
Capitalism & Justice, Christianity & Democracy & other Oxymorons

Feeling a bit self-destructive, I just flung this whopper out to 100 or so emails, here and O/S, media and political. Better sit down....

Capitalism..., defrays Group Solidarity, Group Strength, thus, in regard to Lightening our Environmental footprint, inculturates group inaction.

Hence, the opulant wasteful white, western judeo-christian world of global destruction.

This results from..., and in..., a stupid population.

If the People are stupid, Democracy is dangerous.

If the People are dangerous.., Democracy is stupid.

Alas? Thus...? What alternative?

The tyrannical past of monarchic terror?

The west has a terrible record on how it's elite have treated the masses, and rare are examples of Monarchies Keeping to the Golden Law of Just Land Occupation, in any of all historys' stories.

Educate the masses is the obvious answer.

But surely the elite of Eurape find it a bit hard to educate away their bounty from underneath the under-educated and psychicly screwed third world nations' people?

Evidence keeps mounting supporting the suggestion that Humanity, mainly the white, judeo-christian FIRST world have gone too far in abusing the delicate environment the Mother Sun, Mother Earth and our Galaxy provide our feeble bodies with to prosper, and become psychotic selfish myopes.

So what for..., ANY government..., now?

Issues which are NOT raised or gone near by any in power, indicate to the sceptic that this Human world is nowhere near the Truth, as far as being (or being on the Path to becoming) a Fully Enlightened and Balanced Specimen of this thing called “Life” is concerned.

Media capitalize on the worst global cataclism for perhaps twenty thousand years, with the best hearts minds and knockers (Sorry, Rosie!) around trying to spread the word enough to motivate the world of watchers to actually do something USEFUL to dramatically reduce global degradation.

Yet what do we see, or have mediated upon us?

The same old giggle-brained, low-minded soap operas!

The same old false luxury vehicle and consumer goods advertizing!

The same old business on “main street”, Wall Street” and “war street”.

The same old crap out of Hollywood, trying to fixate the brainless movie-goers and vid-teevee junkies into heros and war and squishcrappingalienlazerbugs, so what? Why? What fool would suggest that the jewish-controlled Hollywood is using this most far-reaching medium to pour illusions of what kiddies should be scared-of into their nubile heads, planting visual seeds in their and in adults' minds of WAR AGAINST SPACE, and everything we can possibly imagine then cunger onto film or video which we don't know about!

Why?? Who wants to go near the allegations that Hollywood and most electronic media moguls, corporation technology and concepts today are being explored and employed to effect control, remote control of the viewer's minds, thus of their consumption etc, habits and activities?

Long pondering over this doomsday phenomena, leaves one with the distinct feeling that the “end is nigh”,and that there is no point becoming engrossed in any material thing of this realm, whether it be micro-tech, or ocean current research or submersion in High Religion.

Humanity is doomed to this western addiction of waste everything we touch, so why fight to save the errant species, the cancer upon the Earth?

Instead! Seek after Thine Own Self, the Spirit of All. It, is transcendent of the mortal body, and of the mortal Earth.

This realm we call “Earth”, is known in other ways in other Earth-bound cultures. It seems the Wiser, regard the three dimensions the judeo-west think worth struggling within and against is the lower realm.


Many say it is all illusion, and cannot be made Right and again Edenic.

Why partake therefore...?

What possible PURPOSE have we?



The same old soap operas! The same old false luxury vehicle and consumer goods advertizing persist!

The same old business on “main street” Wall Street” and “war street”.

The same old crap out of Hollywood, trying to fixate the brainless movie-goers and vid-teevee junkies onto heros and war and squishcrappingalienlazerbugs, so what?

Why? What fool would suggest that the jewish-controlled Hollywood is using this most far-reaching medium to pour illusions of what kiddies should be scared-of, planting visual seeds in their and in adults' minds of WAR AGAINST SPACE, and against everything we can possibly imagine then cunger onto film or video which the gullible don't know about!



The global everything meltdown (GEM) is being selectively publicised by Brettonwoods, Murdoch and Coven, Inc, trying to alert the masses into, one, trusting the media and their partners-in-carnage; global governments, oppositions, parliaments-in-general, military, lesser authorites, NGOs and policing forces, not forgetting the Rome-Tel Aviv-Cairo-managed global religious school-and-corporate management pyramid, and, two, to keep the minds of the masses OFF some other issues which spell imminent disaster to..., I estimate..., seven-eights, at least, of the Human race.

