
The Tea Party? Is it Real?


The Tea Party?

Is it Real?

Over the last few years much has been revealed to me, and perhaps to others about the underlying garbage behind 'politics', here and around the world.

For most of my adult life, while under seriously dulling Catholic occult hexes, there has nevertheless, been some basic acceptance in the back of my mind, that 'politics' is a crock of shit.

But I've still been 'driven' to take an interest, and, over the last decade and a half, have become a commentator.

Nowadays, it's painfully obvious that something-else IS going on behind the media-front most of us view in one form or another, and, as the years/months/days/hours and minutes fly passed, we see that the most critical affairs effecting 'politics' and seemingly the lives of the majority, are being steered, twisted, manoeuvred well behind the meeting rooms of the US White House, Britain's Westminster, and/or any of the centres of representative government in the more powerful nations.

So too, in Astrayliar.

Australia's August 2010 federal election a prime example.

Perhaps the rise of President Barack Obama in Washington triggered the much needed call, or yearn, for CHANGE there and globally, but my 'thinks' say that his popular win in 2008 was effected more by the collection and release of scientific evidence about the things that matter most - climate change, huge flaws in America's economic structure, and, maybe a ways down the list, the exposure of endemic sexual abuse in the Catholic church.

All 3 of these went fairly hard at challenging the western world's 'blind faith', in 1, how our clearly opulent modern lifestyles DO seriously impact on the larger, less seen, global environment, in 2, economic policies prescribed by people who too late, are found to NOT have the qualifications to decide which policies are implemented, which effect the lives and security and well-being of more than their own family unit, and in 3, the dangers of leaving issues of 'faith' in the hands of a class of priests who are both psychologically unbalanced and who retain their elevated, too-influential stature by being propagandists for a deeply and long-time corrupt cult which preaches both false beliefs, and, with that, diverts everyone away from the always-critical issues for every social group.

With all the profit-centred capitalists in media doing their demonic best to keep the masses stupid, aided-and-abetted by their cohorts from the global, mainly western elites, the 'critical issues' have been kept under the rug, for at least 100-plus years.

In the 19th century, there was enormous growth in the general knowledge of what's important in life, with the rise of print media racing around the world, and informing and inspiring the Working Classes to know their rights and thus to bring them together to democratically demand better deals from the tyrant landlords.

But it didn't take long for the landlords to react to stop the People from reclaiming what really, REALPolitikly, has always been theirs, and everyone's - the Land.

The 20th century therefore became the century of the world at war, instigated by the ruling classes, the monarchies of the west being the most dominant, through their desperate inventiveness called 'weapons technology'.

But, in seeing that Democracy had arrived, that it was/is a phenomenal force against their presumed tyrannical rule, and that it was not about to go away again, the global elites realised their only hope of keeping their ill-gotten estates and dominance of industries of production etc, was to assume the pro-democracy facade, to get inside the machinery of social democracy, and subvert it to their own selfish, undemocratic interests.

As the Workers of the World Wisely and Stoically persisted with their Cause, the elites had no choice but to acquiesce, so slowly, monarchies had their authority and sovereign powers reduced, replaced by parliaments.

By 1900, the world saw fantastic changes, with promises of improvements to everyone's lives as never dreamed-of before.

However, behind the scenes, the selfish elites were evermore frightened shitless by these Progressive changes, and, went more enthusiastically than ever to corrupt the course we seemed destined to follow.

Thus, as said, we went through some 100 years of chaos and war, all fabricated to steer the profits from Workers' Productivity up to their fancy pockets, aka Swiss bank accounts.

But, with technology filtering down to the general populace, and in places like Eurape and the USA, more people were able to get inside the architecture of modern technology, they were allowed by the freedom of the modern marketplace, to combine their understanding and inventiveness to make what we have today in the internet and home computers etc.

So, where not so long ago, elites were banding together to control media and what the masses heard and learned about the machinations of the crucial affairs of world politics, today there is an whole new, possibly unstoppable environment of “Peoples' Media” spreading globally bringing the masses up-to-speed.

And so, again, the bruised egoists of the ruling elite resort to all-and-any means to retain their unwarranted control, using their weapons of war and the media to force their way.

9/11 and the ensuing chaos through the Middle-East the prime examples.

NOT the finest way to hail-in the new century and millennium!

The USA leapt ahead of the rest of the world in development and progress during the 20th century, giving hope to a lot of people.

Sadly, the knowledge has come too late for Americans, and for the rest of us, that the potential for the USA has been corrupted once more, by 'politics' and the secret fanaticisms of the ruling elites.

