heretical & DEEPLY Dissenting Articles, E-ssays & Poetry. I'm inclined to believe that the wigs at Google, the CIA, MI-6 & even ASIO are cool with this.

Perhaps there's significance in today being the 1st Anniversary of the Australian Labor Party's Ascent to Federal government. P'rhaps not?

Whatever, Good-on-yer ALPy, albeit that the fed ALP were quite likely acting in collusion with the now dumped & hopefully DEAD NSW ALP rightwing faction of (post-my-false arrest & charges! go-figure?) ex-NSW Premier Morris Iemma & the Vatican to disempower me for charging the ill Papa & the Iemma NSW government with being a fraudulant & evil bunch of paracites.

Of course, everyone knows full-well that in the Vatican & in pretty-much the whole of this utterly corrupt stste of New South Wales, Truth matters not. Indeed, to the NSW coppers, the Truth is the LAST thing they want to hear or read.

Well, I'm still breathing, still homeless, & still REALLY ANGRY at about all of Eurape & Britain for being the biggest dicks in fucking the future for those little cherubs who now toddle around in mini-bodies.

Since the last of my blogposts, July 17th '08, I've compiled several essays & the rest which go HARD at the endemic corruption the Mutha Eartha is drowning in.

Give me a few days, & I'll post them for the bloggosfear-er-phere to be scared by, or tickled pink-that-is-RED by......

Aum to the Gods,

& DAMN the High Council!

It's One World if we want to Survive. A curse on your divisive politrix.


Rahrahrah! with bells....

Aumaxa bin Eartha

The Forests of Uluruba.

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