
Parliamentary “Obstructionist Watch” needed.

“Obstructionist Watch”

Responsible Journalists have a duty to critique, on an ongoing basis, the federal Opposition's “obstructionist behaviour” which display clear party-politic, Murdoch media and conservative offshore interest and bias.

Thus far, the Opposition Lib/Nats have been ridiculous, ridiculously wrong and juvenile in their “word association” and simplistic messages campaign propaganda, against not the government, but against broadly beneficial long-term ALP/Greens Policies which collect the Most Honest, Equitable, and so Just National Revenue, specifically Environmental Policy Reforms.

We may infer from this that the Lib/Nats are “p-bag financed” by the most polluting and unsustainable industry sectors.

The Lib/Nats' backers are the “northern elites” from Brit-Eurape, who run global banking, industry, land, media and heroin, who will never concede that Australia is right to become a Republic, so will demand Australia's “branch-offices”, the Lib/Nats and industry heads, do everything - backed by the profits of their global illicit drugs'-cartels and pro-capitalist industries, to block Labor's Legitimate Reforms.

The Lib/Nats are also in the “all-is-lost! So we may as well PAARRRTEEE!” camp, with significant backing across the polity.

That all-is-lost camp may be 99% of the upper class in Australia, and likely a majority from the upper-middle (Murdoch-soaked) mainstream, Brit-Eurapean religious cult school class and their societies.

The Lib/Nats might be compared to the rich young egocentric “academics” of Ancient Greece who combined to wrongly charge Socrates with treason and had him killed.

Endless wealth, promised to Tony Abbott (a tiny habit) and covens serves well evil, and with the occult, blocks comprehension of the Wisdom of the Democratic Collective.

Endless wealth, founded on, and an accelerant of corruption, which is what prevents the polity from right-headed thinking and thus living.

Clearly, the right-wing, pro-offshore, Brit-Eurapean political lobby group branch-offices, the Lib/Nats, have allegiances to the Brit-Eurapean cults of Catholicism and Protestantism, and Freemasonry, if distinct, has also done enormous damage to Good Culture, Good Community, “politics” and environment and to the minds of their students too, whence grew the large majority of our mainstream politicians.

Whole fraternities of lawyers, bankers, industry CEOs, real estate corporate clubs pay homage to their indoctrinators - the church schools - and support them and their “hidden cause”, basically of securing the planet's Land surface and resources for Britain and Eurape.

So, as the Pope ventures off to Britain, and may be challenged for heading a criminal organisation, with the horrendous and not-fully-disclosed abuses being exposed across the church's reach, there is no doubt that with watching obstructionist behaviour in the opposition, a wider watch and blow-of-the-whistle body needs space inside and around the financial and theoretical links to offshore powers, colleges, banking, drugging and landocratic influences bearing delusions of a totalitarian religious one world government.

Indeed, with the repeal of the ancient “double jeopardy” laws on the rise globally, cases emerge against the most dominant cult of Catholicism dating back some 1600 years, which can provide evidence that that cult influenced the most damaging environmental and “Spiritual” culture known, such that the whole planet's existence has become parlous.

Links are known between the world's most elite clans, clubs and families and the high end of the most powerful western churches, and that they are constantly conspiring to secure their own opulent lifestyles and delusions of grandeur.

As Oliver Cromwell fought and negotiated with the landed aristocracy to form the first pseudo-Democratic parliament some 400 years ago, today, an ORGANISED Polity, including Honorable Lawyers, Bankers, Politicians and Journalists have the Duty, the Right and the Imprimatur to put together cases which go to the hidden issues upholding the western cults' control over their students, and the business and corporate worlds.

In essence, their fierce grip on land ownership, taxation, and promoting insatiable demand through banking and retail marketing, for unsustainable materialism.




Private schools are “tribal” and promote anti-social, elitist behaviour, to the detriment of the general society.

Also, their saying they are in most cases in Australia, “Christian”, they are in fact promoting undemocratic politics, as “Christianity” and “Democracy” are in fundament, in opposition with each other.

Here, we may see a link between the blah-blah tiny habits of the Lib/Nats, and the Christian cults?


It may be countered that some 46%, 48%, 49.9% of the voters want them to be as stupid as they are being in our parliamentary media circus? A case of exposing just how influential, if-not "successful", anti-intelligent right-wing "keep the scum dumb" government policies of the last 200, 400, 1600 years have been.

Hardly something for the Lib/Nats and the upper political class to openly want to be proud of?

But y' get that!

Further, clear and unambiguous connections thrive between the Murdoch media cabal, and the Lib/Nats, which demands an accompanying case be put against the Murdoch clan for interfering in Australia's political processes, the last August 21st 2010 election and preceding events our most recent set of examples of criminal political/media behaviour.



Or.....? Call the ALP/Greens Government to "Resume" ownership of Foxtel, as payment for their crimes against Humanity and against the Great Mutha Eartha!

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
