
East Timor - the Asian Centre for Green Technology!

East Timor - the Asian Centre for Green Technology!
Thurs 17th July 2008.

With the western push to bring an auto industry to E.T., I counter with the public's response to news of climate change and want to Green-Lighten (©!) their footprint!

The big automaker industry is shaking from guilt, and new directions it knows it's going to have to take, pro-Green.

So, if the carmits HAVE to invade E.T., then go lateral and look at the Concept of Offering E.T., the Opportunity of establishing Asia's, the world's first Green Technology Nation, where, from the start of infrastructure construction, through housing and Community Development, and in the automaker's case, the ALLGREEN AUTO!, of Green Highways, streets and city-urban design/demographics, are given the "Cultural Priority" they deserve.

The auto industry has an interesting group psychology - too much petrol-sniffing while guzzling beer - bad mix of drugs, yet..., ...like taking to a motorbike as a youngster, I did so as much for the YYYEEEHHAAA?!!? as for it being efficient, cheap, fun, quick (NO trafficjams), even Green and alround Practical.

The differenter the better!

Lateral perhaps extreme-Lateral is the path the auto industbindry will need to take, if they'se gonna ride-over the class-actions that don't seem to be happening, and the looming-lack-of-luxury-lucre for the junk-quality mainstream "we'll give you what WE want you to want!" type shapes to move-around-in?

Its a dark paucity of intelligent foresight to let an organisation become so entrenched in immovable infrastructure and design parameters, that it is unable or afraid to read the BIG Picture and 1, determine the outside changes and adaptations the inside must make, and 2, to actually Adapt.
(OH!? Remember B.S.A! Vincent! Norton!)

E.T., thus comes to mind, cause they need, it seems, to become a part, a trading part of the wider world.

As the wider world has been soaking in western ungreen-ness for centuries, why make MORE, in a Garden State like East Timor?

Regard autos, I say give them the industry "Nod" to explore ALL-AND-ANY Green options in the business of moving small numbers of people around.

Animal Power strikes me as an awaiting market bonanza when that bush mechanic entreprenuer mixes short horses on a modern technogeared "back-of-the-Kombi" treadmill!

WILD! Yess!

It's the "conventions" that're dragging the planet and OH-NO the industry down!

The ethanol drinking and sniffing auto visionaries need a course of reefers pronto, and grow with the survival technique REALITY that its a chance that the industry may in 10 years be making and selling products now looked at as impossible to profit from!

If one target awaits an AWAKE auto mafia, its the taxi industry.

Conventional car design fails in inner urban/city settings for taxis, and if a lobby lobbed a lolly at arliament, a new ergo-Green-spacesaver-spaceage taxi could be on the road nationwide in a few years. I say I say.

Timor the Green, would logically be given the Green-he-he-Light on a hemp-based-plastics R-&-D Centre, and even the go-ahead on developing the Greenest way to grow, smoke and process hemp on industrial scales.

Ironing-out the bugs on local roads, for your - the auto giants - own global Green-auto product and visions!

Local meaning as neighbournations.

EVRYWUN'D go "AAah!" when your ads come-on, cause you genuinely and enviro-friendly helped a young Timor L'este into the world of trade and International Relations, gave them a Green economic base of security upon which they can "Specialize" and attract Green-specialist researchers and industrialists, rocketing Timor L'este up the Global Good-Guys List, you moved with the need and call to adapt Greenly, you saved Timorle' from a fate worse than the western suburbs, western suburb POLLUTION!!!, you redeemed your sinful selves, by not only changing, but by leading us out of the drain you've been driving us into these last auto-100 years.

...and Oh-yess!

the class actions swerved passed you and flew head-on into the mining industry!

Well done! General!

Lateral, girls, Lateral!

So? Can you deliver my REWARD for this needle to your corporate rump to my forest humpy?


Max Earth.
Outlaw for Global Land & Drug Law Reform.

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