
Safe Travelling, Colonel Gaddafi Edition


Outlaw Junction News-Chop

Safe Travelling, Colonel Gaddafi Edition

Another Warrior down!

Right now, with a low battery, and a low enthusiasm, it's a bit hard to scribe anything about the day's downfall of Comrade Gaddafi and Family, more than to say,

All Praise Him, his Sons and Family!”

If those youngsters who fought to oust the Gaddafi regime these last six or so months knew what they have in store from the Eurapean regimes about to steal their oil and real estate, I believe they would hang their heads in shame.

However, I'm over here, and so know little of any crimes his regime committed, as it struggled constantly with the western powers who have been doing everything they could to undermine him for 40 years.

What the north African future holds in any genuine improvements, deeper than the toys, beads-and-trinkets the west will flood Libya with, will be known soon enough.

But one thing is certain, that Israel will treat this as another reason to increase their brutality upon the lower class Arab Peoples of Palestine, etc., and this will only accelerate the outbreak of an unwinnable war in the region generally between Israel, it's sycophantic western international partners - NATO, et al - and Islam, and other anti-western forces. Anti-western forces which may or may not come out of the woodwork closer to the western capitals than they might expect.

Whatever happens, methinks the victory the Libyan 'rebels' now celebrate, will be short-lived, as the region falls into shortages of supplies due to increased demand across the northern quarter from a wider conflagration, once the Eurapean, US and British economic catastrophe has them expand militarily, for the precious resources still under the sands of the Arab, African and Middle-Eastern areas.

Any recognisable Libyan culture or nationality or sovereignty will vanish over the coming decades, which may or may not please today's Libyans, to be replaced with the superficial and in-the-end hollow, plastic and debt-laden culture of Eurape, and it's basket of materialistic fools.

And Libya is but the west's stepping-stone into north Africa and beyond, a continent still hardly touched by Switzerland's corporate big-mining etc.

Another reason why Colonel Gaddafi did well, and stood strong against the colonist, plundering, marauding west, for the interests of all of Africa. Something the Libyan rebels are obviously too young, myopic, parochial or naïve to realise. Or just made too egocentric by the slow cultural subversion and infiltration by the west to see it coming.

However, things may not be as bleak as I see it? Maybe the new Libya will surprise us all and Wisely 'filter' the crap of the crapitalist north (or 'west'), and somehow manage to retain the proven cultural benefits of the Arab and African ways?

But, with the forceful manners of Eurape and the USA et al, driven essentially by the utterly unhuman, alien demeanour of the Israeli Jews, the Libyans will come quick to see that they are but tiny players, but pawns forced to bend low to the demands of the brutal powers who want-want-want their resources, and may well come soon to regret their enthusiasm for change.

Libya's 'transitional council' would do well to talk hard and straight to itself in the coming months, as they decide and choose who and how they will govern themselves and their territories from here forward.

Neighbour Egypt still creaks at the undefined situation since the fall of Mubarack and his regime. So Libya cannot expect to reform itself anywhere near to it's new Warriors' expectations, and must get real and serious from here-on.

Those of your new force have a hell of a lot to learn in what leadership is really about, and that the upbeat talk and happiness as you won each town is no where near how you have to think, act and constitute in the years ahead.

Libya, methinks, is not, and cannot be just about Libya, or about the fighters and their aspirations.

The pressures that the north will bring down on you all will be heavy and often unbearable, and too often irresistible, and will be trying in every way to have you sell short, your southern neighbour nations, whose Peoples are as much, your Peoples.

For one thing you have to understand, is that the borders you now have around this “Libya”, were imposed by the colonists from Britain and Eurape, with absolutely NO regard for you as Human Beings, let alone as the once Magnificent Peoples you Africans and Arabs used to be before western expansionism and brutal colonisation.

Colonel Gaddafi, and I'd wager, his Sons, were fully aware of these crucial and deep, ancient and traditional factors, and for their recognition of these points, deserve immense Respect from the new regime and 'liberators'.

So, for your own sakes, and for the sakes of Arabs and Africans, do not 'fob-off' Colonel Gaddafi callously.

And, from a Warrior's perspective, it is Right to pay Respect to him, if just for his standing strong until the end of his rule, let alone because he did understand Libya's place in respect to the tyranny of Eurape and the west, and that Libya was that bulwark against Eurape marching down and even further plundering Africa.

Whatever you do, DO NOT copy the idiocy and evil, shallow and disrespectful maltreatment the illegal invading forces of the GW Bush USA administration showed against Iraq's President Hussein.

To my mind, the way they hunted him down and murdered him, is unforgivable. Let alone the way they celebrated his capture and death.

Whatever, be Dignified and Honorable from here forward, Libya, and so you must treat those you replace.

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

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