
President Mugabe of Zimbabwe & 21C Economics

25th August 2001
I write about the actions of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe, and the reactions from our corrupted plutocracy to his determination to exact some Land and Economic Justice in his country.
Last week two Liberal backbenchers opposed allowing Mugabe into Australia to attend CHOGM in Brisbane, suggesting he's a criminal for doing, more peacefully and at less cost to Human Life, what the original white settlers did to the indigenous Zimbabwians.
The whole world suffers under a cloud of ignorance about how best to distribute Land so all people's can live comfortably, happily and prosperously. Such Human Justice is a Natural thing. It's only manmade injustice preventing it.
The conservatives of almost every country are regularly exposing themselves these days, as the most unjust of politicians. They are, for that, the most active propagators of the most incorrect and dangerous, warmongering policies of Land Distribution the world has seen.
Christian white supremacist's of Washington, Westminster and Europe's plutocracy are under ever-increasing threat of exposure and dispossession of their ill-gotten gains. But the stranglehold they have on us is immense and very hard to release from our economic neck.
To speak out for land reforms is to be labelled a tyrant by those tyrants with the money and the media, which should trigger people's scepticism when they hear utter fools like the liberal backbenchers uttering such garbage.
Mugabe may be a tyrant. He may be unstable of mind. But he is doing the very thing which must be done worldwide if Humanity is to progress beyond this current period of social, economic and Spiritual turmoil. Land Reform for Human Justice.
If Mugabe is a tyrant, it is I suggest, because he knows very well, he must be "one mean Mother" while he faces the most tyrannical sections of the plutocracy, namely the British government and it's aristocrats, and all their filthy-rich global bedfellows, who have not the courage to address this age-old injustice of inequitable Land Distribution. It is to be expected he will be discredited by them, their media and moronic zombies in the conservative political parties around the world.
It is wholly wrong and untenable that anyone should denounce him or his actions. Especially when it is clear that the ancestors of those who denounce, were perpetrators of thieving the Land from it's rightful "owners" in the first place, when they invaded and plundered Africa as colonists.
But why stop with Africa? There is not one continent on Earth where these filthy cultural rapists from England, America and Europe haven't forced their way in and committed the worst crimes against Humanity. Principally the crime of taking people's Land from them.
The results we are still failing to cope with today, as manifest in denial of the most basic "Inalienable Human Rights" of secure shelter for billions of people, and the almost endless array of social, economic, psychological and Spiritual problems which arise directly from inequitable Land distribution.
Just and Equitable Land Distribution is the keystone for any serious social, political and even religious movement, which is why President Robert Mugabe must be allowed into Australia whenever he likes. Particularly to the CHOGM Conference.
For it is quite likely he has far more intelligent and honest comments to make than any of the other "white" plutocrats attending the conference, which is precisely why they and their conservative backbenchers want to silence him.
These two Liberal clowns condemn themselves to further political isolation by exposing their ignorance with their wholly divisive self-interested statements.
For at last it's known by the majority that the "Liberal" Party cares not about people taking any true steps toward "Liberation" of their Human Spirit.
Rather, in their white supremacist materialism they continue to inflict their upsidedown religious beliefs on all people, the only possible result being the incarceration of our Holy Spirit in their Mammonic prison, not at all It's "Liberation".
Were the Liberal Party of Australia not in it's deathrows, which is why they are kicking so much, I would suggest someone take them to court for misleading people with the Party's name.
It is the responsibility of all Australians, indeed, it's a global issue now, to stay Eternally Vigilant against such evil arising again.
Humanity has a future, only if it addresses head-on, the international crime of inequitable Land Distribution.
To that, President Robert Mugabe should be seen as a Champion of the Cause of Economic Justice, and should be made more than welcome when he arrives in Australia.
People should be informed of when he's due so we can cheer him off his aeroplane, and let him know there are plenty of people in this unjust country who know the truth and who applaud his stance against western plutocratic tyranny.
Yours for World Peace

Max No Difference

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