
Here's an email I just slung off to "baddevelopers.com.au, a website I discovered as said in it, when I web-searched the name of the owners of the land which was scorched last February. "Midway". Ha! Midway between utter stupidity and Hell!

Seeing, and learning more from the baddevelopers page, what the plantation corporations do to OUR COUNTRY AUSTRALIA!!!!..., plantations which cover an HUGE area, it is not too far fetched to come to the conclusion that wildfires like those of last February, are almost the only way these disgusting plantations of a pernicious WEED - Radiata pine - can be eradicated and stopped forever.

"Unfortunate" is not nearly enough of a word to describe the errors of passed governments with their plantations and unbelievably BAD research, planning and investments!

It is irrefutable - undeniable - that our governments - passed and present - are culpable both for the environmental carnage to the biodiversity such horrible plantations cause, but also for the wildfires and for the 100s of deaths which occur in such fires, which have and will continue to strike our communities.

Again, I say that the origins of last February's wildfires are found in the evil biodiversity-and-forest-raping practices as carried-out over the whole of the last 222 years of white occupation across Australia, and have their "go-ahead" decisions in the upper-management of the International Monetary Fund - the IMF, once the British East India Company, who are the current illegal owners of this nation.

They have to be brought to account for their demonic, bad practices since occupation in 1788.

To this end, they, the International Monetary Fund - are charged with crimes against humanity and with crimes against the sustenance of the species, of an order never before seen or laid.

Compensation from the International Monetary Fund to the People of Australia, with the Indigenous People of Australia at top of the list, has to be forthcoming, and has to include a full-bodied approach to rehabilitating the biodiversity of the depleted foliage and fauna, shores, and coastlines and all the holes they' dug!

Obviously I am jesting, because the mountain of lawsuits in that claim is bigger than the Swiss Alps, and yet STILL is not as big as the IMF CEOs' egos.

I'll dig-out and publish to this blog, a letter I wrote to the Gunai Aborigine Peoples last year, about what the BEIC thieves owe The Gunai, for the 52 tonnes of gold they stole from the Walhalla "Long Tunnel Mine" in the 1890s and on?

In the meantime, dream you're reading this email to baddevelopers.com.au.......

Anutha Greens Policy idea for ya, Bob!

Hi, I'm a Green Nomad, and have lived in the forests in my vehicles for years.

Today I returned to the Midway plantation north of Wandong, on the west side of the Hume freeway, to check out the aftermath.

I saw the Midway sign on the gate and searched the 'net, coming up with your page.

Good on you Dudes!

For years I've been pissed-off with these prick-brained land rapists. Radiata, and I guess most plantation pines, is/are classified as a "weed", so are basically illegal to grow, especially on a plantation scale.

Just how dark are the minds of those who both plan and orchestrate the plantations to begin with, but of those who take a job and income from working them?

Our state governments, to start, are culpable, not only for the deforestation preceding the project and planting, both if it was first-off for the pine plantations, or, if deforestation occurred because of earlier clearing for cattle farming or such, but for the destruction of the VITAL biodiversity, then, as your website points out, for the poisoning of the water courses/supplies etc.

Any campaign to stop this sort of shit, has to include a scheme which offers the loggers and log-truckers massive, decades-long compensation so they can be comfortable with desisting in their rapacious practices and means of earning a buck.

It is indisputably "Environmentally ILLEGAL" for the likes of "Midway" to have any say in how the land is treated.

As I scribed in a recent blog at www.maxearth.blogspot.com, proper compensation for the employees - not of the management - of the likes of Midway, for loss of income and thus security in future, should be to hand management, under expert environmental, economic and biodiversity education, tutoring and planning, over to the employees, where they actually occupy-as-in-LIVE-ONSITE the ex-plantation hectarage, and are educated in sustainable biodiversity regrowth, as well as in integrating food crop production within the redeveloped forests.

I reckon the future, in forests as well as suburbs and other sides of living, is "Mu-Fu" or "multifunctional", such as reforesting the biodiversity along with harmoniously included (vegetable) food crops.

Bringing the brutal logger and truckers onto living on the land, so they can learn to love and respect it all, giving them and their families security of tenure, (and security of Soul!) at peppercorn rents, while they learn the Arts and Skills and Trades of ReGreening the Country, has to be a "win-win" situation for all.

Might even get them VOTING for the Greens!?

'SPECIALLY, if such ideas were taken-on by Bob Brown and Coy as Policy???!!!


Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Nichols Cook-Meredith-O'Brien
aka Max Nichols Cook

Outlaw, for
Global Land, Tax, Cult, Drug, & Work Law Reform.

Reforests of Godolonia,



"...IF YOU DARE...!?"

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