
Outlaw Junction News-Chop WARRIOR DOWN Edition

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Outlaw Junction



Well...., to all related to Warrior Sean Hoare, who apparently fell overnight (AEST), “Condolences!

Rest Easy, in the Knowledge that He had Done Good, for the Good of All!

As well..., be assured that his passing has not been in vein.

Quite the opposite!

He rests Easy now, and his work of his last Life, and in his selfless act in facing death, are but inspirations to us all, who fight the Good Fight against the Goliath of tyranny we know as News International (NI), and all it's branches, and overlords!

But further, that monster is itself but an arm of the larger beast, perhaps by name 'the Illuminati', perhaps it has another name. I generalise and call it the 'golden calf tribe'.

So, without overdoing it, That Warrior, Sean Hoare, has done more than most of us could have, in his Righteous Whistle-blowing, and in his last act.

As we all know, 'it ain't over, 'til it's over!'

But we are empowered more each news bulletin, with the dominoes falling a-pace.

However, those 'dominoes' who have either resigned or been outed from the belly of the beast, be-it NI, the London Met Police, Scotland Yard, or higher still into Whitehall and Westminster, should still be deserving of our Respect.

Because too many of them have taken the tumble after themselves becoming victim to the fearsome pressure such over-sized mechanisms are able to muster.

Most of them/us, would resist if we were able, but it's methods are many and ceaseless, so it has to be expected that there would be some who cannot stand true and untainted, and so some of us as-if, have to fall prey.

Perhaps that the rest of us are able to continue, and be strengthened from their demise.

He, Sean Hoare, will not be forgotten.

However, while I sense that in media all over now, there is a feeling that we are really, at last, onto something profound in the way of making straight the road, by ourselves, journos and reporters and editors and publishers and all those influenced and related to media in-general, bringing these, phone tapping, police involvement etc, underhanded, utterly unacceptable practices to light and to the forefront of news bulletins, bulletins which our political reps cannot now ignore, be on guard, because the dark side is always employing/deploying evasive tactics, and all the publicity of the moment they/it uses, to steer the Good Guys away, and once more into the 'ditch'.

Because this is not just a fight against the shopfront of the likes of the Murdoch media houses, who specialise in distraction-news and drama and general fiction.

The maladies they so profit-from extends deep into the heart of our own families, societies, cultures, cities, towns, villages and farmlands and forests.

I guarantee you, that if we succeed in bringing down the Murdoch empire, and all dance-off in victory to the pub, expecting to be able to look more positively at life and work and the future from here forward, another devil will be shuffling the cards somewhere, stacking the deck to their advantage, sometime into the future.

Sorry to sound so melodramatic, like the proverbial 'voice calling from the desert', albeit that this is pretty-much exactly what I am.. I'm consciously not using 'biblical language' (a..hum..., OK..., just one 'ditch'!) to keep it real, and in this 21st century, not the romantic crap era of times-passed.

Because it seems to me, that, even though I am the puppet I am, I'm very aware that most all of what we look to for strength and guidance and hope, are but fabrications of the most powerful propaganda institutes of all time - Rome, and the secret societies of England, Scotland, the USA and Israel.

We've got to be ever on guard against being sucked right into their game of fooling us that we are stoning Goliath, or, worse, that I, the puppet child of that same house of pernicious deceit and corruption, Catholicism, the golden calf tribe, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, et al, am the Prophet, the saviour, by being trapped in this occult cage and thus have little less to spend my Intellectual, physical and psychic energy on.

Really, I would as much at least, prefer to be tinkering with something like a small stable of old BSA motorbikes (A-10 650cc Rocket Gold Stars!), building a small but comfy bush shack, and, firing missives of REALPolitical content off via the 'net.

But clearly, Murdoch-senior at least, has been tinkering with my freedom, and with my direction (and with my erection), as has James, but, bizarrely, as portrayed in Smallville, James has tried to bring me down for years.

These off-the-planet scenarios blow my mind, in-the-main because it is all around the totally corrupt and fallacious notion that I am JC-and-Merlin reborn.

So, as the saying goes, we have to strike while the iron is hot, and use what we've gained this far, to force the rest of the devils out into the open.

