
Who's Land Queensland Bolting Horses March 24 Election Campaign

120221 Outlaw Junction News-Chop Who's Land Queensland Bolting Horses March 24 Election Campaign Edition

What is it about Humans?

Creatures of habit” is accepted, even at our peril when those habits are performed with absolutely dire consequences, and even as we seem to be capable of eternal life, of doing almost anything we want to damage our chances of staying or ascending higher after death.

Except getting it right!

As political party media departments and media itself, spin our synapses into actually believing the species is progressing away from both a darkness of prehistorical “stone-age” simplicity, and away from the so-called “dark ages” (of, it seems, Catholic oppression of individuals' Intelligence & Wisdom) prior to the so-called “enlightenment” of some 3-to-500 years ago, and as we are constantly bombarded with every possible NE-EW electronic communications and teleporting device, there remains this delusional belief that we are 1, living in “democratic times” and two, that each election cycle, we have a chance to put in the top tyrant's chair, someone who will do us right.


Each day, each hour, since proving to myself 1, I'm not deluded about my own family's utterly horrible history, 2, about my own utterly horrible history, and 3, that I'm missing some major aspect of this thing called life, due to both my family's horrible past and mine, both on earth and down here down the shithole of Astrayliar, I'm sent back to the vodka bottle, and/or half-a-D of cold beer stubbies on a hot day, to escape the bottomlessness of lowness known generally as Australian society.

And, having, one way or a shifty 'nother, by secretive shifty bastards behind my back, I'm drawn back to the keyboard to scribe my “opinions” about things like the upcoming WHO'sLand-Queen's-land March 2012 election.

And the field looks ragged!

Some may say 'scraggy'!

Promises fly from every barrier, and the crowd, usually to some ever-larger extent rent-a-crowd, dances with feigned joy, especially those planted or who have shuffled in front of the wall of media clicksters.”

On the hustings” running or (re-)cycling every prank politicians can muster, kissing spellbound babies, fawning mothers young and old, throwing each more wild assurances that WE will govern better than THEM! Than HIM! Than HER!

Than WHAAA!?@#$%^&*

Media, like sick puppies running for fear and MORE of mummy-bitch's teet, follow looking for that exclusive exposay picture to splash across tabloid, tele and the 'net - the classic fifteen milli-seconds of fame for the lucky pic-shooter, (and the pic of our stumbling PM Gillard in the arms of Mr Supersecurity from a few weeks ago in Canberra still tickles the photo-journo's ego!) on an ever shrinking media attention-span network or page or news-fluff half-hour, quarter hour, five minutes, or even just a half-second FLASH, which will tell the world everything they could possibly want to know about HER! (Shit there's a lot of HERs up there these daze!) HIM! that micro-moment, which more and more typically takes one millisecond of an endless series of events right out of context, so further deceiving the viewer, listener, reader of pics, and results in fountains of folly, fluff and BULLSHIT feeding the media cyclists, thus - NOT THAT THEY GIVE A FUCK - fooling the flockers into more foul play and unfathomable crap, about which side of the same counterfeit coin to WHAAA!?#$%^&* “vote” for?

Who'sLand-Queen 'Lizzie's retirementfundland, and the grand-princes'-and-princesses' inheritance, faces a drubbing by one and all prospective premiers, their propagandists, and “yes premier” candidates, from now until the great tsunami shuts the fuck all of them down.

Yet in every egomaniac's den and delusion, more crap is being pumped through the pipes of “WE ARE GUNNA MASSACRE THEM”, as if echoing cries of the whitefaced mass-murderers of the past darkness of genocide of the world's last Pure, Fully Enlightened Bleck Fellas of this now slaughtered countryside.

Yet....., the two big parties, offer NO solutions to the incredibly insane and irreparable, state of the health system, education system, of the housing scams known as bank finance and home loans, of the deadly diets the majority of Who'slanders brainlessly quaff down every mealtime, of the utterly chillingly cold medical professionals who profitprofitprofit from every hospitalised self-poisoner, of the deepest corruptions of the crazymind land distribution systems, of the most disgusting mal-use - called “farming” - of the most precious soils, of the dying barrier reef, of the madness of house-to-house waste of lives and food and childrens' future, ETCETERA!

