
My thoughts on "Murdoch plans online news consortium: report" article:

My thoughts on "Murdoch plans online news consortium: report" article:
Link to ABC online news article:


Longtime a "David-v-Goliath" sparring partner of mine, Rupert Murdoch is obviously concerned about his profits, dominance and thus manipulation-agenda of news.

Has "news" per se, ever been uncensored, and NOT turned/controlled to the elite's advantage?

Who DID pay the "town-crier"?

This move by our major news media needs our public attention, and begs asking whether they, the Murdoch-kind, can anymore be "trusted" (ha!) to bring us the news as it was/is, without their profit-motive and Brettonwoods-type secret agenda infecting it, and telling the masses what the elite want us to know, or NOT know?

One can easily foresee the end to "free-to-air" television and radio, if this is taken to the "n-th" degree, and of a serious decline in credible and important online news reportage, therefore a time where everyone must pay, as-in "pay TV" to access any news.

Can we rely on government to act more responsibly in this area?

Not without SERIOUS Reforms across the board, of government, media and public, all-age education.

It also tells us that the so-called "internet revolution" is under threat from the global elite, for we can be sure that those who can afford to centralize news reports, ie., major news corporations, and those who can afford to pay for what in-the-end will be watered-down, unethically-censored "empty" garbage-news, will succeed in taking us back centuries to dark-age ignorance about how the elite's stay on top, by keeping "Locals" ignorant and oblivious of the elite's subjugation of far-off Peoples via British East India Company-type genocidal actions, etc.

Perhaps it is the Duty of the world's Journalists and Reporters to Resist Murdoch's consortia intentions.

Perhaps the likes of "Transparency International" and the Australian "ACCC" consumer watchdog are obliged to assess these moves by Mr Ruthless Murdoch and his kids?

I laugh each time I hear the advertisement on payTV's CNN telling us that "TRUTH matters most of all to their Journo's", when I also see agenda of the zionist-type bending and controlling the news content.

Perhaps the truth is more frightening than I'm allowed to know?

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