
Grow-up America!

The Republican fervor over ACORN, has exactly the same "driver" behind it, as what drove Jeshua ben Joseph, aka Jesus Christ to say, "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do", or in today's language "......for they know not that they are deeply hypnotized by saducees & pharisees of old, old orders & cults".

Dear, not-so old GW Bush & his buddies in the Illuminati, have known for quite a while what I mean......

THIS kind of reprehensible fanatical distortion of facts by the Glenn Becks, Rupert Murdochs and right-wing Republicans in the USA, IS PRECISELY what the rest of the world worries about, when the USA is putting on a show.

If no US Republicans are Courageous enough to Stand Forth and silence this knee-jerk rash of juvenile bruised Republican egos, who, when exposed as wrong, as-in the last US Presidential election, resort to perverted & totally irresponsible lies & exceedingly bad behavior, America's rising popularity world-round, will again plummet, as it did with the last "f---ing psychoes" (unquote Colin Powell) of the GW Bush Administration.

Take care, America! Those who misdirect these anti-ACORN, anti-Obama & racist protests will push you all down the drain & into another (civil) war, mark my words.

It may be worth noting how many anti-ACORN folk are too-ready to say that they are also "Christian".

JC warned about "the Sword" next time? Watch your back, Beck.

The above words I have just typed into the "Chicago Tribunes" COMMENT page, on the issue of anti-ACORN beat-ups by America's say-anything-for-a-buck Glenn Beck and other pro-Republicans.

It is so sad that people will do and say as they do, simply because they are in perpetual fear of losing their prestige, by losing the income's the devils of Rupert Murdoch and cabal are so ready to pay them.

THIS, is exactly the problem with free market capitalism as we witness exercised in the USA, because people are reduced to being and living in a totally moral-free zone, purely so they can earn enough to eat and be housed.

The hackneyed phrase about the market being the motivation for people to be constructive, inspired, inventive, etc, has many Merits, but they are false and empty if we do not take into honest and reasoned consideration the pitfalls of the same system.

Were all women assured of enough healthy food and a safe, healthy home environment in which to live, learn and grow a family, would any of them resort to selling their bodies to often uncouth, brutal and slothenly men?

Were all men assured of gainful, honorable employment, and an opportunity to honestly earn a dollar and invest in both a home and a family, would they resort to crime, brutality and perverted behavior?

If people were assured that they were able to live productive and secure lives, wherein they could find satiation and room enough to grow a family, and a peaceful circle of friends, would they resort to speaking utter lies?

This Glenn Beck jerk-off, and his sponsors and followers, must surely be of the generation who were hypnotized by the "charismatic" actor-President Ronald Reagan, while in their gullible teenage years?

It was, I'm reminded, Ronald Reagan who told his nation that "trees" were bad things????

Would Beck and coy argue in support of Reagan's delusional anti-trees line today?

But ALAS! The golden calf tribes ex-Israel have been active in the minds and Souls of America for a lot longer than this "Reagan generation", say what, Hollywood?

Say what, Monsanto? Say what, Richard Cheney?

Say what, Mormons? Say what (for balance) Catholics?

Glenn Beck! For America's sake, take a break, a long break, and spend the time to see if you can engage your over-active and base mind in the Higher Art of..... "Intelligent Thinking"? But be warned! That has to be prepared for, with long periods of practicing "Silent Mind Meditation"!

I know! I know! Keeping the mind desirous of "the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth" is antithetical to the work Rupert pays you to do.

But cungering bullshit does not, really, count as "Thinking". It's really, just a little bit silly, and a waste of brainpower, when it's all said and the damage is done.

Extremely silly when it puts the welfare of millions at risk. The welfare of those millions that the likes of ACORN work Honorably and diligently to improve.

Need you, and your sycophantic buddies be reminded, that those who are left to fall into the gutter, or into a draconian prisons system, where ACORN and the like find them, are the forgotten masses made-so by the same nation of yours, which purports to be...., Christian?

You Know Glenn, that religious cult who champions the Bloke who said things like "Love thy Neighbor as thy self" and "Love thine enemies"?

America is a Great place, and it is unworthy of you to reduce it and it's People to bickering, warring enemies of Intelligent Folk and enemies of the Eternal Wisdoms the Intellectually Awakened Mind can attain to.

While you're out there in the woods, looking for your own Reason (?), hug a tree or forty with your Soul, assuming Rupert lets you take it with you, when not in his coven-house?

I could go-on Mista Beck, but it is all most likely lost on deaf ears, aye?

Wealthy ears..., but deaf as a post, no doubt.......

Considering the vociferousness of the anti-ACORN protests, and the utterly untrue accusations flying right-and-right across the congress and senate and across the sensationalist American media, I guess we Pro-Liberty, Pro-Obama thinkers kinda expected a backlash from they-the-experts in backlashing.

Just how many of the protesters are actually engaged in the deeper debates going-on in America about things like Obama's Healthcare Reforms, or about the Veracity of the last Presidential election count, remains a question unanswerable from this side of the Pacific?

However, it is heinous that people like John McCain should make an issue out of "vote counts" in the LAST Presidential election, after the utterly corrupt 2000 and 2004 elections of GW Bush, where it was blatantly clear that Florida and the likes were riddled with criminal activities to falsify the result by the Republicans, GW's BROTHER, then Governor of Florida, no-less, and no doubt the disgustingly fiendish CIA of the day, etc etc?

"Chats"? "Chads"? Pathetically feeble voting machines and apparatus? ETCETERA! ETCETERA!

If I were anyone worth listening to, I would ORDER the USA Attorney General to put John McCain on Notice, that he and his last President and Vice President should prepare themselves to face a Supreme Court inquiry into the veracity of the 2000 and 2004 elections AS WELL AS answering questions about the veracity of the "intelligence" (hoho) which sent the USA to a criminal war in the Middle East.

War crimes??????

AS WELL AS, exactly WHAT they knew about the most serious attacks in history on American soil on the 11th of September 2001?

What DID happen to the wings of "Flight 93" when it apparently smashed into the Pentagon???

How come a flagging-in-popularity Donald Rumsfeld happened to be in the Pentagon at that early hour, to assume organization of the "rescue efforts", thereby redeeming his "reputation", and how come so many credible witnesses AND VIDEO of both the World Trade Center and Pentagon fly-ins tell very different stories to those the world was told to accept?????

And "Building seven? Building ten???

If I were Mr McCain, or one of his advisers, I'd be keeping my head VERY low, as these so-called "protesters" exercise their rights on Washington's streets!

Further to those protests, to those "rent-a-protests", it would be intriguing I am surrrre, to know how many of those marching on the streets, are in the employ of America's pharmaceutical corporations, seeking to kill-off any Just Healthcare for Americans, by hoping to unseat President Obama? The exceptionally Intelligent and Socially Considerate Barack Obama? The exceptionally Intelligent and Socially Considerate BLACK Barack Obama?

Or, perhaps the same should be asked about those marching, who are in the real estate industry, or in the stock markets industries, insurance industries, tobacco industry, etc, etc, ETCETERA!??????? Industries, many of which are led by multinational "OFFSHORE" corporations, based OH! LOOKIE THERE! in EURAPE!?!?!?!?

Is it not a little befuddling and ironic that the many who now protest against a very American President, who apparently vote Republican, might very likely be doing the bidding of FOREIGN, monarchist, or anti-Republic employers?

Gorr-blimey America! You are a complex nation, ain't ya?

But shit you make nice motorbikes!

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