
NSW politics turns electric!


Keneally jeered at power sale inquiry

There's something fishy about the whole affair we call government in New South Wales?

But what's new? It's been the case since the rum rebellion in 1808!

So, few can be surprised at NSW Premier Keneally's insisting that the Labor government has acted correctly in regard to the sell-off of the state electricity power assets.

Some 20 years or more ago, I was given the line that the long term 'plan' in this world of capitalism, is for governments to sell-off all utilities and such, which by the Science, belong to the public, because in the not too distant future, the wide body of assets will be so aged and decrepit that the cost of updating them will break the public purse.

So it's better to flog them all off into basically gullible 'private' hands, and leave them to do the updating.

The scenario, right or not, was/is that then, when the utilities' infrastructure is in need of renewal, the private corporations will be sent broke trying to afford the rebuild.

Once in receivership, it will be incumbent upon government to buy them back, 'for a song', for a fraction of the price they extracted from the greedy private investors when they were sold out of government ownership.

But I'm not so sure that this is the whole picture, because there's no doubt that offshore megacorps, such as Xstrata, are right into accumulating all the necessary functions of as many of the world's utilities and 'assets' as they can, purely to concentrate as much as possible into the smallest number of global controllers' hands as possible.

In the end, it does seem that this is really all about those rich-white-greedy-bastards, mainly from Britain and Eurape, attaining to a certain level of wealth that they are able to make the acquisitions, purely for acquisition's sake.

GREED. Greed and more greed.

On Australia's multicultural television channel SBS, on Sunday nights for now, is a program called 'The Secret History of Us' which tells about how our seriously stupid forefathers planned to make Australia an ALL WHITE skinned nation.

This, while denied vigorously by all likely believers on the right of our political schism, including many in the Labor party, is still very much an active plan.

Active in that one can travel into the outback (OH! I WISH!!!) of our wide brown, and green land, and in ANY of the small Aboriginal Communities, from Gippsland in the south-east, to the Kimberly in the north-west, they'll find these Immortals are still left to live broken cultural and social and personal lifestyles, while, in towns not far away, there are white landholders living in exorbitant luxurious opulence, in virtual palaces. Usually, on huge acreages.

No-one can tell me that this is not a continuation of our SERIOUSLY BIGOTED 'white Astrayliar policy'.

The policy which has it's more recent roots in Oxford England's ridiculously rich boffins, led primarily by the deeply deluded 'Cecil Rhodes' who initiated the Oxford University's 'Rhodes' Scholar' qualification.

Our ALP prime minister of the 1980s, Robert J Hawke was/is a graduate of that Rhodes Scholarship, as is the current federal drOpposition leader Tony ('Tiny Habit') Abbott.

So, while Hawkie, then and now a favourite pollie of mine, was by no means racist, and in his term as PM did many most significant things for the Aussie Bleck Fellas, the latter, Tiny Habit of the Liberal Party, comes out with unbelievable statements and policy ideas from time to time, which cannot be seen as anything but racist hangovers from his days at Oxford.

Why am I champing-at-the-bit over Rhodesian racism?

It relates without doubt to the underlying attitudes which motivate the corporate and banking elites of Britain and Eurape, who, in the likes of Xstrata and their ilk, persist in trying to own every power facility on Earth.

These same Swiss-based, and other, corporations have done it with many many nation's water reserves and supply networks, and 'power', whether of the electricity-type, financial-type, weapons of mass destruction-type or security technology-type, is their fascination.

Especially when it is attainable over the rest of the Human species.

It is clear to most people in Australia that our governments-nay-parliaments are seriously manipulated by offshore powers, principally those psychos in the Eurape-based IMF.

Kevin Rudd's swift demise in June 2010 but one example.

The Great Gough Whitlam's ILLEGAL ousting in November 1975, another.

And, much further back, the criminal coup de ta of Governor William Bligh on January 26th 1808, another.

So as these examples attest, our national parliament is under perpetual siege by the FOREIGN forces of Britain and Eurape, and when it comes to GENUINE..., REALPolitik, we, the voting public, have no power or say.

So it has been these last couple of years in bad old New South FAILS!

This sell-off of the electricity assets of NSW, beginning in around August 2008, when the ALP idiot puppet premier Morris Iemma tried, but was swiftly ejected by the Righteous and more therefore Militant Electrical (and Allied) Unions, has never added-up, Mathematically, or Scientifically.

Neither does such a disempowerment of the People add-up fiscally, that-is ECONOMICALLY, unless we factor-in the possibility the earlier scenario I wrote about above, of utility infrastructure aging such that it all needed an HUGE updating, costing squillions?

Of course, in today's demonic deviousity as mentioned above, where overly rich bastards (overly rich FOREIGN bastards) can buy-out whole nations or so, 'oligarchy' being the descriptive term, oligarchs who actually OWN national armies - BIG armies - the tiny, and small players, such as NSW Premier Kristina Keneally, nor even the whole NSW political class, can do almost nothing to prevent more foreign takeovers.

As she and her mates in Macquarie Street are so welded (by foreign forces) to their ideology and Brit-Eurapean white-superiority dogma, the Most Proper Option, of dissolving our state parliaments altogether, and by Economic, Geological and Demographic Science reducing our three-tier system of MISgovernment down to a TWO-tier structure - Local Councils under a federal umbrella, without a nationwide People's Revolution, is never going to happen.

Now, I've just been engaged by a Local from here near Grafton, and I got angry.

So, I reckon it's time I drove somewhere else, because he's bound, as they are in New South Fails, to call the cops and bullshit to them that I'm mentally ill.

Good on ya' Ocker!

Wonder if he works for the NSW government?

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
