

Funny how I set-up a hit counter for this blogsite and have NO hits?!


It seems to me that one of the important things government and the People should be campaigning AGAINST with vehemence, is PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE, as I reckon this factor in the production of most things today, certainly in the throw-away culture we have created, contributes hugely to waste of resources and of the environment.

It annoys me that the government and good citizens aren't on their soapboxes about it, but perhaps like the rest of the aberrant bits of our culture, like the depth and extent of corruption in NSW, planned obsolescence is so ingrained in what we expect from "the market" that this is just another crap aspect of life in astrayleearghurgle?

I persist neveretheless, in saying that removing PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE from ALL manufacturing would have an ENORMOUSLY POSITIVE effect on many parts of our bad relationship with the environment.

Governments who do not address and rein-in the excessive waste and quite deliberate deception and rip-off of the People as exploited in planned PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE, are guilty of treason, bad government, anti-Santa Claus, AND of being on-side with the devil.

Got to go.....

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