
Lehman Bros and Deliberate DISorganization

Lehman's September 2008 collapse.

Last year's global financial crisis GFC has been attributed to bad organization in the Lehman company, across it's several departments and types of fund management sector branches.

Blame was also attributed to the US administration under President GW Bush and VP Dick Cheney, for having too little cross-departmental co-ordination and thus co-operation.
With the power to influence the world's economic balance almost however they wished, their Intellects became corrupted to believing chaos was good for their plans of domination. Serious delusion prevailed, when disorganization was implemented within their own departments.

This manufactured chaos is an old indeed CLASSIC subversive trick by MI6, CIA et al and our ruthless global elites. Whitehall has made it their business to “disorganize” whichever government they have dealt with, over the last several hundred years.

Thus, I put it, that the upper-hyper-market elites knew exactly what they were doing last year - “profit at all costs” was their unspoken mantra, a la '“end-of-the-world” scenarios where their upclub mobs, the “surviving 10 million”, fatalistic beliefs of the last US administration and their white Euro-influences in Wall Street', etc., had surrendered to the evidence which seems to say we have trashed the planet, there is NO HOPE, so let's PARTY over all Values and Ethics.

Soul-less Souls believing “WE CAN DO ANYTHING!” “we rule so can make and bend the rules to suit ourselves” mobs.

Knowing exactly what you're doing, doesn't make it GOOD.

They took the approach, that if it is impossible to change Humanity from destroying to repairing the planet, the proper analysis of the future, is that “all-is-lost”, and that it will become (as it always has been) 'survival-of-the-fittest' .

To them, the 'fittest' were they, and their economic and military might, as far as they could see it.

They may still be “the fittest”, in terms of ruining the world. We witness this in their taunts to forcefully assert their ideated superiority, a la August '09's Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Greame Samuel's “heavy fines for cartels” announcement, which was promptly followed with a taunt from a couple of multinational mega-corps, when Woolies/Caltex and another petro-corp ran blatant cartelian-looking discount offers.

Another example of the hubristic mockery of Australian Environmentalists' attempts at teaching the People to Respect their Country, was Repco's (auto product retailer) northern NSW car rally last week.

The “bad-comms” and “disorg” at Lehman's, bad-comms and disorg which were-and-still-are rife across all of the (western) world's banking systems, and throughout the last US administration, were full-blown weapons-of-subversion, for the off-shore mob of extreme-right-upemselves Brit-Euro elites, to keep creaming from the chaos.

In the game of winning in the upper echelons of global power, two plays are required. One is to ensure extremely “tight” security and organization within your own entity, political party, corporation, military force, football team, et al. The second is to do everything that can be done, without getting found-out, to disrupt, confuse, distract and disorganize any opposition.

In the first, the Prime factor in large orgs, for efficiency-thus-success, is the logical “economies-of-scale” concept, as waste is costly and will defeat you (and your Habitat) if not kept to minimums.

In the second, obviously “economies of scale” become one's enemy, if it is employed by the opposition, so it becomes imperative to disrupt, confuse, distract and disorganize the enemy as much as possible and where-and-whenever one can.

Such is “western society” today, by “disruption, confusion, distraction and disorganization” having us all splinter-off to either nations, ideological factions, new, competing companies, and, if subversion is successful, into the smallest sustainable groups possible - the “nuclear family housing model”, short, that-is of NO families, to where the individual (6.5 billion) lives without any group, and so without any group strength and support.

Clearly, individuals on our global scale of 6.5 billion (mmm..., 4 billion adults and near-adults), acting alone on the finite planet is the worst version of anarchy one could imagine.

But even with this chimera of the nuclear “family” of 2-point-2 adults per accommodation facility, our most dangerous inefficiencies overwhelm us, as exampled in almost every suburban area in the modern world.

Again, this maximum division of Community has been used to maximum effect, not by the genuine Community or national leaders, most of whom once at that level, are disempowered by megacorp incorp, ending in being spin-doctors for them, but by the leaders in global finance.

