
WikiLeaks is NOT, a problem for Earth?


WikiLeaks is NOT a problem for Earth?

Not for me, Max Earth, nor for the planet Earth.


I would sincerely expect that there are less than one million people alive now, who come near to believing the bullshit that pours from the media departments of ANY government or parliament today.

Especially when it comes to matters of military defense, or assault.

It is more than a mere indictment against all of the world's mainstream media that the vast majority of them, under the censorship of their feckless, paranoid and basically fucking pathetic governments no doubt, but also from the seriously inept media cabals, of London, Washington, Berlin and Tel Aviv, et al et al, that they all run like lapdogs to the feet of their respective, and aligned masters to mediate this most Honorable 'leak', as dangerous to (western) military operations.

From the words of Dwight Eisenhower, President of the United States after the 2nd world war, we may take heed, for he warned with trepidation of the rise and rise of the US military industrial complex.

Since WW2, wars have come and wars have passed over us. Yet daily we are sent back into paranoia by so-called 'news' reports of threats to the generally decrepit and debauched western world, from our so-called 'enemies'.

Enemies spun to appear so, by no less than the appalling white, CHRISTIAN, western 'modern' military media departments' world, as baby-eaters, wife-beaters/rapers/murderers.

Yet, on the ground, it becomes obvious that the media has been lying to us, and that, the vast majority of peoples and nations and cultures which the white superior idiots of Murdoch and cabals denigrate, are in fact vastly more Honorable, Humble, Intelligent and Wise than the vast, vast majority of those the western, US and NATO, military industrial complexia say they protect!

What lies behind the wall of lies exuding from every official western government's orifice?

What is it that drives all of them to acquiesce to bullshit and exaggeration of the most extreme kind?

Why are the Americans so bigoted??

Why does Eurape so want to conquer ALL of the planet for their own real estate portfolios?

Which Journalist apart from Chris Hitchens, John Pilger, him Champion in the Middle East, Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, et al et al e al, and if I stretched the mentals..., a few more from our own ABC would drop in as worthy of Credit, in regard to opposing the general shitstorm of untruths pouring minute-by-minute from the big media outlets, would be heard and even 'listened-to' by big media management, and acted upon with dramatic factual, exposay-type reportage, to dispel the crap of fear that the military and their corporate agents and masters are trying to drown our minds in?

What has gone so upside down that we are reliant upon the fucking self-interested MEDIA to get the brief on local, regional and global events????

How on Earth (we ARE on Earth, are we not?) can such utter utter utter bullshit be sanctioned by anyone in authority, to the point where national leaders race to the microphones to appear to concur with the Zionist mainstream AMERICAN bullshit-boss, Rupert Murdoch, and his Illuminaughty cabals?

Julian Assange, currently under scrutiny and pursuit for his bravery, is about the last man on Earth who should be hunted.

But OH NO! The mighty US industrial complex (and their economic masters in Eurape) all have too much egomania swinging on untruths, so they can fulfill their debt to Satan, don't like Honest People speaking and acting with any INTEGRITY!

You say Gitmo!

The rest of the REAL world screams,
'SHIT NO!!!'

So....? Who we gonna call?

That BIG BLECK FELLA lounging at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Whad about the African Giant, Mr I-say-MISTA Mandella?

All of India's Wise Sages have been bought off by the whiteskin tourrorist traders, and the Bleck Elders of Australia just know better than to involve themselves with ANYTHING near the whiteman's way, 'specially western politrix and media!

So..., as the idiot white world has been waiting-waiting-waiting for a no-show - JESUS AIN'T COMIN' BACK DICKSUCKERS..., for some 1600 years, they have also ever-so-cleverly orchestrated events so that NO-ONE, not even a Wise, Courageous, modern western WHITE well-educated, refined-evern, Australian can do something USEFUL against the tirade off tyranny which exudes from those military mongrels media mansions!

Adams! Spears! Uhlman! ALL OF YOU, here in Australia and across the big ball!

GET SOME PLUCK! For fuck's sake!

Tel Aviv may well be irretrievably psychotic! Paris may well be a sewer of unintelligent thinking! Rome! HAHAHAHAHA!

Beijing! Nimen How!


You got the frights because of a bunch of spellbound fools wiff magic?

Stay as lame as you are, Westminster, Reichstag, US Congress, Dehli, Beijing, Jakarta, et al Et Al, and not just our Great Mutha Eartha will shock you all awake, but a mass of dissidents, from the highest echelons of military and media down to the slummiest of gutters will rise-up and trounce you, and your precious upclubsters of the pleasant inheritances.

Since the evil debacle of the GW Bush Administration, after 9/11, Honor and fearlessness in the face of death has retreated to the rear-most bunkers with surround-sound DVDs and a table of upclub drugs, to escape into.

Just what the real threat wants of us!

The world is awash with all manner of smart-phone military operations apparently dealing with the threats to civil society.

Meanwhile, the sane world is washed down the drains into the deadly mix of hyperbola and agenda.

Media has become so self-serving (example the Murdoch, Berlesconi, Sinawat cabals) that they are all too happy to publish untruths if it lifts THEM up the stock market listings, and in favor with the manipulators of our minds and mortgages.


Julian Assange IS NOT OUR ENEMY!

Please try, you with the biggest guns, to open your minds?

If.., a global King DOES show up, he will not bring your theory of peace!

A sword, a sword, is what he, they, will bring down on your featherweight necks.

"Diplomacy is the international art of not saying what you mean, which is why the WikiLeaks document dump has proved so mesmerising." writes the rather sensible Annabel Crabb.

Ms Crabb of ABC online does her best to 'go there', but clearly the management is NOT so ready to speak the FACTS, so she and her compatriots are hand-tied.

The future will tell a very different story, we, or our grandkids, can be sure.


We, YOU, invite them in to your thoughts and paranoia, so don't go blaming the Brave, like Assange, for daring to go against the gutless trend.

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