But shit they make a good promoter when the cameras are clicking-rolling-digitalizing every little smile and rote-learned word and kiss-and-curtsy!

But oh-my-Buddhist tendencies, what a depressing reality - er? pseudo-reality Who'sland is!

The forests are as good as dead. Cane toads amass and hippety-hop by the billions across the land, unstoppable.

And the people amass on the highways, trying to “...get away from it all!” on a “grey pseudo-nomad's runaway” from the nuclear family quarter-acre insanity and unreality they realise upon retirement they - THEY - have slaved their whole working lives to create?


And the WHO'sLand Greens rate a 12% in polls early in the guessing game of goofball politrix, in the biggest state of disarray south of the equator, and east of western Astrayliar!

BigHat Bob Katter gathers the 4-be-4s and iron horses way up north of the north of the, in farfarfarking northern Q-L-D, promising the potentials they can do whatever they want with THEIR land.

And “a ho-ho-ho”, murmured the IMF's CEO, the Ferengi Christine Laguarde.

But nobody dares go near the economic realities, that this culturally and genetically beggared state is in fact, ungovernable, out of control politically, environmentally, and mentally, and is about ten times bigger than any “state” should be, one person or five hundred per acre.

No Who's Land politician, not even BigHat Bob, who has in the passed made mention of this fact, that the Queen's state is too big, like HRH's Swiss bank accounts-plural, and should be split up, no Who's Land politician dare seek to inspire the dead-weight of voters struggling with their own insults of zero-intellect automaton beliefs about what politics and government is all about - government of the People, by the People, no Who's Land politician dare seek to inspire with the most deadly threats to the utterly psycho-pathological hunters for the premier's chair, and thus challenges to their hunger for control (HA!) of the minerals and shale-oil, coal and coal-seam-gas farms, and of course, the bottomless purse of under-the-table, in-the-closet, and slight-of-hand illegal drugs production, trade, importing through the great barrier reef, and profits, by putting on the table any FACTS, any irrefutable scientific deductions, conclusions, or Wise observations about what has to change, if the voters are going to survive the 150 metre high wall of water bearing down on everyone within 50 kilometres of the eastern seaboard, expected in December 2012?


Begging the question, were such a DESTRUKTOR WAVE actually seen by satellite observers, as coming our way, with a guarantee of mashing everyone as said, less than about 50k's from the coast, would the authorities tell us???

Hmmm...,? Were such an event to have occurred during the last right wing, Illuminadi-run GW Bush US government, the likelihood of the vulnerable not being told, would have been very high, methinks....!

But they are - back to Who'sLand's coming election......., - still good for hollow, short term promises to those who come to rallies to clap and jump - on queue - for the clickster media throng.

Not by-the-way, to show sincere support for Campbell, or Anna, or Bob and their parties of false hope, but purely so they can get in on the five-milliseconds of being spotted on, ON TELE! YAYE! “I'm, FAY-MUSS!” whereafter some pocket-full-of-cash drone of the powerhouses of darkness lobs on their 'burban doorstep with oodles of MORE! and lures the millisecond into their web of making them a media expert on politics, or sport, or perhaps a job in advertising.....?

And The Beatles are heard musicalizing politics down in Ye Olde Record Shoppe south of Brizzy, with the Immortals John, Paul, George and Ringo lullabying us to “...nothing is real....!”

Frantic!” is but one word to describe the panic each contender party and candidate shows, with BigHat the cooool exception, mainly because he knows “...nothing is real....!”and that he's guaranteed his handsome pension no matter what wins.

From the margin, I've not heard nor seen any Who's Land Greens spokes-wheel dancing on their pulpit yet - keeping their powder dry for closer to D-lection-Day I guess?

Since I went far beyond the call of duty, whenever it was in the last 20 delusions, to lobby and help the left-right right right right Peter Beattie ALP onto the Who's Land government benches, Who's land has seen nothing change.

The ghosts of Bjelke Petersen still manage the vote in the halls of hell, no matter which side of the coin is up.

