
Who are the Egyptian and Arabic People's enemies?


All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

Who are the Egyptian and Arabic People's enemies?

Watching events play-out across north Africa of the last 8 or 9 days, hope wants to spring eternal and give Arabs and Moslems inspiration that all is not lost to Zionist irrationality.

While the Egyptian People seem thus far to be keeping Good Vigil on their local, national affairs, and in Jordan the King has made moves at keeping the Jordanians peaceful by sacking his prime minister, promising further 'reforms', so far I've not heard or missed reports from the Palestinian People, and their thoughts, hopes and concerns in regard to this latest apparently Democratic upsurge across the region.

It's likely that most Arabs and Moslems are a little bit nervous about what Israel does.

And rightly so!

Few outside of Israel can predict how that regime, that hostile regime, will respond, and by the record, it will be a 'New Day' for global affairs if Israel reacts in any way other than with threats of increased hostilities against Islam, and against non-Israelis or non-Jews in the region.

But is a fanatical Israel, the regions, Islam's, and the Arab's only threat?

Clearly to myself, they are not.

Further afield, particularly in Britain and Eurape, sit the most powerful 'regal' regimes on Earth, and I seriously doubt any of them are at all happy with events south of the Mediterranean.

Mainly because the affairs now playing-out, from Tunisia to Yemen, directly challenge the accepted 'models of ruler-ship' and the assumed right of all monarchs, presidents and party-political governments to hold power over the vast majority of the People.

Power over the People assumed by warlords for thousands of years. Since, if-I-may, the fabled 'Fall from the Garden of Eden'.

However, the world in nature and in Humanity stays alive through 'change'. If a being or any lesser form of life becomes static, it dies.

So too has the course of Humanity's sojourn down the linear trail of time.

So it is the height of ignorance for any ruler, monarch, president or dictator, to ignore the nature of life on Earth, and probably elsewhere, and seek to stay as they have been able to, for what is really but a briefest moment in time, over their period in any of the top chairs.

As my first boss, Sandy Wilhelm, the son of a lovable and Wise Australian Jew, would say after dealing with arrogant customers, 'their arrogance is only surpassed by their ignorance'.

Indeed, the two are the same.

However, this does nothing to resolve what might well become a 'sticky' problem in the Middle East.

The monarchs and royal families of the region may live to a different set of standards to those north of the Mediterranean Sea, and may well be Good Moslems, as-it-were.

But they too are replete with an excess of personal wealth, which is, when it's all boiled-down, offensive to the Reasoned minds of their nations' Peoples.

That this has been the way of things forever, is no justification that any such scenario should continue unchanged. Indeed, as I say above 'stasis' in the ever-shifting world of Human affairs, is but a sign of entropy, and augers negatively for the People, for the life of the nation, region and others farther afield influenced by it.

However, as regards the title of this e-ssay, 'Who are the Egyptian and Arabic Peoples' enemies?' no-one should be so seduced by these latest, most Positive activities across the Middle East, because it seems to be integral in the 'psychology of wealth', that stubborn clinging to what one knows and has become addicted-to, most always brings with it a violent and totally unreasonable reaction when those possessions and 'values' are threatened.

As has been the way of the most powerful despotic regimes over more recent times, when a threat to their unchallenged hegemony rises and makes a serious show of force, the first thing they do is arrange, with their oligarchic allies far away from the centre of dissent, some form of unrest 'over there', so-as to distract attention from that centre, or so-as to justify their own brutal clamp-downs.

While a new crisis may arise elsewhere, the whole intention is to give the despots an excuse to clamp-down on local dissent, no matter how Righteous and Justified it is seen to be.

Take the 2003 US invasion of Iraq as but one example.

Around the planet People took to the streets in massive numbers in protest against the proposed military actions by the western alliance.

But did the Bush/Cheney US administration, or others from Brit-Eurape listen or take heed?

Oh no!

All they did was engage a 'laundry' of twisted, super-spin lawyers to change the US foreign policies and of course turned the laws to appear to support the erroneous intelligence about such things as 'WMDs', etc.

All contradictory and credible evidence was washed over, ignored and given the 'Orwellian' treatment, which gave the other powers of the western alliance no choice but to join the US.