Getting the USA back on track to being a Balanced culture is now, as far as I'm able to discern, impossible.

The devil is loose, and ain't gonna go back down the hole for NO-ONE!

Being a creature of and dependent upon fascination, the devil cannot slow itself and pause to weigh it's actions.

Ever-on it drives itself, coming-up with 'new ideas' by-the-hour.

Advertising corporations perhaps the most driven example. And where the potential for selfish profits increase, so increase the motivations and negations of things like Honor, Integrity, Morality and Ethics.

Seduction is one weapon used, and the best way to win the favor of people, is to appeal to their desires for a more comfortable life, for their bodies.

This, and tickling the senses has always worked, so today, the world's most 'advanced' nation, the USA, is awash in every imaginable delight to give pleasure to the body and to it's senses.

Unfortunately these aspects of life, don't sit well with the less immediate, underlying and more critical issues effecting us, but are used endlessly by fanatics and megalomaniacal elites to have us ignore the more important side of life.


Politics is about the polity. The people. Or used to be. Now, it is merely another weapon captured by the elites to keep us misinformed - ignorant - about what's crucial for the whole of the Human race.

And use politics they do, combining it with media, entertainment, advertising and temptation to have us choose personal pleasure and (pseudo-)security over the well-being of the Group.

Since the rise of understanding about the bottomline issues, upto about the start of the 20th century, we've been snowed back down to the least moral, least intelligent levels, and now, with fear also used against Progress, places like Eurape, Britain, Australia and the USA are returning to 'dark ages' of self-interest, where 'anything goes' and 'there are no rules' in acquiring what we need and want.

So having been deserted, abandoned by the Group, and by the leaders of our groups, to fend for ourselves, each of us is left vulnerable to anyone or number who has the ability to sway us their way.

The 'free market' has long been owned by the oligarchs, the wealthy who manipulate politics to their advantage, and part of that ongoing campaign has been to keep the people as shallow as possible, so that they have no interest in activating their own Intellect, and applying it's powers of discernment to issues beyond their own senses and desires.

This is really what is behind the rampant materialism of our times. The ever-so-'friendly' capitalists, any 'Jo' who sees an opportunity to hoodwink someone else, have refined their language to be as convincing as possible, to as large a number of people as possible, with the most simplistic words, phrases, sentences and orations.

Of course, none of the capitalists would dare fully expose themselves by admitting that their own confidence, and their abilities to sway someone else, are bolstered with the psychic powers. OH-HOHO-NO!

Not only when they talk to us, but also in the products they seduce us into possessing.

To a True Fella Shaman, the more possessions a person has, the more the person is possessed by them!

So, in the most materialistic nations, people have been wrongly seduced to believe that Happiness will be found in having a lot of junk. And so, when events beyond our own ego-bubble start to fall apart, and we are threatened with the loss of these 'possessions' because we have lost any ability to discern what is important - NOT possessions, but Sound, Scientifically-proven Economics - our lowest level of mentations make us react, and often violently.

Just how the globe's elites want us to.

When we are consumed by desperation and fear, we are most vulnerable to believing in violent defences, and so any smooth-talking Jo can wander-in and convince us to take-up arms against which-ever foe they decide we should be afraid of.

Wisdom, they will say, does not put food on the table. Etc.

And even then, if they see that there is a craving, or a recognition that Wisdom is perhaps Valuable, and so becomes sought after, the elites will jump on the word, ignoring the meaning and depth underneath it, and include it in their publicity, merely to fool the masses to believe that the masters of manipulation are Wise.

Glenn Beck, of Fox TV, did this with a word which has returned to the hearts of people in the USA lately, and has become seen as worth attaining to.

“Honor”! He marketed, purely to try to recapture the political market for his boss (elitist Rupert Murdoch, and his cabal of oligarchs set on putting in place their 'New World Order') back from the 'Left-wingers' who already understood what Honor is, and, armed with the True Honor which underpinned their lives, campaigned far-and-wide leading-up to the 2007/2008 US Presidential election, to have Barack Obama win office.

Beck and his coven of demented psychos knew Honor was behind the Outlaws and military Veterans in the USA, and so, without any moral conviction, used the word to rally frightened and desperate Americans, Americans captured by the sensational glitter of Fox TV, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC a month or 2 ago.

Classic tyranny at work.

Now, on the eve of the USA 'Mid-Term elections', the concept of reducing language to it's most effective use, with the least depth, Intelligence or Wisdom, with the simplest slogans, has been applied on a corporate, political-party level, and the USA is being sent into political turmoil by this untested, highly divisive, zero-credibility phenomenon.