The worst possible industries still foul-up the atmosphere, the waters, and the shrinking squillions of hectares of arable paradise, and corruption remains the mainstay of the masses' thoughts, for the next scam, the next favour, the next deal, the next gamble, the next job, the next packet of heroin, the next car/house/business/child/big-screen tele..... and blu-ray doh-ray-me.

So, as “...nothing is real....!” here in Who's-Land, we can be sure nothing will change, once the media shuffle back to their lairs with 500 Gigabytes of digitalised foot-arge to throw wherever they can get a bight, or a buck, or a “good shot!” compliment from some paid sycophant.

Hospitals will still be horrendous houses of death, schools will still bus nubile future idiots-with-Harry-Potter eyes, the big couple of life-threatening kilometres to the institutions they are told are schools, mums will still insist on a big 4-wheel-drive to shuttle their precious old-age-support automatons from-to-where the disgustingly excessive buses don't pick-up and deliver. And the mindless will still consume crap the advertisers call “food”, and excess on alcoholic sugar-pops until their kidneys and liver melt!

Corruption will still silence any Righteous opposition to all things whiteface, farmers will still destroy everything about the natural habitat they can, the masses will still leap into their NE-EW car/RTV/RUV/RAV/4-be-4/pseudo-limos for the adventure down to the local shops, yobbos will still keep the ambitious quiet in their nuclear housing warzones, and - nothing will change.

So..., it's easy to see why so many get all in a lather about the upcoming election........., isn't it?

If you knew the end was nigh, that all of this was but in your head, was all someone else's delusion, was all about to fall off the universal big screen, for eternity, you'd be dancing for any and every piece of glitter and jig the media and the upclub, uptop, upemselves devils throw at you, wouldn't you?

However..., if by some remote chance, this was not all an evil Judeo-Catholic planned dream-cum-nightmare, and was possessed of real issues such as the completely untenable culture, beliefs-systems, agricultural, tourrorist, mining, timber, auto and other planet-fucking industries, and resulting psycho-mania of JUST DO don't whatever you do THINK, the punters/voters/dreamers and retailers would start to process the information, the misinformation, the knowledge, the facts, the Wisdoms and do what they have been heinously conned is not their responsibility, by the most demonic cults ever seen.

They'd gather their thinking hats, throw them into the one ring, of Honest, Sustainable, Enduring and Child-safe Environmental Policies, ignore the blurb and fluff of the big media names, discard the mental pollution they've had fill their crania for about ten generations, and put in something of a Wise, Intelligent and Honorable coalition.

Greens, ALP, and a few Gutsy Independents. Even Independents wiff cowboy hats!

Or, am I just re-dreaming what I divined was necessary in Canberra, in 2010...? (I refer you to a little watched classic YouTube video animation of me, the Broccoli Boy riding the train of righteousness, a mock-up by my sycophants of NimbinTV.something, by yours' truly “Omaxa bin Eartha” on Righteous Living. Go Ogle it! Asifyadon'knowww!)

Poles so far scare the Laborites with bad prospects for the apparently tiring Bligh ALP government.

Big-talking Newboy Newman, not yet a politician, but the leader of the opposition (go figure! Remembering, it is Who'sLand, the land of the kangaroo court), dances with no legs, aside from being ex-mayor of the biggest real estate bonanza since Columbus's foray across the Atlantic - Brisbane - so knows all about corruption, scampers around the televised hustings, kissing pearly-white arses wherever there's a camera, or a backroom deal to be made, seems to have the city-centric media moguls onside, while the weathering Anna Bligh, tries to keep the Bounty afloat, wishing like crazy her Most Honorable Ancestor William would re-surface and save the colony from further Rum Club tyranny.

Meanwhile in the Who'sLand rurals....., nothing changes.

Polies fly-in-fly-on dropping promises and elusive rhetoric in the language of the disgustingly ignored country folksss, who have pretty much fallen right off the radar of being treated as Humans, and for some 10 generations have been left to fight the ghosts of the massacred Bleck Fella land owners, and the bighouse bastards who order the coppers to shoot anyone who murmurs Justice, or even a decent government school education-with-prospects-of-a-secure-life.