Exactly what influence the western alliance's Zionist media cartels had on 'sanctioning' the invasion in the minds of the unwise of the American and Brit-Eurapean people, may never be quantified, but awaits an investigation by, no-doubt a largish team of independent journalists.

So we must be wary of the same regal, political and media players attempting to take control in, or against, this latest upsurge in support for CHANGE toward Genuine Democracy across north Africa and the Middle East.

I refuse to watch Fox media, apart from the occasional viewing of Australia's 'Sky news' on my mobile, and now and then a snippet gets in, via some of the excellent critiques of that extremist Fox media outlet (which fucked the 2000 and 2004 US presidential elections) by the American 'Comedy Central' series of 'The Daily Show' with Jon Stewart and company.

I guess it's worth noting that Stewart, one of the Best, most balanced (and extraordinarily funny!) small-screen news commentary 'talking heads' I've ever watched, is Jewish. Oh what a relief that not all Jews are Zionist fanatics!

Nevertheless..., without watching any of the USA Fox media, to get a gauge on their take on the events on Egypt and surrounds, it's a certainty that their news 'anchors' will take the 30-pieces-of-Rupert's-silver to contort the situation across the Atlantic so-as to raise violent reactionary calls for another US invasion into the Middle East.


No doubt of the anachronistic and more-or-less 'inbred' covens which arose across the west after world war 2, such as the 'Brettonwoods' and 'Bilderberger' upclubsters, related closely to the apparently demonic 'Illuminati' sect.

Within them, and likely behind, below and above them, are the monarchs and monarchies of Brit-Eurape, and I'd say that today, they've roped-in most every other monarch from other regions, such as south east Asia, and of a certainty keep close communications and planning with the likes of Rupert and James Murdoch to try to ensure that they all manage to keep their positions of outdated prestige, no matter what the planet's Peoples do in PROTEST.

So what can Humanity do, to prevent a surprise response by the world's evermore desperate elites, and their onside media and military, etc etc?

I would say that the People of Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Yemen and any others who choose to join the party of dissent against tired and extremely myopic, and terminal (as-in their being 'unsustainable', and thus a deadly cost to the planet's environment) rule, unless supported by a massive GLOBAL show of Democracy-in-Action on the streets of most every major power, the devious administrators who most sleaze their rich masters and madames will concoct some plan or other to undermine or even quash any further, genuine corrections to the Noble Movement for Democratic Change.

However, further dissecting of these events and possibilities is necessary.

Many a protest against authoritarian rule over the last, say, 100 years, has been ruthlessly squashed by governments, and not all have been unjustified oppression.

The modern world is about as far from any fabled or Realistic 'Garden of Eden' or, as I call it, 'Garden of Wisdom' as one could get.

By now, there's is more than enough irrefutable evidence to prove that modern technology and material development as has been invented and produced since the industrial revolution.., 'make not a Wise and Peaceful thus Happy People'.

Yet so may so-called 'revolutions' particularly across the 'undeveloped' and/or 'under-developed' world have been motivated by those nations' dissidents' beliefs around a People's right to excess in consumption of mostly useless and trivial material products.

They call such access 'freedom'.

Yet, where are those dissidents years down the track, once such a change arrives, and brings with it all the 'negative' aspects of the 'modern (western) culture' - insatiable desire and demand for crap product, the ensuing need to work, in whichever job they can bear, so reducing any ethical, honorable basis for their own lives, so-as to afford said crap product, being persuaded to climb aboard the train of debt, particularly in the most evil game of land speculation, merely for a house in which to live, and the larger crises which range across whole societies and nations???

Trains of debt more or less forced upon them by totally immoral purveyors of unattainable delusions about how to be happy in the world, namely, western bank managers, etc, etc?

The same 'where are those...?' line, can or SHOULD be applied to every politician who stands up and claims they are 'the People's man', and who gets their slimy arse into or near-to government and thus extreme power by using language, false promises, false ideology and, most always..., heaps of 'charisma' or basically..., 'witchcraft' to fool the masses that they are right and should be voted in or unerringly followed and supported.

