
Haiti in our Global "New Day"


Haiti is in our minds daily now, since the 12th January earthquake. But the immediate concerns keep the media from giving us any briefings on the torment the small nation has endured for 500 years, since Christopher Columbus and the Spanish moved in.

I scanned the “Wikipedia” site on Haiti, and am struck by the ongoing struggle the land has seen since 1492 and beyond.

The 1st nation born of a slave revolt in 1804 or so, it has basically been treated as a place to plunder since, by the Spanish, the French, the British and the Americans. No doubt a bunch of other rough nations have done the same.

Today, it is the poorest nation in the “western hemisphere”, so the earthquake was pretty-much the last thing it's mainly Afro-Caribbean peoples needed.

However, digging some brightness from the quake and the 200,000 or so killed, the international response has been phenomenal.

One cannot help but think that there is a hell of a lot of publicity-centred reason for this, as it is more than obvious when we are told by the media of another rescue, that the “French” or “Greek” or Swedish or British or US or – it's a bit of a multinational aid-fest at the moment.

Perhaps the aid-nations are all suffering some sort of guilt trip, for Haiti's woes, as most western Eurapean nations have bashed her peoples over the last four centuries, stolen heaps of it's minerals and precious metals, and even fined the earlier governments for not letting them!

Massacre after massacre has occurred, as recently as the 1930s.

One might not be far off the mark to think that Haiti is doomed to suffer Eurape's eternal wrath because it rebelled and sought independence in the early 1800 slave revolt?

Now this – the earthquake.

Being an inquirer into the occult, I ask myself if Eurape didn't “tweek” the techtonic plates to bring yet another punishment upon the OH! BLECK Peoples?

I'll go to my grave suspicious that the terrible “Boxing Day earthquake” and tsunami off the Aceh, Indonesia coastline was in fact a bit of evil cungered from the evil Theosophical Society based in Madras, India, for a “Christian” dose of power against the Peoples of Islam who lived around the effected region's coast?

Nevertheless....., Haiti is now in the spotlight, and is likely to remain there for a while, because it is great media sensationalist footage to cover the recovery, and the aid given by the wealthier nations of the world. That is, nearly every nation of the world!

Since the earthquake and the days after, it's been a brewing anger in my cold cold deadened heart, that a nation like Haiti, which is not offensive in any way to other cultures or politics or peoples, which is so close to a plethora of excessively wealthy nations, and not so wealth oriented ones, suffers it's apparent economic exile?

Perhaps all the gold has been looted, and there's no more wealth to steal?

Eurape has led the plunder race all over the globe, and this is why she, the “whore of the north” is on top of the world in terms of ridiculous wealth.

But everyone in white skin enjoys the profits of a thousand years of ruthless expansionism ex-Rome, ex-Eurape and Britain, no matter where they now live.

The United States no less.

Therefore, as the Glorious US President Barack Obama has told the world, that “the big game is over” (boy I like that line....!), perhaps he and his Bleck-skinned Soul can open dialogue with the People of Haiti, obviously through it's Presidente Rene Preval, in terms of doing what America can to lift Haitians out of their 200-to-500 year long Eurapean hex?

I, the rascal at the bottom of the world, ceaselessly annoying the global elites like a rebounding haemorrhoid, go so far as to suggest to the USA Peoples, that Haiti be embraced by them as some sort of a “satellite state”.

As much as I have come to DETEST “tourism” now calling it “tourrorism”, it would seem a logical concept for Haiti to open itself to US tourists, but only, I say ONLY, if Americans can respect Haitians' customs and culture, and seek NOT to turn it into yet another tourrorist-dependent island like every other “exotic” beach on earth has been down-graded to by the idle-wealthy of “the north”. Australia's coastline being the local and perhaps the most ruined example, but the southern coast of France has had it's over pollutants in the last 100 years.....

Also, tourrorism inevitably ends up making the locals SLAVES to the rich, which the rich, I have often noted to myself, just love doing!

And Haiti is Haiti precisely because she rejected the slave trade. So any embracing by the north – NOT EURAPE – the world's Black Peoples surely have had ENOUGH of their bleached arrogance – must keep that in mind.

I suggest tourism, of a Respectable nature – if there is such a thing in rich kids and greying ex-corporate executives tripping the globe on everyone elses' heads – because some sort of reciprocal exchange has to happen I think, between the big nation and the small one.

I have found it interesting that, since Jan 12, Cuba has not been mentioned much, if at all, while I have been listening, in the rescue efforts in Haiti?

But I'm sure they're in there, and I'm sure also that they'd be rather more Humanitarian than the guilt-ridden “northern nations”.

But if Cuba had the time and energy, they'd be the ones for Haiti to look to. However, as soon as that happened, if it did, the west would be in there as quick as greased lightening to stymie any Egalitarian not-for-profit attempts, we can be sure.

But, back to the USA, even while the Yanks seem seriously divided about helping their own people with health care, their own poor people, the Intelligent approach by all Americanosss, Democrat and Republican, would be to begin health and education campaigns for both their own underclasses, and for ALL the People of Haiti. Again, as if Haiti had become a “Satellite State” of America, until she can become economically independent.

Typically, the old thinking of the elites of the capitalist world, is that Haiti must therefore – PAYPAYPAY and do it OUR WAY, with all manner of submissive contracts akin to the evil IMF deals to 3rd world nations over the last 100 or so years.

Optimistically, I continue to suggest that those days are gone, and that the rampant rip-offs of the past are in decline.

Yes, we still have evil exuding from Switzerlandenen banks ands corporations, but with all the doom, so rises the Hardened Warriors for Justice, and so the softcocks who once could get away with genocide while they swanned it behind the troop and police lines, in uptown offices and managers' offices, are having to learn that the “New Day” is dawning, and that unconscionable disparities and injustices like the economic banishment Haiti has suffered, have been exposed, and so have the culprits. Evil CEOs are being brought to answer for their crimes, so the effects must echo down the corridors of power and corruption.

Looking at Haiti another way – in 2010 CE, it is, in fact ILEGAL for neighbouring nations to ignore Haiti's poverty.

So those closest, considering the new day of “low food miles” etc, to minimise transport pollution etc., have a Duty to embrace the Haitian nation with all the required assistance, and WITHOUT the old kings filth of evil interest rates on loans and the like.

Being the Agrarianist I am, and not being addicted to modern day technology etc., I advocate “low technology” and enterprise for Haiti, along the sustainable concepts which take the longest term sustainability view.

But whichever, something has to be done long term, for Haitians.

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