Last night I watched via a slow internet stream, a Google doco on the Earth's magnetic field, and that it protects the planet thus us, from the deadly solar rays.

Apparently, the theorists say that the same magnetic field existed around Mars upto some billions of years ago, while the planet's core was still molten iron, slurrying around under the crust, causing electro-magnetic tension and currents, thus a magnetic field developed, by happenstance (?) deflecting the deadly solar rays, giving the planet conditions to sustain life. Perhaps intelligent life?

The same show told us that the Earth's magnetic field works in the same way, yet is dropping in strength more sharply than it has for many 1000s of years. Should we be alarmed? What might be causing this degradation of the vital protective magnetic field?

I have a theory, but as I'm so down on the western “techno-centric” approach to life on a Natural Earth generally, thus may be biased, I leave it in the theory basket, with about every other religious, political and economic theory the west has thrust upon the masses for 1700 years at least.

Doesn't mean I can't espouse it....?

The proliferation of electronic equipment over the Earth's surface over the last one hundred years has to be having an effect upon the planet's natural electro-magnetic fields, methinks.

Responsible government would be alert to the dangers posed from this media for a comfortable lifestyle? As this is a “subtle” energy, in that while it requires hardware to be effected, it is generally free to transmit itself into the atmosphere, and into anything which is receptive of such electromagnetic energy and forces, and as human concentration and manipulation of electro-magnetic power collectively, has swept across so much of the earth's surface, with MASSIVE concentrations in cities and industrial operations, it cannot be ignored that the naturally harmonized and evolved magnetic currents and consequent fields of the planet will be disrupted, and possibly enough to shut-down the macro, planetary protective magnetic sheild!

WOOOOSH! Swept off our quarter-acre by a solar wave perhaps five seconds after the magnetic field says “Good night!”!


Naturally, the questioning mind asks, “Whah!?”

Answers flood-in, like a sychophants' “ideas session” in a large advertizing company.

Is it possible to issue a global edict calling upon Humanity to establish where the strong energy fields and lines are, and thence re-arrange the masses so that our electromag-toys work in balance with them?

Dream-on! Maxeeee....

Well, just trying to help....

But..., as I've been aware of for at least twenty years, “the planet is rooted”.

After a further twenty years investigating the odds, learning more than I wanted to, I concur.

The planet is fucked.

Putting a timeline on the future may be pointless. We may have two years, we may have two hundred. But there can be no doubt that the balance has GAWN, MAYTE.

In REALPolitik terms, my inner cynic says “YAHOO! Wipe the selfish, useless pricks out, Lord!”

A more wasteful, inconsiderate, anti-intelligent branch of the species there's never been!

But, I suggest, that in classic Jewish, Brit-Eurapean style..., that is just what the captains of capitalism and weapons of mass-culling, the Brit-Eurapean elite, and Semitic Sychophants Inc want.


So they can, with typical brutality, force so-called “proof”” upon the less-insane rest of us, that their ideology, totally fabricated in an elite occult trance-induced, agenda-ridden delusion, is THE ONE, and thus their god is the only true god, etc., etc....

Therefore, as penance upon the rest of us, for not believing their brand of bullshit, the rest of us must either be culled or enslave ourselves to their Babylonian superiorist ways.

This, trance-induced delusion, expanded-upon in the studios of Hollywood etc., capitalism, weapons-of-mass-culling, etc., happens also to be the means through which the global elite of psychoes, Illuminadi, Club of Rome, Zionism hope to totally entrance-thus-enslave those who do not agree with their techno-religious paganism. Some say, a cult coming long-long-ago from a distant star system, intent upon winning the planet and her mineral and other rsources, as well as a slave population, for themselves.


Well, as I'm well over wanting to partake of the Human world here on Earth, and as I am over these anthropocentric delusions that we are the mightiest pieces of shit in the multiverse, and that Humanity, or that bleached-brained branch of us, the white-arse, have proven they are utterly STUPID scum, in consideration of the potential of other Intelligent life forms here and in the spacial cosmos existing and of being of Wiser, Lighter, more Intelligent minds than us, than the “whitewash arseholes of Whitehall”, and considering that western religions are TOTALLY IGNORING their cult fuck-ups, cult (human fuck-ups) which happen to have congered the “end-times” the very same book of shit predicts!