Same-same, with most all western religions' priests!

Once the thrill of 'CHANGE' wears-off, and the excitement of an election victory for those who backed one charlatan or another has passed, once the flaws and demonic aspects of such 'victories' are set into the culture and finally, painfully exposed, such as when excessive development becomes a dangerous dead-weight around the neck of the People-Collective and/or of the environment, where are those who were so brave as to stand up in front of a lost and desperate crowd and convince them that wealth, and CRAPITALISTIC competition is what everyone needs and indeed, are basic Human rights??

John Howard? (ex-Australian extreme right-wing prime minister from 1996-through-2007)

'We must be MORE competitive!'

Peter Costello? (ex-Australian Treasurer in same Howard fascist government)

'Have one baby for dad, one for mum, and one for the country!'

But two recent Australian examples of deeply erring, extremely self-serving politicians, with not an atom of Wisdom about what indeed is Best for each person and for the nation as-a-whole.

Without doubt, no matter where one might be on Earth in this day-and-age, each adult would be able to recall the names and actions, AND the miserable reactions to, some high-talking politician, priest, real estate agent or bankers' promises?

So extremely wary everyone must be, and no less in these latest nations where their People's are calling for 'CHANGE'!

Because those who are either 'selected' by a backroom consortium of power-brokers, elected by a power-hungry political group, or who (more than likely, naively) brave all and lead the charge against the military barricades, against the President's men, against the church or other secret coven of power-mongers, are far too often not totally aware of the failings in their own ideologies and personal wishes, in their beliefs about what makes for a Good, Sound, Wise and perennially Sustainable and Happy Community, nation and world.

So, we can be certain that if anyone near to these character-types comes into the mainstream media limelight, they are being encouraged by 'unseen hands', from elsewhere, and usually, those 'unseen hands' are firmly attached to the ruthless and extremely self-serving arms of the world's oligarchic elites.

This is why I will have nothing to do with any group which would place me on their pedestal, no matter what my 'heritage', bloodline, or political merit might be.

As a one-liner goes, which came to mind and into my diary notes a few months ago,

Leaders..., they make 'em to break 'em!”

So, in these exciting few moments in the Middle East, dutifully reported to blahdom by the world's media, we may well be at a significant point in time, in terms of Instituting GENUINE, full-blown, Truly Just and Scientifically-Accurate Democracy, with Environmental and Economic Laws to boot, but this is not something anyone outside of those activated nations can leave to the Egyptians and Tunisians and Jordanians, Et Al Et Al......!

The modern world is no longer one where each tribe, skin-type, clan or 'genetic nation' of peoples are still within their Traditional and Ancient Territories and Homelands.

We are all over the place, as-it-were. So each nation and region has intimate connections with each other region, nation, culture, people, and television network, not to mention to 'Twatter', 'Farcebook' or 'Yippee-i-aye' 'net-club.

Therefore, one, it is as likely now impossible for the psycho-pathologically greedy elites to silence Genuine Protest and Progress toward incorruptible Democratic Governance inn any one region or nation, because we are EVERYWHERE, and

two, everyone..., EVERYONE, no matter where, with a Conscience and even the slightest wish for a better world, has a Duty from here forward, to make their Support of those in the Middle East known, by whatever means necessary, by which I infer that as many People as possible, in every country, join each other on the streets, preferably outside their own parliaments, and with a show of force never seen before, call the whole political class to account, and to introduce the FUNDAMENTAL REFORMS we all know we all need, of Land and Tax Redistribution.

Bringing these two basic Reforms into Law, will be the boon we all dream of and so desperately need.


Today, there's not a politician on Earth who does not know about the bottomline issue of Land Rent for Government Revenue.

But, as it is very often a case of better that they are there (in parliament) than not, for otherwise more devious and callous bastards will get the jobs, and will hesitate even less to cream the profits and bribes and bags-of-cash, ignoring the cries of the People altogether, there is only so much any one political party, president or monarch can successfully do, in terms of any Genuine Economic Reforms and Governmentation for the overall Good of the People.

The same 'better that they are there, than some other, less ethical tyrant' applies, methinks, even to the discredited Egyptian near-as ex-President Mubarak.

