
NSW 2011 elections? More hilarity coming our way!

Power sale inquiry condemns NSW Govt
from the ABC online website.

What can we believe in NSW politics?

The Premier's rough-house attempts over the last week or so, to squash an investigation into the ALP state government's flogging-off of NSW's electricity corporation and networks, by 'proroguing' parliament, has NSW revisit the debacles in Sydney of 1808, when low scum so mocked and debauched the processes of government so much that the state of NSW, and thus, the whole of Australia, HAVE NEVER RECOVERED!

However, be warned!  Premier Keneally's posture, while smacking of stances taken in the '1808 Rum Rebellion' against the legitimate government of William Bligh, knowing New South FAILS as I do, sounds more to me like the Premier is doing as she is told, and is trying to so destroy the ALP rum club's reputation, so that voters will be so outraged, yet will only be able to process the condition and events etc, enough to enthuse them to trash the ALP, by voting in their coin's 'flip-side' - the even darker tyrants from the right-right-super-right wing Liberal National parties!

It's hard to believe that Kenneally could be so trenchant, without some heinous plan up her/their sleeves.  

And, from here, the plan is more than likely to be where they are tossed into the sin-bin for a few election cycles, until the voters forget, then they stage a come-back with a campaign aimed at the new generation of voters.  The gullible, self-centred, egomaniacal, new generation of voters.

 Funny how the typesettings in here have just gone haywire?

Argh! we can always rely on Australian coppers to fuck us over!

Will Australians be driven to get up and PROTEST after the March 2011 NSW election farce is completed and exposed, demanding the end to our three tier system of misgovernment?


Not here, me darlinks!  We'se still gettin' off the boats, and the jumbo jets, and we're here to steal YOUR land!

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw, for
Education &


apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!