Not throwing British PM Cameron into the 'devil' basket exactly, but his being implicated, exposes the Conservatives as party to the bullshit.

I read on Wikipedia I think, that Cameron is related to Queen Elizabeth Windsor. Therefore how separated are Cameron, his agendas, plans and shenanigans, from the royal house?

Most who are following this all closely, also know that the Murdoch bloke 'Hinton' who resigned a few days ago, is married to a woman who worked as an aide to Gordon Brown, while he was PM I think.

Hinton was boss of Dow Jones for fuck's sake! So how much has Murdoch and coven been influencing/running stock market affairs, not only in Britain, but in Dow Jone's home turf - the USA?

And....., I think what the Righteous Media has to also focus their investigative eye on, is “who does Murdoch answer to?”

We all know this is not just about Murdoch's megalomania, and that he, like most of the upclubsters, be-they ex-US-Vice-President Dick Cheney, President's GH and GW Bush, Bill Clinton, and current US Secretary for Foreign Affairs, wife Hillary Clinton, et al et al et al, are all in the super-elite clubhouse, with others like the Presidents and PMs of Israel, all key Eurapean nations, etc etc.

So..., without going to the top floor, and washing-out these, generally sincere, it must be said, elites, who stand in front of the media and issue policies which clearly are inhumane and unsupportable, both, in most cases, legally and ethically, but most definitely economically and environmentally, hauling the Murdochs and their relatively small (beer) courterie of upclub, deluded megalomaniacs over the coals of inquiry and (REALITY CHECK KANGAROO COURTS!) courts of law, has to be taken all the way, deep into the heart, not of 'politics', but of 'economics'.

Otherwise, it has all been a farce, if the whole cultural structure - not just a few elite lives - is not fully exposed, brought to account, deconstructed and re-assembled with some fundamental economic corrections, and these sensational events of the last few...., will in the end, be lost in history as but a glitch in the march of tyranny to destroy all reason and balance, and perhaps the species.




The whole British police service must be in disarray now, what with two top cops getting the chop. Resigning actually, but one way or the other, the axe is falling.

No doubt there are plenty of coppers in Australia who are afraid of being outed also, because they have been at the root of corrupt activities against the environment and the people at least since 1788. Corruption, not far removed from that under the spotlight in London's Met and Scotland Yard now, is more than endemic here. It is the driver and bottomline policy of policing.

I have no sympathy for coppers, after what the pigs have done to me, but they are like the rest of us, under immense and more pressure from far more evil characters and ideologies, far above their levels of operations.

Nevertheless.., they are undoubtedly also acting here hoping to evade the critical eyes of media and the public.

It's clear to me that media and political houses all over are in overdrive, because most of them are also guilty of the same transgressions the NotW has been found guilty of. And, what the British politicians should soon be found guilty of.....

Such is the nature of our times and of our culture, be-it in media, or in politics, but especially in that whore of Babylon - CRAPitalism.

I think most experienced Journos and Reporters know this full-well, but HEY! What chance of making it right?

Again..., who has been behind Murdoch's enterprising games?

Clearly, the world of, the mindless, heartless juggernaut of industry, of global corporate power drives most of this 'money-game' of this insatiable beast of MORE MORE MORE.

And what power it has!

Billions are lured irretrievably into it's massive web, and few of them are able, even when the opportunity arises, to let go of the gossamer thin thread they've been given to cling to.

Clearly also, the most sinister methods and misapplications of witchcraft - hypnotism, in modern language - underlie all of this. This is what holds the masses in the net of the totally unsustainable, totally ignorant, totally illogical and unintelligent Judeo-Christian 'western first-world mainstream'.

So getting to the core of the corruption meets with unreason at each step, from the masses the investigation is trying to help!?

Down-here-down-the-sewer, in Astrayliar, already the Murdoch media, holding some 70% ownership of all Australian newspapers, and it's/his right wing political party accomplices are stepping-up their anti-government campaigning, using the IN-REALITY 'non-issue' of the 'carbon tax', recently passed through parliament and for introduction in the taxation system soon, as a reason to call an early election.

But another desperate try at distracting media and the public's eye from the more vital, more crucial issues at play in Britain now.