Such positions in this recent epoch, are never the choice of such a man alone.

Mubarak, though this may offend some Egyptians, has had to do what he has been told, and not alone by the 'hawks' of the USA of the last 50 or so years.

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was in exactly the same situation, and all along had to play the game the way the more powerful forces, of the last 110 years, from the Brit-Eurapean elite, wanted him to.

Again, I apply my line: “Leaders..., they make 'em to break 'em!”

Yet another example of the erroneous belief systems, as-per Zionist Christianity, failings and dangers of looking for 'A' leader to save us, protect us, guide us or be victorious against some foe.


And all the monarchs, Presidents and senior ministers of government and opposition, be-you in the Middle East or in Britain, Eurape, the United States of America, Astrayliar (I'm allowed to call her that!), Africa and every other region and Nation on Earth!

The only Leader any of us need, is LAW!

And..., all Law, all True Law, has it's base in True, that-is irrefutable Ethical, Scientific, Economic Law.

Taking this to it's actual, complete conclusion or destination, brings us to Proper, Harmonious ENVIRONMENTAL Law.

By getting this Correctly Instituted into all nations' Constitutions, Humanity will instantly dissolve pretty-much all other psychological, economic, social and market failings, and will actually, not 'theoretically' (as is the basis of most western political assertion), release all of us from the deadly and deeply depressing debts to both men and to god, whomever, whatever each of us perceive That Supreme, to be.

Well before any Economic Scientist like the Great Henry George, or David Ricardo Et Al, arrived at their decisive economic, and thus social conclusions, the vast majority of thinking adults, in the quietude of their hearts, knew these basic truths.

Few of them, or of us today, need a 'university degree' in economics, or in accountancy, or in any belief system political-or-religious, to simply use our eyes and ears, and a clear mind to Know these fundamental, unchanging Truths.

But oh? How many have died grieving that something more equitable was not there for them to leave their progeny, than the tyranny of BULLSHIT economic hyperbola, and all the pain and suffering that follows it?

May the Light of Reason be Within You All, Egypt! Tunisia! Jordan! Palestine! Israel! And your outside and upclub colonists!

'Increase the Momentum', I say, by enlisting your diasporas far-and-wide, and your Military, and even your policing forces, to Call your monarchs and 'leaders' onto the Streets, to begin the reconciliation, and to begin to turn the weapons into ploughshares, as the old saying goes.

Land Reform. Taxation Reform.

Land Redistribution, from the dying notion of ever-increasing, overpopulated 'cities', to more Harmoniously, more Equitable Agrarian Villages.

Remove the terror of speculative profiteering on Land, even just so a family may live in squalor, such as in the 'flavellas' of Brazil, and in innumerable impoverished suburban margins in most every city and nation on Earth!

Fatalistic though my own beliefs are, this exposition in favour of LAW, as your only and safest 'Leader', is for the youth of Egypt and her neighbour-nations, Palestine AND Israel included, and for every crying mother, who pains over the unnecessary death of her children in the age-old war for a more Just Planet.

No 'King', 'Queen' 'President' or senior minister can deny the fundamental Truth in this Call for LAW to lead us.

Thus, they are asked to climb down from their towers a rung or ten, and to engage with their People, so that their People can Respect them as all wish they could.

Even the aggressive-compulsive within Israel's, America's and Brit-Eurape's military, might be convinced to agree and allow?

Lastly, in line with my assertions above and my firm beliefs, these words and thoughts cannot be claimed by myself as mine, or of my own mind.

Rather, the truth be known, I am but a 'medium', born to be but a 'channeller' of such thoughts.

Whence they actually come, I cannot say.

If there's any Resounding Truth within them, which comes from a higher place or mind, then use them to be guided to the Greater Wisdom contained in the Profound Writings of the likes of Master Henry George, born in Philadelphia USA, and who did his most Profound Work in San Francisco USA in the late 1800s.

Of Henry George's many Treatises on Economics, the one I found most appealing is “Social Problems”. Please find it and read it, especially to your kids!

Again, don't hold me high. I'm but a puppet, who will be glad when it's all over for this aging body....

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha


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