
E-ssay to Iran's Opposition Leader, post-election

Here's an e-ssay I just sent to Iran's political opposition Leader, Mr Mir Hossein Mousavi

Iran's 2009 election
5pm AEST
17th June 2009.

Hello Mr Mousavi!

I'm Omaxa bin Eartha, a part-Australian Aborigine, and a Global Outlaw for Good political change, writing to you from the reforests of Australia.

I, as many here have watched the election affair in Iran, and am concerned of what may come of it, for your Iranian People, and for the rest of us.

Whether in the Middle East, in the USA, in Australia or other nations, political elections are full of conspiracies, real and imagined. Voting for one side or the other seems to matter little today, in these supposed “Democratic” times.

Long ago I realised that it is not “who” one votes for, but “what”. And in the final analysis, it all comes down to economics-versus-Economics. Imagined, or contrived economics versus Real Economics. (Recommended reading: “Social Problems” by 19th century American “Henry George”.)

However, in Australia, as everywhere, there is a general refusal by all our parties and political candidates to bring this perhaps subtle distinction to the fore, and break-it-open for public inspection, as-it-were.

From my little insight into Iranian political issues, as you appear to be as-they-say “pro-western”, I ask you to be ready for the things I say, for I am rather radical in western political terms, albeit that I have a reputation of being something of a “King-maker”, in Australia and elsewhere on the planet.

It was interesting though not surprizing to view photos, in the western media, of the anti-government protestors in the days after the election, showing in one of them, a very pretty and “modern-dressed” young woman, centre of pic, holding an “A-4” sheet of paper, a printed leaflet saying “WHERE IS MY VOTE”. Another was of an older woman with another A-4 sheet, which read “THIS WAS NOT AN ELECTION! THIS WAS A SELECTION”.

So what, aye? The second example is as likely quite true, but this is now the case across the world. It's just that most of us in the “spoiled” western world are generally far too “comfortable and relaxed” (or frightened by the Illuminadi) to kick-up a fuss about “rigged” elections.

The two elections in the USA which put and returned GW Bush to the President's chair in 2000 and 2004 were blatantly obvious in being “hijacked” by his subversives.

This surely has most of us ask ourselves “why bother?” if it's always predetermined.

Well, perhaps like yourself, some of us are “driven” to make an effort, in the Hope that it will make a difference. And certainly, some of us DO make a difference, and/or some of us fool ourselves that we can.

What concerns me about your Iranian elections this last week, is that it was apparently, more about having the nation become more westernized, than growing closer to a Properly governed nation.

You Sir, are surely a man of the world nowdays, and would be familiar with the good and bad aspects of “western” culture. Having lived only in the west, travelling in my early 20s to Britain, Europe and the USA, then back here, and having taken an interest in politics, the environment and other generally important issues, but from a “global” perspective, rather than from a parochial one, it is painfully clear to myself that the “west” is not all roses, and that indeed, more of it is a global “negative” than a collective “positive”.

We can see that many voters in the last USA Presidential election had come to see it the same or similarly, and finally the “States” put into office perhaps the most intelligent President thus far. At least since the 2nd world war.

Whether-or-not the USA can go the full distance in terms of the changes they and the planet need, to avert a broadscale and multifactorial “meltdown”, is yet to be seen. But you'd agree that that nation, is quite good at doing what most others would find impossible. “Only in America” is a well-known saying, albeit often in response to some outragious event or product or such.

Having only lived in developed nations, I accept that it is easy for me to “bag” our modern ways, and that it is easy and all-very-well for me to call to third-world and under-developed nations and peoples to reject the temptation of modern technological and sophisticated products and lifestyles, while those in the less “fortunate” regions suffer terribly from simple deprivations.

But as in Iran, nations which are struggling to keep-up with global developments too often are swept-along by the propaganda they receive, and fail to see the flaws of too-fast-a-step into the future.

None of the “modern” inventions and conveniences the first world has produced, and tempts the rest with, come without a price, and not merely a monetary price. Encouraging Iran to join the modern world of hi-tech and sophistication without each Iranian individual's own serious introspection about the possible “negatives” will bring disaster to all of you, I promise you.