Tragically, there are a lot of Australians who agree that the ALP/Greens/Independents' government is a failure, and are backing an idiot as the next PM.

Many against them are but old-decrepit minds who have been told the Greens are evil, for caring for the environment and not so much for material wealth. Amazing?

Media, allegedly more balanced than Murdoch's rags, and politicians afraid of being implicated down under in this British media expose, offshore mining corporations, banks and others deeply and long embedded in the same underlying corruption which the latest affairs are threatening to expose in Britain, the USA and elsewhere, are all up-scaling their propaganda and assessments of both the dangers ahead and that things are running OK.

An amazingly deficient means of assessing government performance - opinion polls - rate-and-slate the government as down to 26% support, and dickhead, totally offshore-corruption-based opposition politicians say quite untrue things like ...the people of Australia want an election...” (paraphrased).

Media uses opinion polls like they are nectar, while no-one goes to the fact that the polls are from some few thousand, at-most, people, and no-one challenges the veracity, seeking to get proof that the question-calls were actually made, or to whom, which class, employment sectors, demographics or suburban/rural areas the respondents were from.

Yet all the while media appears to be sending us into a national frenzy that the government is failing us and that we have to dismiss them?!

It is no coincidence that Murdoch media is right in there, upsetting the government and the People's understanding of how Righteous and successful the ALP/Greens/Independent's federal government is doing.

Surely, no-one in Australia, who follows these national and global events which so involve media, are blind to the connections, and that most all parties, political, corporate, religious, media, stock market, banking, civil service, from Britain to Australia are in-it-deep, and therefore are in over-panic-mode, trying desperately to upset anything to get the public's attention, and thus possibly ire, away from the FACT that the whole fucking system is terminal and is actually being shown, TOO LATE to have fallen over the cliff already?

Each day, I'm depressingly reminded of how stupid the average Australian is, and this knowledge is proven with each news bulletin showing utter idiots demonstrating against government's Honorable attempts to at least lessen the tragedy all the world has coming, in the implosion and possible shut-down of the planet's environment.

Idiots who are conned by the world's most expert tricksters to believe that the environment is not and will not be effected by our extreme abuse of energy and resources and the resultant pollutants.

Idiots who, it seems, cannot even ask the most simple questions of what they see hear and smell each minute they are awake and out in suburbia or in industrial zones or in the central cities, or amidst the clearly dangerously unbalanced monocrop, broadacre farming regions, dedicated to either cattle or wheat.

Idiots who cannot add-up even the most simple sums, such as whether there has to be an accumulation of pollutants from the filthy industries, to a point where they have serious and negative effects upon the atmosphere's ability to produce oxygen and other chemicals necessary for the biosphere to keep working.

Yet they all profess to be intelligent and are for the future.

And that's just about the environment!

That the vast majority of Australians get-up and go to working in totally unsustainable jobs in deadly industries each day, under the delusion that after saving a little bit more, or after scamming or slaving just a little bit more, they'll reach 'Nirvana' or material security, is astounding!

So.., those in media and politics certainly have their work cut-out for them, in trying to bring to account these corrupt persons and behaviours and cultures in such as Britain's media, parliament and societies?

And in the USA. In Australia. Globally.

Does this means it's too hard, and that we should just shut-up-shop and go to the pub, or find the local smack dealer?

Maybe so......

Or..., we could all get off our fatcells, Unite, and march on … LOCAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS..... STATE PARLIAMENT...... CANBERRA, and demand a few rudimentary corrections to economic policy.

To not, is to be a traitor to all life, which the evil Catholics and medical professions say is Sacred!

Those who turn away from their Democratic Duty, are obviously not part of that Sacred thing called 'Life'.

Whatever happens from here-forward, we can be sure the weather, or, 'The Tempest' in Shakespearean terms, will be very awake, wet, stormy and thunderous into the future.

Monarchs and other corrupt dynasties of the western realm have used it against the People for aeons.....

Once more, RIP Sean Hoare! and Condolences to his Close Ones!

Omaxa 'Blue Meanee' bin Eartha

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of


Omaxa bin Eartha

aka Max Earth



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