
We must accept Poor Migrants too, in 21C!

It's inspiring to see progress in the waking of the minds of our federal politicians, on immigration. Slowly, slowly we prompt our leaders with logic, reason and even, on occasion, from "On High", Spiritual Wisdom.

Naturally those embroiled in politics, finance and (self) defence, preclude themselves from understanding Spiritual Wisdom. So the Wise who receive it are, often unhappily, even for the sake of Serving, brought to redefine and sometimes reduce such Pearls to the chow of political wisdom.

Often this demands more than time and mental energy from our economists, politicians and academics than they have to properly consume it. Also, the necessary spoon of humility is never easy for them to hold.

But slowly-slowly they do, digest it and, humorous to the Self, burp forth as if the Wisdom originated within themselves. Once again, the Wise know otherwise. They know Spiritual Wisdom or, the Source, the Fountain, the Well-Spring of Spiritual Wisdom like the very Earth upon which Humanity lives and depends, is the exclusive property of no man or woman, but exists timeless, waiting for us to resource It.

Like Earth, Water, Fire and Air, Spiritual Wisdom will provide Humanity, all of Humanity, not just the 'Skilled" with every political, economic and academic strategy, policy and Teaching we will ever need to "grow" the national and international economy, and carry all of us, not just the skilled, to the Quality of Life worth aiming for.

To the Spiritually Wise, That Quality of Life is Within, Peace. Selecting migrants on the basis of "skills" is not, I repeat not even politically wise, let alone Spiritually Wise.

John Howard, Kim Beasley, if you cannot see, hear or feel this, it is time you both asap, ate humble pie, and asked.

9/03/00. Alice Springs

......for it doesn't take That to see the true form the agenda takes, of Howard-and-Ruddock' s old and new immigration policies, and in fact what they hide from the people of Australia.

In short, utter hypocrisy. Jeremy Seabrook's article (The Guardian Weekly Feb 17-23 pp13) entitled "Racists and hypocrites" pinpoints those elements in the policies of the British and European governments. Governments so quick to condemn Austria for allowing Jorg Haider's far right-wing "Freedom Party" into coalition with the leading "People's Party" of Wolfgang Schussel.

In seeing the similarities in many right-wing European political parties and the sub-textual policies of the Australian government, it is impossible to not ally the word "racist" with the Australian Liberal Federal Government, and in correctly interpreting ALP policy over the years, to them also.

Importantly however, a "White Australia" policy, or as it happened, an "Anglo-centric" immigration policy was in fact extremely sensible in the early days of what everyone knew would become a large and vibrant Nation. It was sensible because the most attention had to be in the early preparatory years, decades, even centuries of the nation-to-be, so as to establish a coordinated base of administrative infrastructure etc. But now the usefulness of those attitudes have long passed their expiry date, and in general are deeply damaging to all and any Human Being.

However, this does not lessen the Aborigine's case for better treatment by whites.

The judgemental error in how the invading British decided to mistreat Indigenous Australians, was quite typical of most British and European imperialist forces of that era, which offers no excuse, and rather than lessen the need for someone to be accountable, intensifies the need to establish where the incorrect "western" attitudes first arose.

My own inquiries (on the backs of many reputable researchers) take us back at least as far as the 4th Century AD to the "Councils of Nicea", of the AD 320s, chaired by the Roman Emperor "Constantine" (the 1st Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, albeit on his deathbed!) I've heard it said that the ancient Greek Philosopher "Plato" is to blame. Another is that it's all Eve's fault.

Perhaps so. I guess the reality is, it's all academic now.

But in reviewing the track record of the most dominant culture, western materialism, it is plain that some serious revision needs to occur, purely in order to identify and expunge the toxic biases from those who still hold intolerant racist, sexist, creedal, nationalist and political beliefs.

Nevertheless, I stray.

Once, racist beliefs were the best a bad bunch could come up with, but today, for better or for worse, priorities have changed, from "race " to "riches ", if any "priorities" are to be defined.

"Australia welcomes skilled migrants! "

"How else can these people obtain the skills we recognise and accept, other than from being wealthy enough (usually very wealthy) in their home nation to afford the appropriate education? " The Australian public is left to speculate on the reasons for accepting only the "skilled", read "wealthy ".

I put it that in fact one reason is because they are prepared to bring their questionably acquired wealth with them.

Yum-yum eh Johnny?

Second; because the wealthy, no matter where, usually are wealthy because they accept and adopt corruption.

Another "tick" from Johnny.

Third; wealth, or the adopting of the materialistic lifestyle, demands the person becomes "sophisticated" ie., deceptive, misleading, and "specious" ie., "apparently good but without real merit".

These traits, not talents, not qualities, it is no surprise, are praised by the world's upper classes and ruling elites. The very sophisticates who work ceaselessly through their political, media and advertising juggernauts on dividing public opinion, and who retreat to their econo-graphic fortresses when war breaks out between the divided plebs.

We haven't seen this scenario in Australia yet, but the recipe, strategies, policies and teachings are exactly the same.

Whether we talk about immigration, taxation, employment, Land Rights, international relations, education and last but very much indictable, Religion, the policies are exactly the same!

Classist, racist, all-corrupting and born in the witches cauldron "think-tanks " of anti-Spiritual fascism.

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