Like most western nations, the rurals are ignored, as if they are surplus to having a good and wealthy time in the cities and inner 'burbs, where night clubs and cafes cater and pander to tasteless fools, but fucking wealthy fools. Fools who can pull a few strings to have the ambitious wannabe politician appear as heroic, intelligent, and even..., HA! CARING!


Bighouse Freemasons, drunk with paedophilia networks farming kiddies from mayoral offices to farmhouse to farmhouse, threatening Bleck Fellas, white Fellas, any Fellas with a grain of integrity, with eternal horror, frighten the fuck out of the dross of Catholic ignorance, made into sub-humans incapable of addressing the horrors going on around them, from subtle spirits to giant concrete and gas projects.

So, unlike the state of Life, prior to the 1788 invasion, where the Garden of Wisdom endured perennially, and nothing changed for the worse, today, in Who'sLand, same-same as in what'sland, and where's land, and why's land, and no man's land, the other states of disarray Astrayliar, nothing changes for the better, no matter which big talking, banned-drugs-funded politician or party steals the media spotlight called “the premier's chair”.

Being not allowed to know anything the nuns don't want me to know, I am ignorant of why people are so down on the Greens, aside from the mainstream majority being severely mentally retarded, and stuck in the ruts of bad agricultural and citicultural delusions.

Sure, there's a surfeit of homosexuals around the Green's campfires (?), and from the bits of inferences I've gathered, there are suggestions that the Greens have some connection to paedophile rings.

Maybe, maybe not?

But gay, or not, there should be no doubt that Greens are our beacons, if we are to have a future, to whom we or our next generations will and must look, as we ship ourselves through the stormy oceans of tomorrow.

Forget the “hollow promises brigades” of the stagnant mainstream political hegemony.

Who'sLand is a dreadfully rooted land, fenced, grazed, mined and ploughed to unsustainability by every and any crazymind invader, convict, squatter and their descendants.

It follows almost exactly in the mentalities of it's people, albeit that they seem to not leave their rubbish and refuse where they threw it, as we all did years ago.

Breaking the back of the massive corruption here is impossible, while the two-party, offshore-managed political scam remains.

Nothing short of a very bloody revolution will go near to expunging the hexes the Brit-Eurapeans continue to cast over the wealthy class's minds and real estate portfolios. Thus, over the struggling remainder.

Yep! For ANY improvements in Who'sLand-Queensland, the People have to do their maths, and their ecology, and get to grips with the crucial need to go as Econo-Green as they can, from this millisecond forward.

No Greens branch in Australia is yet experienced, large enough or fit enough to govern outright.

So, like it was determined in Canberra, the management experience of the ALP, with all their foibles, inherited corruption, and egotrips, needs more than ever the support and insistence and the Intelligence of the Greens to correct the psychoses residual from the dark period of the last 224 years.

As things-political, are so slow to correct themselves, the People are gonna have to start edjacayten themselves, in matters small and large.

Economic Science, Philosophy, Agrarian, Organic, Sustainable Farming, and the political pragmatism and security against large-scale corruption by dissolving the big corporate drain of such an over-sized state has to be learned about by every rural, then a prompt push to reduce all Australian states in size, to be manageable by the local people, for the local people.

This scares the frequent-flyer points out of the offshore tyrants and real estate speculators, not to mention the mining magnates and information-perverters we call media.

But as the present economic distortions are so tilted in their favour, a fair, Intelligent analysis and reformation, can let those moguls keep a fair chunk of the wealth, but also make things much better for the locals.

The world is built on laws, not leaders, and the laws are Environmental.

In future, elections will be held to correct or re-affirm Environmental Laws.

Ignore them, and the Who'sland-Queensland Pacific coastal communities will have to sell tickets to ride the tsunami, “ …..a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity!”

Hohohoho! 150 metres high!? Said to travel across the Pacific at around 500 kilometres an hour?


Surf's up in St George!”

Gives an whole new meaning to “Billabong surfing gear”, aye?

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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