
Here's Hopin' Hilda Solis Brings Solace

Here's Hopin' Hilda Solis Brings Solace
Comment on NYT article;
by Max Earth

Wed 25th Feb '09.

Hilda Solis, new Labor Secretary for Barack Obama will likely have a poster with the slogan “It takes a woman to do a man's job!” or such from the “Libbers” of the 1960s, '70s and on, up on a wall in no time, aye?

Tough number Hilda?

Very tough... and I wish you and the Team all the Best, aye!

Having set my life to divining the best social conditions for Humanity on Earth, I see labor and employment in a very different Light to most.

At this time in the Earthly Sojourn for we Humans, there's a lot going on, most of which we haven't fully come to terms with, broadly speaking.

Even the best sociologists fall silent when we are asked to “picture” how we SHOULD live.

Liberal freedoms have loosened our once autonomic disciplines against dishonor and against believing there is still extant the notion of “Justice”...., as the delusional world of our lawyers ignore it.

As the vast majority of people in the USA, as much as the people in Australia, are corrupt – not in Heart, merely in order to survive in an inherently atrophying, degrading, corrupting culture and system – they are also set very much into certain patterns of life, specific to the western world and to the USA, though corruption has the same effect anywhere we go.

Corruptions which have grown and entrenched themselves into the general psyche over centuries.

Much of the average American's time, attention, money and culture goes into the job of work.

Work - a naturally-evolving system of keeping the average Joe fed, clothed, housed and drunken stupid while they work beyond what's reasonable to earn enough to pay back to the thieving elites their multiple and complex taxes.

Work - a way of keeping the masses occupied that-is 'distracted' instead of discovering their own Inner Nature, and instead of discovering that the whole game of employer/employee is a cruel fraud upon the species generally, manipulated over eons for the advantage of the heartless most powerful of the world.

Work, a method of forcing the applying employee to surrender all morals and ethics to the company or industry creed, to ignore feelings of deep guilt for having to find work in polluting, beads-and-trinkets industries, whose senior management have absolutely NO Ethics, when it comes to employee conditions, false marketing of their products, planned obsolescence, waste in packaging, low wages, etc.

Work, a means of feeding and clothing the richest 10 percent, on the backs of those who labor.

Hilda Solis, if she is to fall into step with the President, and fit into the momentum for “CHANGE” we are hearing from Washingmachinetown, is obliged to try to step back a light-year or two so she can see the bigger picture of what we all have come from in socio-political senses, the chaos we have now, and the extreme measures, measures of the Most Moderate Middle Road in Fact, she and her departments will have to popularize nationwide and worldwide, if she and the Mixed Race House are optimistic beyond the public addresses that they and America CAN DO what's needed.

What's REALLY needed. And that..., may NOT be what the People want to hear?

Realizing too late that fancy machinery and a trash culture is not worth dying for, Americans will save themselves and the planet for their progeny, by taking a goood grip on the reins of the galloping horse of their desires, and turn their employee talents toward the opposite trend of downsizing and agrarianism, with a luvly deeep Green tinge.

Hilda Solis! Imagine for a moment how stable inflation would be, how affordable and stable house prices would be, how stable employment would be, how honorable the BANKS would be, if the masses didn't have to pay three times the value of the Land they under-occupy (60% of life is at WORK!), but merely had to pay their Taxes, in the form of the Land Rent, at the True Land Value, not the speculated-upon price?

Imagine if the average Joe didn't have to cheat anyone to feel secure in their homes, and didn't have to slave at three jobs for the apartment rent.

Imagine if environmentally and ethically BAD industries and companies could not get employees, because the employees had morals and/or found work in Green and Ethical places.

Imagine if the masses were not consumed by the uneconomy of the single family household struggle to do right by the wife and kids, for 20 to 25 years.

Labor is pretty-much all forced labor today, and when the returns and rewards for the exertion are not there, and are not perceived as being there in the foreseeable future, the dramatic increases in unrest amongst the penniless mob that we will see in the next months, many among them who were recently happy home owners in middle class middle management jobs and professions, will literally explode into complete social breakdown.

So..., Hilda Solis' job will the toughest in the nation.

Labor, in a place like America, is entirely entwined with the industries it, labor, supports. Industries with broadly general mindsets as to what a job is for, what the object of the work at the workplace is, what level of consideration each must give to what they are doing.

Most all of it is tied-up with the endless propaganda surrounding the “American Dream” ideology.

Daringly, one wonders what is in the minds of the Average American when it comes to the rather ridiculous idea of a national “Dream”.

Surely it's not scraping and doing-daily-shonky-deals to afford a piece of dirt amidst suburbs of crime, drug abuse, and general social insanity?

Most people like the idea of a back veranda, and the family calming down with the sunset and a cool drink. Most people dream of their own little ranch with a long view and a Happy Family, away from the throng. If most people could afford a little ranch outback growing their own food etc., without having to pay their life's savings to a rip-off land merchant, most people wouldn't care a hoot whether their name was on the title or not, just so long as the Local Land Authority managed it, and private banks had nothing to do with it.

“CHANGE” has to come to everything Humans do, from now on, and the time spent which is most influential in how we live, culturally, is in the workplace.

But few if any workplaces in the likes of Australia or America today are at all Ethical, to the point of doing the “All Things Considered” Math we must, to assess what our Best Path is from here forward.

Inspiration AND OPPORTUNITY has to come from the “jokers-up-top”, by loosening the ropes around people's necks, at both ends of the economic spectrum. (Umm? Metaphor?).

Labor, has to be steered in a new direction. Away from consumerism, to self-sufficiency.

As Hilda Solis would well know, labor and self-sufficiency are made most efficient in the gulag.


AND..., a cigar...

Ummmm....., With today's internet and learning technologies available, the unemployed workforce of the USA could be transformed asap into a perennial sustainable Nation of honest and relaxed Patriots, Happy and Qualified to Guide the Planet through the coming multifactorial storm.

Hardliner mainstreamers who fear moving away from a deadly consume-for-consumptions-sake society, to an Honest and psychologicly Healthy one, really have to have a lookie at their beliefs and long term aspirations.

So too, will the educators.

And the lawyers....

AND the medico's............

AND..., let me say....., SO TOO WILL HOLLYWOOD!

And where's that film telling THE TRUE STORY OF JERRY FLETCHER! Mel Gibson??? while I'm on Hollywood?

I dare ya!

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