
An Easter Sinday Message

110424Su An Easter Sinday Message

The news this weekend, showed the Rat of Rome, looking somewhat deflated, if-not tinged with guilt, delivering his Easter Friday message. No-one really listened, more than from courtesy, and the perfunctory folly of pontifical fashion lured the media for their Catholicised consumption-addicted viewers.
Meanwhile each advertisement break promised the pay-TV masses MORE! Next weekend with MORE perfunctory folly of not pontifical-but-British regalia fashion.
So STAY TUNED to be sucked into the high-end ponses of Westminster Abbey and pledges surely broken in months, but not before the announcement of yet another pretender-heir pregnancy to the anachronistic throne of England!
May (in one sincere flash) the Spirit of His Great Mother, Diana, be watching, assuredly from “On-High”, with Approval, and mayhap, with a Wish that Her Boy's new Wife, be imbued with Diana's Grandness of Soul, for which She prematurely and criminally died! For if she, the new one, be Sincere, she will address her new life with Fearlessness, with Honor, with Intelligence and with, above all, the Wisdom of the Ancients, and thus equipped, march forward into the valley, challenging any and every falsity and dark spell, and work ceaselessly to make Right the Horrendous wrongs their Kingdom is beset with, and which it has beset upon the rest of us!
Clearly, Lady Kate Middleton has her Work cut-out for her!
Back to school, I suggest? And HARK! To the School of Philosophy, no less!

To the Mind of an apparent descendent of one or a number of King Arthurs of Ancient Wales, in this day-and-tormented-age, such excessive weddings and ceremonies portend yet a worse future for all subjects and citizens beneath them, unless the future King and His Lady devote themselves Nobly and Fully to the People, and to the Common Wealth of ALL of Humanity.
This, should they not already know, is but through making Right, THE LAW OF THE LAND, directly and Properly as their 18th century predecessor, the Good King George the Third, proposed for the new colonies of Australia. Laws, which are both of Economic Science, and of the Divine. Therefore, none has any right, to object to, or seek to subvert these newly-wed upclubsters Work henceforth. Indeed, with but the merest clear-headedness, all, from the lowest guttersnipe, to the moguls of all the world's mafia, this should ring True, as-they-say, and thus, all can but agree.
And, thereafter, all lords, governors, prime ministers, presidents, leaders, moguls and crime-bosses, should see their Duty as to help Advance this Most Noble Cause, and Sanction the Work of this newly-wed Couple. No matter the threats from the shadows and from far-off worlds.
Of a certainty..., if henceforth, such Work is avoided by any who hold power over another Human, they shall be condemned to the lowest of realms.
So Mote It Be

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!


King Commo

Funny, I did not start writing with such words in mind!
A couple of beers, a sunny afternoon in Australia's Divine Bushland, dirt-bikes shattering the calm, and Spirit's dancing in my aura, I drew-out the laptop from it's purse (still in poetic mode here!), and opened the mind to whatever fell in. And below was the result. May it not contradict what I just wrote, above?!

 An Easter Sinday Message

Surviveth thou shalt, by keeping to thy self,
the FACTS 'bout Theosophical Rome.

And Ascend thou must, by in no Catholic trust,
And make large your Family and home.

Gather to thine hearth, multiple parents of same path,
And keep thine tucker amassed in bulk.

Steer clear of supermarket, and of small purchases say “fuck it!”
And travel on-mass in Extended Family wind-and-sun-powered hulk.

Reject calls to senseless folly, that's no route to being jolly,
And pray not! For 'tis but a sin for thine self to be greedy.

And speak straight all the tyme, and seek to have each couplet rhyme,
For the Peak of Language lives in Poetry.

Set eyes NEVER to fox-like media, and watch only Alternative Tee-Veedia,
And Shine in the most Divine, by DEFYING all mainstream lures.

For all ways, they only leave Souls in sewers.

And vote NOT if the system is bent, 'tis but the portal for the devil's vent,
Of evil like none ever seen, malignantly twisted, and unbelievably unclean.

And of those who woo your ears while dressed in jewels and finery,
wi' words formed in latinate falsity,
curse them and curse them again -
and know they have never been your 'friend'.

As you travel through life's travail, call hourly “TO THE IMMORTALS ALL HAIL!”
And politely dismiss all offers of 'a free ride'. The driver's have alays, sommit to hide!

And should four horsemen approach at a pace, Stand Strong and fear not their mace,
For if yourn Soul is of Honor and True, there be no thing nor injury imposed upon you,

And dark though they be, they'll dismount and bow to thee
for the Truly Noble win Righteous Warriors from all sides.

They'll see your aura is Clear, and that for that you need have no fear,
and hereafter, beside you they'll protect you and ride.

So travel any road, with head held high,
not proud, no conceit, not deluded, don't try.

But each moment still your heart to the Inner Divine,
and each step will be sure footed, firm and primed,

For the next, and the next after that.

Joy will be yours, Sure-and-True,
The Bliss will ne'er miss you,

And afore long, ears filled with Heavenly Song,
The Ancestors will carry you along,
Up-up-and aloft, in their Chariot's chair delectably soft,
whence never can any 'god' send you back.

So take heed, reject greed, and ride with the Sack-clothed Horsemen,
no matter how rough-looking the bike,
'tis far better and more Righteous to hike,
On a hack.