That-is, next-to-nothing is actually known about who is behind it's formation and publicity, nor about any substance underpinning the Tea Party's policies, etc.

Nothing they have put forward this far, exactly as the Republicans have done for decades, can be proven to have Scientific, Economic and/or Cultural Merit.

It's all hyperbola. Catch-phrases designed specifically to 'trick'..., like magic..., people into agreeing with them.

This, the Tea Party, it has to be aired, is as likely, a manoeuvre by the back-room spin-masters of the Republican party, to take the heat off the failing Republicans, who have been exposed as being antagonistic to people from other nations and cultures, and who may yet be brought to bear the brunt of blame for the chaos in the Middle-East, by starting the Iraq war, for the Global Financial Crisis, by allowing really bad economic policies which gave the banks and finance corporations room to set-up dangerous loans and financing contracts, etc., and who promoted a consume-consume-consume, consumption-dependent way of life that is now known to be totally unsustainable, and is driving environmental devastation enough to destroy most every positive advance we've made so far.

The only option the encrazed egomaniacs of the world's political elites had was to start another distraction. But one which was not so far removed from the core of the problems that people would disregard it.

It had to offer MORE, NEW hope, and be an alternative to what was available now.

Every trick has been used - simplistic language; attack language; loud talk, maximum volume and protest, sexy imaging; dream-making concepts; superlative words stolen from the Intelligentsia but hollowed of meaning, understanding and Integrity, etc.

And it's won support with the notion of 'taking back America', as if the Democrats stole it from Americans, in just the last 2 or 3 years.

While it's very understandable that many dislike the Democrats, knowing they are part of the much larger machinery of global politics, and, that Obama's initial efforts to give health care to the lowest one-third of Americans in fact gave billion and billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical and other medical corporations, and leaves the bulk of Americans with the cost, I suggest that it was the best they could institute in the process of rebalancing the severely imbalanced American economy, and that it was the Democrats recognising that the adventure which is US capitalism has more flaws than advantages, that it had been blindly accelerated by the Bush Administration to it's inevitable implosion, and that, while the major banks and corporations ruthlessly run the world, they cannot be pushed out of the way, so that Americans and others can have, or reclaim control of their lives.

Considering the size of the hurdles Americans face, if they really try to reclaim control of their lives, it is nothing short of propagandist evil to suggest that the Corrections can occur in just one election-cycle.

Added to that, the turmoil brought on, peaking with the 2007/8/9/10-forward financial crisis, may have been the catalyst for the government's attempts to reform the economy, but was itself so huge an obstacle for the new administration to begin to face, that positive outcomes could not possibly be expected within a decade, let alone within the 3 years since Obama's election.

Not without a much more dramatic series of reforms, MAJOR, REALPolitik Reforms, that everyone knows cannot possibly be introduced easily in the USA.

In other words, the undisputed economic problems America and the whole world has, are old and deep, and are behind the present GFC, as well as being behind most all of the world's economic troubles.

Reforms in the USA will resolve nothing unless they are approached globally.

The Democrat's attempts are Progressive, and are trying to get to the underlying flaws, which, as said, are old and global.

On the other hand, the Republican and Tea Party policies of 'reform' and planning, are merely more of the same, using might and trickery to force through, or to drive over problems, (on all fronts - appealing, at home, to Americans with the most simplistic terminology) as the GW Bush, Dick Cheney Administration did with the brutal and utterly tyrannical catalyst of 9/11, and the crap intelligence which laid the blame on Saddam Hussien and thus 'justified' the invasion of Iraq.

To allow the Republicans to win control of Congress and the Senate in the USA, will only return America to the most brutal, racist, xenophobic and warlike position it held leading up to 9/11, and the invasion of Iraq, which justified so many taking-up arms against the USA, will return the USA to a nation which makes absolutely illogical laws against the citizens, sending them to jail for false crimes, and will send the world down the shithole faster and irreversibly.

However, of late I've heard better explanations about such things as the health care plans of President Obama, and realise they have much to be desired.

Not that they were wrong in principle, but that the hurdles were far greater than the any immediate relief could resolve.

Americans do have to re-evaluate their culture, and that primarily has to be one which consumes less. MUCH less.

So does Australia, and many other nations and cultures.

Our big enemy is fear of changes which correct our lifestyles.

But further, we have to dig behind to find the cause for our fascination with consumerism and materialism.

If America is a Christian nation, then it has to re-read such words as “..forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do...”