Examples of such headlong rushes and sudden collapses abound across the planet, beit in the font of the “industrial revolution” in Britain itself, across the channel in Europe, in most all Asian countries, as well as in places like the Ukraine, west of Russia, where a pro-western candidate was “(s)elected” only to, soon after, have things go quite awry, which has effected the whole nation.

We generally hear little or nothing of these kinds of negatives after-the-fact, via our mainstream global (western-controlled) media, who have a predeliction for the Bush Administration's mantra of “MOVING FORWARD!” because they have not the courage, humility and integrity to honestly review their previous errors, and take genuine steps to ensure they do not repeat themselves.

However, this is one major reason the world is now “captured” by this competitive mode of politics, because it enables the real powers-that-be to wash-over the errors by letting the voters think they are able to choose a better alternative. As in Australia, it is really just “a-change-of-guard”, where no genuinely effectively corrections are made. The “knobs” on top of the pile remain up there, abusing, corrupting, subverting Truly Progressive politics, to their own egocentric, indeed, most-often “psychotic” agenda.

So, I ask you, and your “advisers” “spin-doctors”, sponsors and promoters, to think hard about these facts. For “Progressive politics” is a catch-phrase even the most conservative masters readily abuse, to fool those they care nothing for, and so-as to avoid having to face themselves and in reality see how “mentally ill” they themselves really are.

I was once a fairly religious kind of person. But today, regard religion as another form of “materialistic” escapism, abused by those “on-top” to stay there, and again, avoid facing their own deceptions, delusions, fears and dangerous addictions.

However, I do Respect those who can keep to that all-important dedication and sincerity, and by it, are able to remain above the temptations to consume that which does no good for them in the long run, and especially that which does no good for the family, clan, nation or planet, in both the short and long terms.

By far the majority of the goods, services, inventions and conveniences the “west” is only to eager to “offer” your pro-western supporters, will bring an horrendous cost to your families and Communities not-so-much-farther down the track. I promise you.

In my thirty years of interest in politics, local and global, it's become clear that with the modern junk of hi-tech sophistry, the costs are quite deliberately kept in “low-profile”, and they rear their ugly heads in very hard-hitting ways. These costs are just that, for they are found in monetary policies as per those, for example, the western banking system forces upon fast-tracking nations, eager to “play catch-up”.

Interest on loans, speculative finance on the most important basics, such as on land (my main political issue), and the other necessities each person needs to properly and fully develop themselves and to grow-up a Balanced, Intelligent, Healthy and Happy Family/Community, and Nation. A Sound, Philosophical and Honest Education being Primary.

The “trappings” of our “modern” society are all-too-often dangerous temptations, luring the desirer into that pit of never-having-enough. This breeds what we have in the west, an out of control populace, who will take to the streets to demand ridiculous and clearly unsustainable things, both political and material, without any clarity of mind to perceive the dangers therein, and the dangers they will inevitably bring to either themselves or to their children, or to their children's children.

So, Mr Mousavi, I ask you to call your supporters to take-it-easy in their demands for “CHANGE” as President Obama ran-on last year.

For one, Mr Obama's mantra was employed to put the brakes on unrestrained consumerism, over-development and unregulated finance, “credit” and government policies, because the majority of his supporters in the USA were aware of the science which spoke volumes about what such so-called (by “conservatives!) “Progress” had done and was forecast to do to their nation, and their planet.

Those who insist on “free societies” and “free markets” and de-regulated governmentation etc, are always soon-enough exposed as being nothing more than selfish fools, with little or no True Intellect operating.

It is this type of “fallen” character, which Good Religion, Good Islamic Religion for one, helps keep in check, or, is there to dispell from, the minds and hearts of the People, and their Community.

But in this age, Good Religion must act to enable Sound Reason and Science to find the Proper Balance in the individual's Soul, and thus across their Society and Nation.

Technology is not all bad (Hark! Laptops are Glorious!) but it is ever a threat to Intelligent Human behaviour, when it becomes both too desired and too demanding.

That'll do.

All the Best for yourself and for Iran!

Omaxa bin Eartha

Reforests of Australia

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