
Every Church and Cop in Australia is a Failure!

Following yesterday's blog about the Pope's visit and speech to Jordan....

Every Church and Cop in Australia is a Failure!

I wonder if senior police in Australia ever get together and have an honest 'chinwag' about whether their work is generally successful, or not?

Personally, I doubt it. It would clearly demand tooo much of what they are dead scared of – HONESTY, in terms of having to state the OBVIOUS - “We have failed on almost every level and account!”

This is clearly never going to happen, at least in Australia, and especially not in New South Fails, er Wales, because since 26th January 1808, INTEGRITY, etc, have been banished from the whole population, to the extent that they, the policing forces, are incapable of doing any worthwhile thing toward SAVING the Planet's environment from those they protect, and for once NOT, looking after their own pearly-white backsides.

As the Science pours-in from every reputable Scientific Institute on Earth, telling humanity that in essence, we, that-is, the elites of the world – US – we opulent and spoiled white-skins of the west, have ruined the planet, one wonders whether ANY members of the world's police (AND Military) forces are capable or in the least interested in facing the fact that they and their force are abject, nay evil failures?

Clearly the armies of guntotin' forces who have been protecting the elite of military, business, governance and social affairs for at least 16 centuries (well, 'guntotin' for about 2 centuries), are the planet's hex, for they have protected and condoned the most destructive military, social, financial and governing beliefs and mechanisms ever, thus making it impossible for thinking citizens, who on occasion want nothing more than to HELP their society, to express their Wisdom to the masses.

So, the quality of politics, and thus Community, is reduced to the anti-intellectual level of gutter pigs, ergo..., brutal, macho, anti-intellectual force.

Now, on the head Catholic's publicity campaign to the losers of the Middle East::- “losers” is how I believe the elite forces in Britain and Eurape see the Arab and Islamic Cultures and People.

'Publicity campaign' because I believe the “west” as it were, Britain and Eurape in essence, but the United States of America must be included, and therefore it's little brother Astraylia, is/are waking-up to the FACT that their awry and insane cultures, whether British, French, German, Roman or American, et al, are indeed awry, to the extent that they are the ones responsible for setting the cat amongst the Peaceful pigeons of the world, ie., amongst the Wise, Balanced, Harmonious Aborigine Cultures of pre-christian, pre-colonialist land-grab insanity.

So they send the elite's spokesman, Pope Benedictus 16, out to those regions to mollify, the likely backlash which is coming to them.

It must be said that Benedictus spoke of corruption and “ideological manipulation” as being responsible, for the strife we are now all embroiled in, responsible for the degradation of religion in general.

Well done!

However..., with his noble attempt at getting to the crux of the doom, he has left himself and the whole Christian world open to inquiry as to where exactly the corruption has it's roots.

If Pope Benedictus and the Catholic world are serious about remedying the specie's troubles and impending extinction, then are he and they strong-of-mind enough to expose the underlying corruption of the Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, or Jesus, as occurred in the 4th century Rome-led “Councils of Nicea”,which terminally perverted the Truth JC was trying to teach, and thus corrupted the cultures of first Britain and Eurape, then of the whole world?

Are they prepared to address the fact that what grew out of Roman Emperor Constantine's political takeover of the original cult following of Jeshua ben Joseph -- the holy Roman Empire --, so seriously massacred all Humanity's chances of Living a Holy Life, in a Spiritual world?

Can they address the facts surrounding the errant empire, facts of their power-Souls-and-land grab, and the denigration of each person's inherent Spirituality?

Can they address the fact that the religious powers of the west, mainly Catholicism and Protestantism, have so lost the plot that the Peoples under their draconian governance and advice are further from any Spiritual Reality than ever, and are set on an irreversible course to planetary annihilation?

And, can the policing and military commanders of the western world face the facts, the EVIDENCE, that says they are the ones responsible for Law and Order failures which now determine that the whole of the Earth is doomed?


Religious desperation.

Ancient masters, passing from life-to-life, hypnotizing masses of Souls, chaining minds and men (AND women) to anti-intellectual behavior, like the “scratched record”, like “soap opera” re-runs, mindless, they repeat the same destructive thoughts and activities day-on-day, decade-on-decade, giving only to the destruction of the only planet, the only True Mother Humanity has.

Surely, with Benedictus's stating that religion has become corrupted by politics, a Full and Proper Inquiry must be held into Jewish and Christian dogma?

Ahum....? Christianity has been terminally corrupted for 1700 years. By ROME!

What happens, therefore, to the legitimacy of Rome, of the Vatican, if they DO THE MATH, and seek to rectify 1700 years of the fundamentally corrupt Catholicism-read-Christianity-in-general?

What, of the cults of churches and synagogues of 'Christianity and Judaism, would we recognize, if the necessary root-and-branch CORRECTIONS were properly embraced and implemented into all monopolist religious cults?

Short of nuking Rome, and perhaps Eurape, perhaps all bishops, priests and the pontiff, should, as penance for being hypnotized fools, be ordered to deconstruct the walls and structures of 1st, the Vatican, then all other “sovereign” church property, by hand, brick-by-brick?

Great opportunity awaits in such a task for the clergy of an horribly corrupt belief system, to at the same time Practice the Art of Still Mind Meditation, at-once deconstructing the deadly flaws and outright lies entwined in their minds and cult beliefs.

The True Irony of a deconstructed and Rectified western church and it's erroneous belief system of religious centralization, is that, done Properly, the cults, as we know them, would cease to exist.