By a huge margin, the leader in THIS field of global domination for over 200 years has been the International Monetary Fund, the IMF.

The IMF once-upon-a-time called itself the British East India Company. The BEIC “company” was amongst the first to see the profits available in selling Opium to the west, as far back as the 17th century, and became the richest organization on Earth by the late 1700s, by trading opium.

In 1783, the BEIC actually bought the English government, er..., the ENGLISH PARLIAMENT out of bankruptcy with money from their enormous opium ventures in central Asia. A purchase which included BEIC gaining control over all the British government departments and services, including the mighty British military and naval forces. The parliament was broke from waging and losing it's war against the Rebels of the USA, who won independence from Britain in their 1776 War of Independence.

It's worth noting that in the 100 or so years after BEIC took over parliament, their plans and incursions into China and central Asia took-off in earnest. BEIC deployed the British Military and Naval forces to invade, decimate and conquer the world. The whole face of Asian Society was changed forever, and for the worse. Sustainable and oft' Ancient Local Agrarian Communities from today's Pakistan, east to the eastern Chinese coast were wiped off the map, so that the most damaging examples of enslavement and environmentally devastating broad-acre monocrop farming could mass-produce opium for export to Eurape.

Today's Afghanistan is the last enclave of that lucrative, and most perniciously corrupt “industry”.

This should make it clear enough WHAT the present engagement by NATO military forces in Afghanistan is in fact, all about.

It is also interesting that none have divined that, if the white invaders into Afghanistan were Genuine about stopping the global opium/heroin trade and markets, all they would have to do is to remove all laws making opium illegal. Naturally, the same types of unscientific, profit-driven laws should be removed from the Herb marijuana, and the natural medicant “Cocaine” et al as well.

With the literal “stroke of the pen”, enormous savings would be made in most all areas of Law Enforcement, in Afghanistan and right across the world.

A recent interview on ABC Radio had the credible interviewee tell the listener that only about ZERO-POINT-FIVE OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) of moneys made from the Afghanistanni opium production and trade, is made by the fiendishly evil “Taliban”, whom the zionist west is so intent on invading and destroying.

Another more recent radio chat told us that by-far-the-majority of the income made from opium poppies in Afghanistan goes straight to the higher, more powerful, (international, Brit-Euro) money managers. Lloyds of London. Barclays Bank. Credit Suisse. Bank of England, Israel, Luxemborg, and others, with clear inferences that the Afghanni President, Hamid Karzai, was the regional manager. But the next-in-line, for the three centuries of foreign administration of central Asia.

Nevertheless, 221 years ago, when England's “First Fleet” arrived in Botany Bay and proclaimed “the Great Southern Land” of Australia for Britain, it was in fact proclaiming the successful invasion and capture of Australia and Her Peoples, by AND FOR the BEIC. Then-and-now, the world's biggest and richest opium dealer.

As the privately-owned BEIC deployed the British military to invade, subvert and conquere India, China, and most points in between and on either side, they deployed the ratbag British military to cause chaos in Australia, both in their deliberate attempts of genocide against the Australian Aborigine, but also in BEIC's attempts to subvert any Ethical or Honorable designs by the British Crown to establish a “New World” run on actual “Just Laws” in Australia. Just Laws which held as a Priority, Respectful Treatment of the Aborigine and of their Lands. Indeed, analysis of the intentions for Australia by the English Crown, may well find that a very different model was sought, to what finally became of us “Antipodeans”. Properly instituted, and not subverted by BEIC's agent “Sgt John Macarthur” and his “Rum Corp” mob, Australia might well have become the first Socialist Democracy in the known world.

That the Aborigine and most pre-western Peoples had thousands-of-years-ago Divined that “Socialist Democracy” is the Natural and Most Proper, indeed “Most Godly” system by which to manage and govern their Tribes and Nations, is something our uptop upclub upemselves cheezey bleached-brained super-white inbred blimbos from THA NORTH refuse to recognize and Honor.