Most of us know about hypnotism now, and that we are constantly being accosted by those who think they can trick us.

But facing the facts that we have been victims of witchcraft's trickery for centuries, witchcraft dressed in 'priestly-white', such that our Souls are in-deep in pools of all manner of unverifiable and incorrect beliefs and twisted thinking processes, is the hardest thing we all have to do.

Accepting this, is the first step, at-once realising that we do not have to defend ourselves as guilty for errors.

But alone, from a base of shallow beliefs, or with others who are also drowning in incorrect thinking processes and ideals, only makes things worse.

Thank someone, for alcohol, aye?

Almost all of today's western approaches to psychology and psychiatry have grown from flawed ideologies and beliefs, and now are all oriented around the capitalist 'profit-motive'. So there is always a limit to how true any diagnosis and/or 'therapy' will be.

Because a full and unafraid diagnosis of our personal and cultural maladies will bring us to realise that we have to fight hard against the seductions of bad beliefs and cultures, and that we achieve nothing worthwhile if we settle for anything which is not the 'full monty' of reforms in our every-MINUTE lives.

This, unfortunately, ends with the realisation that the only choice is to take it to the streets, and PROTEST for the Changes, such as those Obama came to office with.

Though this may sound like me chanting my, MY favourites, it is not.

Democracy and free speech are Worthy Ideals, but are also the most prone to subversion, to being captured by media and powerful crazies for their own narrow and parochial greed and elitist agendas.

Because we have been seduced to travel so far down the cultural road of DESTROY-DESTROY-DESTROY just to make a buck, we have to take an exaggerated step in the opposite direction to remedy the damage done. Damage done both to our own mind, and to the world.

'Sacrifice' doesn't really come into it, once we realise that throwing off the old and destructive beliefs and habits is nothing to do with sacrifice, but is, in-a-way, making us Better, and, in that, wealthier.

Why would we want garbage filling our mind and life?

And more wealthy than the word-abusers like Glenn Beck and the mobsters at Fox understand.

Morally wealthier. Richer in the less tangible things which make for a Stronger, Happier, and Richer lifestyle, Family, Homeland, Community et al Et Al.

Integrity. Intellect. Wisdom. Courage. Joy.

I guess I could go-on, and-on, and-on.

It's a Hard Road ahead for all of us down there on 'main street', America.

Time voters everywhere stopped letting ourselves be tricked by clever and loud and confident words. Words and glitter surrounded with hoopla and ever-brighter lights, etc.

It is a time, an era of CHANGE, and many more of us know this than are able to say.

Europe's Workers are on the streets now, trying to bring it on, and they have billions of Sympathisers globally. Imagine how effective it would be if the People of the USA marched for the same Principles as the People of Europe?

It DOES NOT take a messiah to force the Correct changes through.

Whether you prefer Republican or Democrat, Tea Party or Communist, inside we all know change is as Natural as sunrise, and we all have the capacity to bring on the changes in our own lives to make at least our own world better.

Putting it together with, not shallow minds, but with those who also know enough about themselves to know there ARE some fundamental things we all need to be Happy, Secure and able to do the Right Thing, is what life in the 'free world' is all about.

Returning to the fear-driven policies of war, forced upon us by the elite's political masters of spin, is cowardice and does us no good.

Perhaps the most Courageous thing is to be able to Humble ourselves when we see our beliefs and ideologies are incorrect, and to open our minds to at least search for what is correct.

That's why I Advocate the most crucial Reforms, of Land, Tax, Cult, and other Reforms, as per my signature below.

As the Massive Rally to Restore Sanity... and/or fear showed, in the National Mall in Washington last Saturday, there is the choice between 'Sanity', of evidence-based Laws, in Economics, and in less tangible areas of life like 'Culture', and..., 'fear', where we retreat, out of a lack of Knowledge about Good Law, Good Economics, and Good Culture, into escapist violence and abuse of everything around us, refusing to see the consequences.

So.., while I would Advocate voting Green, as I've Advocated way-down-here-down-under, and am very tired of the 2-party hegemony of this era's politrix, from my isolated mountain, it is very clear, that America has to do everything in it's power to avoid any more aggression from such as Jihadi Islam, or from Dissenting Outlaws anywhere, so you have to give the Democrats another chance and vote for them in the mid-term elections on 2nd November 2010.

For the Greater Good, America. For the Greater Good.

As for the 'Tea Party', I'm convinced they are a fabrication of the same-old right-wing Republicans, set-up to make the Republicans appear moderate.

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