As “God” would have it!

As “western” Humans are generally fearful, cowardly and stubborn, preferring “the devil we know...,” how would we, Humanity, effect any such reparations without the assistance of Honorable Military and Police forces?

If the saying “As above, so below” has any credence, then clearly, the troubles which keep the masses afraid to stand-up and be prepared to die for an Honorable Society, have their origins in the higher powers, be-they of this world or of the Astral and Higher Realms.

The very realms the clergy of the world are charged with keeping Humanity in Harmonious Communion with?

There can be no doubt, that as a race, as a species blessed with obvious superior talents to the rest of the animal Kingdom, Humanity has FAILED.

Where should the Inquisition begin.....?

Prognosticating as I am want to do, Reason and Logic states that we must begin at the most Local level, in our own Souls, and seek with “...all our, Mind, all our Heart, all our Soul AND with all our Might...” to delete all unsubstantiable theories, opinions and beliefs about exactly WHAT we are here to do, how we are supposed to Live, and how we all are able to Commune with the Most Superior Power of the God Within.

But this is disabled by the terror of errant cops, courts and legal institutions forcing errant laws-thus-demands upon our mind, time, society and the Land we need, enforced by the most seriously errant cults of western thought and wealth-oriented activity.

Well done whitey!

To rectify corrupt religion, we must ensure the enforcers of culture, the police and military, have been purged of their own chaotic feudal, myopic and corrupting delusions.

So, I ask again..., I wonder if senior police in Australia ever get together and have an honest 'chinwag' about whether their work is generally successful, or not?

As I am forced, again by errant and apparently irreparably corrupt New South Welsh society and police to leave the northern rivers region of NSW I've struggled in for eleven years, I ask all their Police and Military and religious Commanders to stop pressuring me to do the work THEY are charged with doing, which is to keep Law and Order in the People and in the Lands.

That police, their 'society' and my own criminal and dangerously deluded mother, in warped collusion with her out-of-date convent nuns, insist on making my life unbearable, purely and simply because you are obviously all lost sheep, thus know NOT where to look for Solace, for Freedom, for Justice and for a more Peaceful world, it is clear my life is as good as over, wasted, destroyed, by religious and legal corruption, therefore I hold little hope of having Australians and the plague of Brit-Eurapean 1st world tourorrists (here as much to snap-up a real estate bargain) leaving me alone so I might try to repair my Soul.

Thanks again, blimbo's.....

Because of YOUR intellectual failings, I am now unable to find a private place to live, where curious cats will not be evil idiots and come from afar to plague my Soul with your perverted and dangerously corrupt abuse of your supernatural powers.

In the end, it is far better that each of us arrest our curiosity with the world around us, for one, it will be gone soon, and two, it is the wrong way if we are seeking to be free of this disastrous man-made world of mass mental illness.

And in the end, it is far better to dissolve our own delusions, than to have someone else totally destroy everything we need to survive and grow closer to Inner Purity. For that is what white, western religious corruption is bringing down on the heads of all life on Earth, and is what the devil will do while we remain entranced with right-wing racist, superiorist, capitalist delusions of mememe-first.

Rather than assaulting me for my own failings, and for the insanity you prescribe to, which runs western society, in-no-small-measure managed and manipulated by the themselves deeply insane Judaic and Christian cult 'professions' of “psychology and psychiatry”, better that People find Courage and Integrity in themselves enough to be prepared to “...MAN THE BARRICADES...!”, to the death wherever necessary, to STOP THE ROT of their own world.

Occasionally in New South Fails, we witness rebellion against the dominant tyranny, be-it as seen in the “Star Hotel” episode Jimmy Barnes sings so Heartfully about, or even the violence displayed toward police in places like “Macquarie Fields” et al. Typically, the rebels are rounded-up and disarmed of their Righteousness by the bent law-keepers, and any fermentation of Righteous Indignation amongst the masses is nipped in the bud.

But, not seeking to start a revolt against the structures, these rebellions fail because we are Spiritually busted, and do not know how a Wise and Strong Society, thus the persons within it, SHOULD Act.

Were Australians not dumbed-down so much, by corrupt government and religion, and were not made so selfish, thus ignorant of their own Duties to their own Peoples and to their own Lands, serious, Righteous and Truly Just Law and Religion could be given the Places they belong in our Hearts and Minds, thus in the streets, fields and forests of Australia.

While the officers enlisted to “Keep the Peace” cannot organize themselves and their communities into being Disciplined and Organized, based on Good Laws, we are all doomed.

“Good on yer, occifer!”


Good on yer, Christian, Catholic, Protestant and Jew.

The “Chosen Tribe” indeed!

One word summarizes the performance of all Australian authorities of the last 201 years -- pathetic!

Yes indeed.., Every Church and Cop in Australia is a Failure!

More..., they are destined to be cast into Hell for their miscreant attitudes and behavior.

"Hoo-ray!" Sing the Righteous......

But, if we wait, Hell will come to our own world REAL SOON!

So...? How can the People help to reduce the decline of the Human worlds?

Tell every police and military officer you see, they are "PATHETIC!"

Sorry, Commander Lyons, of Lismore police, for Speaking the Truth.

Sorry New South Fails, for Talking True about YOU.


Omaxa bin Eartha.

King of Outlaws, for
Global Land, Tax, Cult and Drug Law Reform.
Reforests of Godolonia,




for Earth's REALPolitik and Poetry!

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