No wonder it..., they, can predict the apocalypse! THEY ENGINEERED IT! 1000's of years ago...

Rome....? Babylon....? Cairo?


Capitalism....., Capitalism..., defrays Group Solidarity, Group Strength, thus, in regard to Lightening our Environmental Footprint, inculturates group inaction.

Inculturates numbmindedness...., as the white zombies watch the planet spin-out beneath them.

Good on yer AUSSIE!

Good on yer Fritz!

Good on yer Rupert, Lachie, Jamie...!

Good on yer catholic, jew, mormon?

Good on yer Illuminadi!

Good on yer GOVERNMENT.............?

Weighing these types of issues and their FACTS up, has one SERIOUSLY ask whether Democracy, as we are today, can possibly be Better than say, Talibanni Rule?

Shi'ite? Suni? Buddhist-Maoist-Aborigine Rule?

Autocratic Rule by the likes of Fidel Castro, assuming I can keep my “beliefs” that Castro's Cuba has Meritocratic Bases to it's existence, looms large, in a post-apocalypse near future, as being of the Greatest Merit, in terms of living with sizeable populations SUSTAINABLY?


Tooo set-in-mah-ways I am, but it is well within reason to suggest humanity has to familiarize itself with the ways of the pre-technological cultures, where we can make fire from friction-sticks instead of a sexy, CONVENIENT “throwaway” cigarette lighter?

Where we find another way to wipe our dumpster.

Where we can make do, and prosper, from what we have at hand.

Food “Bush Tucker!”


Is it coincidence that we now have the Astral Internet open to us......

Remember, it is all illusion. Manipulable illusion.

So be careful of what and with what we manipulate!

Remember, this is the lower realm, therefore Higher Knowledge is rare.

The mind Attaining to the Higher Knowledge, does so because of their Spiritual Purity.

It is they, who control you, and your world.

It is they, who determine whether you live or cut yourself.

As the most influential middle powers, Earth's elites, have so fucked the planet, through the misuse of the occult, the Higher Powers, beyond the bodily, material and Earthly realms, debate the elite's worthiness.

Arguments come from the Angels here, that the elite has failed. The Higher Powers listen, and weigh the facts impartially.

They, like the Angels here, cannot be “bought-off” by delusion, magic, suasion and self interest.

What would it do for them?


The “trap” of this lower realm is being convinced that material power, expressed in materialism, is THE Power to seek after.

We shall, in the coming years, realize the error in this lower realm thinking.

Because of this most henous error by those who claim the throne of Global Power, the Higher Lords of Life are near to deciding whether to “delete” this planet and it's carcenogenic viral species: “Homo Sapiens”

HA! MAN The WISE?!?!?!!?

Were I on the Committee, I would be passed the need to be convinced that humanity today is worth saving.....

If the People are stupid, Democracy is dangerous.

If the People are dangerous.., Democracy is stupid.

Alas? Thus...? What alternative?

Without a SERIOUS withdrawal of pro-Brit-Eurapean-ISRAELI monetary policies world-round, where changes are institutionalized in every national Treasury and Constitution toward EQUITABLE ACCESS and DISTRIBUTION of the Planet's resources, and thus, as soon as is Intelligently possible, toward EQUITABLE ACCESS and DISTRIBUTION of the LAND, the High Lords of this Universe will delete this planet and thus all life upon it.

The sacrifice of the lives of the Earth's innocents, appears ast this stage to remain the Better, MORE HUMANE Universal option, than allowing the completely psychotic “space-race” junkies of government and military, to get their technology AND WEAPONRY into outer space.

Without a near COMPLETE about-face by the global technocrats in terms of where they apply the funds, agenda and hopes, such that NASA and co., go hard at breaking the spells which keep them gazing into space for “Life”, and thence the lust to go out there and either fuck it or destroy it, the planet and all it's life, will be terminated.

Bold predictions Maxeee!

Dangerous Times, suckole.....

As for capitalism and Democracy..........

The sentence is oxymoronic, like “military intelligence”.....


Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth.

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