
Democracy is a lie without Land Re-Distribution!

Last week ABC Radio National's Late Night Live discussed 'Democracy' and the events across the Arab world of lateAs usual, some of it bit me, so I spat back with the following.......

'Democracy' is a massive lie without LAND RE-DISTRIBUTION.

Here, in Astrayliar, our elections are WHOLLY fraudulent, while we mark the ballot paper with 'pencil', then trust the officials with ballot-boxes made of WHAAH? 'cardboard', providing absolutely NO SECURITY.

For years 'Gladys' has listened to Adams swoon over how quaint the ('HB' pencil!) voting process is.

Never does he question this 'holy grail' of our racist, 'most sinful', most unsustainable, heaviest 'enviro-footprint', irretrievably corrupt, culturally & religiously bigoted, pro-FOREIGN, 99% selfish, electorate & the most-open-to-corruption ballot?


He's totally GAWN to St Joey's on-the-face-of-it 'mushy', 'compassionate', but underneath devious, pro-Rome, agenda-ridden, mythmaking, landgrabbing witch-nuns!

What 'Democracy' would let the world's most perverse, heinous mob of lying offshore witches, live & make 'TAX FREE' billions (on zero-ethic land-speculation) by assuming 'ownership' of ONE-SEVENTH of it's land?


How naive are you to trust our AEC officials (Australian Electoral Commission, the church-run upclubsters in charge of seeing that Australia gets through elections without their corruption being exposed!), ALL selected from CHURCH schools running on complete fabrication & totally false or corrupt agendas, to never tamper with the numbers!?!

That our elections are as insecure as they are, shows how low our national 'intellectual base' is.

A nation of utter idiots, with not a skeric of Courage, Honor, Integrity or even 'common sense', but instead blind yabbering (NEVER a shortage of opinions though!) sheep, grazing mindlessly from 1 30-piece-of-silver pay-off paypacket to the next, gaga to the Apocalypse their mental tauper is guarantee-ing!

How stupid are voters that they accept the most dubious, yet regular '52-48' & 'hung parliament' results poll-after-poll?


Will it take bombing electoral booths HERE before YOU & Joe Public get-off-yer-fat-cells & end this filth?

You have to see the corrosive effects on your, & on your
commentariats' clarity-of-mind, when you all make mileage by analyzing politics in another region, from this basket-case of a false political culture!

Truly Adams, YOU, being 'el Doyaneski' of Aunty Josephine's ABC, along with all board-members, execs & sir CEO Scotty, would be lynched, if we came to our collective-senses & Revolted.

But her Vat-of-silver is deep, after 5 centuries of Euraping everyone elses' metals & other resources, ain't it!

And what fool would 'take the reins' with such a low, bigoted population & media?

NAH! Better to die in a gutter than try lead such a demented shithole people!


What does 'Christian' mean?


What is Christianity?

A vat-of-lead where we dunk our head at elections!

ANYWHERE..., you have a 'Christian-Democracy', you have bad magic dunking heads in that vat of leaden oxymorons.

But, for your Double Pay, you ain't NEVER going to 'go there', are you Agent (de) Rupert?

(Edit-in - Last August, on the day of the vote for federal parliament, in the afternoon, a report was read on the ABC news bulletin about 'ballot tampering' in an election booth in Western Australia.  I may have missed consequent news bulletins, but I did not hear that article again, nor was it mentioned on any of the other news services I monitor at any time afterwards.  

That silence, indicates very clearly to myself, that there indeed was an AEC 'volunteer' messing with the democratic voting process.  

It also says that the 'establishment', including the ABC, are right-in-there, in the manipulation of our vote.

So if anyone in Astrayliar deludes themselves that we live in a 'democracy', I say... "THINK AGAIN!"

We are being done over by China, with their cheap product-dumping, and by the west, who purport to be looking after our best interests, but behind our cardboard backs, is rigging elections at a level quite possibly worse than elections in Afghanistan!

White, Christian, middle-class (or is that MUDDLE-class?) godlessly-materialistic Australians are toooo far sunk in their squishy lounge-chairs to actually DO anything Honorable, such as marching on all state parliament houses and deposing the irascible tyrants.

Today, the vote in Australia is but an evil fraud and is tricking the majority into giving away their own and their progenys' future.

I'm inclined to think nowadays, that the idiots in Sydney's 'rum club' parliament are responsible for this heinous national condition, and that, next month, nothing will change post the 2011 NSW election, without both sides of the completely corrupt coin of state being evicted from politics altogether.

But NSW is a seriously, if-not demonically buggered state (watch any copper!), with no-one earning over say $60k a year game, selfless enough, nor willing for the Greater Good, to make a noise about how bent NSW-therefore-the-whole-of-Australia is.  

And anyone earning less than $60k a year, is also so bent that they ignore those larger, 'macro' issues, and just get back to their trades of ripping anyone they can off.

Well done AEC!  You and your churchies, have really done us down, haven't ya'!?

But never will we hear any accurate accusations coming from the houses of the political classes will we, Julia?

....end of..... edit-in)

Max Earth,
Outlaw for 
Education & 

NB: Apologies for poor formatting.
Scribed in catholojude exile on mobile phone.