
More British passports found in hunt for Hamas assassins. My Comments

I was unable to register to place my comments on the Times page about the "More British passports found in hunt for Hamas assassins" article.

Link: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article7036571.ece

So I dug-out their "letters" email address and sent the Timeonline this.....

Being, myself, a target, for several decades, of MI6, this is not surprising, especially as I wanted to make comment about the astuteness of other "your comments" contributors.

So, if I may, I'll say it here....

It is a credit to Timesonline that you publish the comments which were so forthright AND ACCURATE in assessments of Britain's MI6, in regard to this "Times" article.

I wanted to comment similarly, saying that...

"As Israel is essentially a construction of Zionists of Oxford and MI6 (or MI6's founding secret society, post Cecil Rhodes and E. Bulwer-Lytton et al), and as MI6 boasts it has control of most of the world's secret services, Mossad included, and as the Mujahadeen and the Taliban were created by MI6 and the CIA of the USA, we can be fairly certain that the false British passports were cungered by someone in-or-around...... MI6.

Whether Hamas, and Iran are also included in Oxford's 19th century "world plan", in being apparent enemies, is beyond my powers of deduction, but as Britain has been active-in-the-extreme, for centuries, in restructuring the globe to suit their eventual ends, it is as likely.

The question is, "can MI6 get off the grass, and begin speaking out about the REALPolitik state of the planet, and that the 19th century 'old kings' plan has been exposed as false, deluded and dangerous?"

For, it seems that while the immense secrecy remains, no genuine Progress will be made toward bringing the planet together, beyond these outdated delusions of white, Aryan Brit-Eurapean superiority.

President Obama said "The big game is over" as today, there are no secrets, because most of us are aware of the delusive misapplications of the occult, and that in the end, all will be uncovered.

MI6 are only deceiving themselves now, and in so doing, are damaging the rest of the world.

It is, it seems, now a question of "northern pride".

Get over it Whitehall, Rome, Hongkers, et al!

Forget all delusions of "one world government".

One world LAW, particularly of how we relate to and treat THE LAND, is your Mission.

Land Rent for Government Revenue.

Even "landed" elites like the Baillieus, Keswicks, Rothschilds, Windsors and Hapsburgs et al understand this today.

That the false wars persist, in events such as this assassination of the Hamas Executive, in the stubborn hubris of Israel, AND in the farce in Afghanistan, shows the world that the super-spies and the Brit-Euro military elites, and perhaps their allies in the Swiss banks, have lost the plot, and are THE threat to global stability.

Time they "got ON the Grass" and cooled down a bit!



And usually, innocent civilians!


Max Earth
aka Max N Cook

Outlaw, for
Global Land, Tax, Cult, Drug, & Work Law Reform.