Thus for 221 years, 201 years since the most destructive legal move occurred here, Australians and their Aborigine and Native-born Land have been owned, as slaves and chattels, by the BEIC, or today's IMF.

There are suggestions that the BEIC was run by a cabal of Catholics. In 17th, 18th and 19th century Britain, there were serious plans by the dethroned Catholics of Britain to reclaim the throne which Henry the 8th had changed to the Anglicanism, after arguing with Rome over a divorce issue. As most are aware, the war between Catholicism and Protestantism still rages. In Australia no less, and right to the top of the class-political tree/pyramid. Labor is Catholic and the Liberals are essentially Protestant, with occasional variances like Tony Abbott filling in the wrong membership form.
The USA has the same cult division, with the Democrats having it's most support from the Catholic mobs, which says something (?) about the predominance of the Italian AND IRISH mafia in America from the early 20th century til now, and the “heritage” of the Democrats brimming with Catholics?

Republicans in the US have their own “Liberationist” aura and intentions distinctly Protestant, as in George W Bush's administration of unrestrained hubris, or further into “cult” behavior in the Freemasons, who are behind the fiction-based “Mormon” church and as well, are very-much mixed in the cement of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), started in the late 1940s by OH! The British Overseas Secret Intelligence Organization, MI6.

As Australia was “up-for-grabs” in the late 18th century, as Eurape, in London (Canterbury), Dublin, Rome et al were still reeling from the possible loss of north America (SHOCK-HORROR! “TO AMERICANS?”), many of whom were not interested in Eurapean cultism, it's not at all unreasonable to suggest that, while today, online, THEIR (Catholic) Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC pays tribute to a traitorous rogue, John Macarthur, John Macarthur was in the pay, or heavenly browny-points-pocket of the Catholics, seeking to create mayhem in the Anglican Crown's new back yard? But thus far, I have not established for a fact, cult involvement.

Brutal economics was the reality-name of trade in the last couple of millennia for all from Eurape and Britain, where, once acquiring enough booty and thus power, they made their own rules, and subverted anyone else's to suit their own purposes.

The economic “restructuring” we have seen on world financial stages of the last year, since “Lehman's” went belly-up, was the inevitable after-effect from such ideological and scientifically errant-in-the-extreme monetary policies. Policies of..., no-less than the IMF.

Thus, last years “meltdown”.

It is not until we have superseded these theoretical and horrendously unbalanced-read-CORRUPT economic policies and laws, with Scientific Economic Laws, (Scientific Economic Laws which the BEIC/IMF have near-totally exterminated from any government or parliamentary debate and policy), so that we are without this errant and aged belief system, which runs on imagination and not Science, not Divined Law, and definitely not on Intellect, that the path is cleared for Proper Laws to percolate to the top of the legal miasma, brought forward by Ethical People who Recognize, Understand and Honor that “we (all) have a Duty to do what we can, to minimize the carnage”.

“Not just for 'our 10 million', but for All of Us.”

Proper Laws, become our Governor.

All Things Considered, the most effective Step for all governments to take, is to harmonize with Knowledge of Root Laws, disseminate them free to all, and organize economic policy “wonks” - council, department and corporate heads, et al, locally-to-globally, operating as a sub-internet, along these Principles.

“ROOT” Scientific Economic Laws about Human-to-the-Land relationships.

In internet comms; interactive for the Public, online viewing of council and federal department meetings and governmentation debates, decisions, etc.

Almost too idealistic!

The market runs Beautifully on Honest, Scientific Economic Laws.

Just like the jet-airliner runs well on Scientific aerodynamic, chemical, metallurgical and an ORGANIZED combination - THAT IS “AN ORGANIZED Combination..” of other Scientific Laws.


It is corrupt laws which keep us all disorganized and susceptible to personal, social and Habitat collapse.

On the other hand, Organized Humanity could very-near stop having babies for five years, to reduce the over-population?

If Earth's idiots could do that, what Reparative Successes await us in terms of rescuing the planet's Environment?

DO YOUR MATHS!ssssssss.......

If you want your kids and theirs, to live......

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